Feedback: Shopping Cart Icon

by TinyDancer189

Original Post

Re: Pulsating Shopping Button

★★★ Apprentice

That's a new feature ? That button may be the very worst idea that EA have ever had.

Nobody need that «feature». Everybody and their neighbour hate it. And the pulsing ? That's making a Bad thing even worst.


The packs that I don't already own are those that I just do not want, and for some, that's even if they where free. So, that button «enticing» me to buy them is just a total waste.


If EA don't remove it, we'll need a moder to publish a mod to suppress it. Then, for someone to crack the console versions to enable them to use mods so that console players can get access to the mods that correct some outstanding bugs and get rid of that button.

Message 81 of 582 (1,529 Views)

Re: [OPEN] Pulsating Shopping Button

[ Edited ]
★★ Guide

I'm absolutely stunned no one on the development team understood the potential implications for players with certain conditions, especially those with light sensitivities, seizure disorders, anxiety, etc. Stunned. I've been a huge, consistent supporter and this mess has finally made me angry, for the first time. And whoever suggested the cart would be a great marketing tactic should be transferred to janitorial duties because they know nothing about marketing.

Message 82 of 582 (1,503 Views)

Re: Remove Shopping Cart Icon

★★★★★ Apprentice

Just chiming in to say this is a real scummy move...and completely unnecessary! We already, upon login, have to see all the stuff on sale! What was wrong with that? No one wants to stop playing in the middle of their game to buy a pack. And if they did, for some reason, they could just save and go to the main menu to do it! Why add this in live mode? Man hours were spent making a new intrusive cash grab instead of fixing years' old bugs, or making wedding stories functional, or rent actually be paid, landlord events functional, making dine-out a functioning pack (they'll leave that to Carl's Guides/Mods I guess) etc. God forbid bugs get fixed, when the execs can crack the whip and make the devs create a cash-grab button no one wants or likes, and will actively mobilize even the staunchest fans to stop playing... and paying.

Message 83 of 582 (1,842 Views)

Re: Remove Shopping Cart Icon

★★★★★ Novice

Yeah, my entire reaction to this can be summed up as "kill it with fire". It's annoying, intrusive, blatantly greedy, and an active health risk.

Message 84 of 582 (1,817 Views)

Re: [OPEN] Pulsating Shopping Button

★★★★★ Apprentice

so, I had someone argue, in a sims discord server, that it's NOT A FLASHING LIGHT and it should not affect you in any way, just a TESTING PHASE by EA and ONLY temporary! I DONT BELIEVE THIS AT ALL

Message 85 of 582 (1,465 Views)

Re: Pulsating Shopping Button

★★ Guide

I want to say that I also didn't like and don't agree with this update. In addition to being distracting from the gameplay, it is a terrible marketing strategy. And placing it next to the gallery button on purpose is audacious and disrespectful, to say the least. We already have too many ads on the home page.


Product: The Sims 4

Platform: PC


Which language are you playing the game in? Portuguese Brazil

How often does the bug occur? 100%

What is your current game version number?

What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? All

Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? click on the lovely new shopping cart button by mistake and then go in CAS/World view

What happens when the bug occurs? This lovely button pulsating again after each loading screen.

What do you expect to see? No pulsating (and remove it, please!)

Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Yes. Maps replacements.


Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system?

Message 86 of 582 (1,417 Views)

Re: [OPEN] Pulsating Shopping Button

★★★★★ Novice

I've been a dedicated Maxis customer for decades and have invested a significant amount in your games. However, the recent addition of a constantly blinking shopping cart in the UI is incredibly disruptive and feels like an aggressive push for content I don't want. It's seriously hindering my enjoyment of the game.

I'm concerned this signals a troubling change in EA's priorities, similar to what happened with SimCity. If this trend of intrusive monetization continues, I'll be forced to reconsider my loyalty to The Sims franchise.


While I appreciate your need for revenue, this approach is counterproductive. I love the sandbox aspect of The Sims, but constant in-game advertisements are unacceptable in a product I've already paid for. I urge you to remove this UI element and reconsider strategies that prioritize player experience over short-term profit. Otherwise, you risk losing loyal customers like myself.

Message 87 of 582 (1,513 Views)

Re: [OPEN] Pulsating Shopping Button

★ Guide

Congratulations EA, you've now made it so I will not buy another pack until this button is removed from gameplay.  If you insist on leaving it then keep it to the home screen only, but seriously, making it pulse is just obnoxious.

Message 88 of 582 (1,514 Views)

Re: [OPEN] Pulsating Shopping Button

[ Edited ]
★★★★ Guide

This pulsating thing can't be unintentional right? 

I just can't believe it!!


By the way the shopping cart icon is in a very bad position!

I use the gallery all the time and I'm constantly clicking on it by mistake. 

If EA thinks that I have any intention to buy new stuff because of this...NO!!

You can't use my missclicks as data to sell me more packs!! 


Please take this button down!

Message 89 of 582 (1,506 Views)

I don't want your shopping cart

★★ Guide

Product: The Sims 4
Which language are you playing the game in? English
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
What is your current game version number?
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? A bunch
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Get rid of the feature
What happens when the bug occurs? It sucks every last ounce of joy out of my soul
What do you expect to see? Not money grabbing slimy marketing tactics IN GAME
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Yes
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? Yes
Please describe the patch or change you made. It's literally an added feature to the update

  • This new feature is truly an atrocity. It's incredibly inconsiderate to people with mental and physical health conditions. It's also insane to put in the gameplay portion of the Sims. The game literally opens to ads for packs. It doesn't need to also be ever present when playing. That's such a terrible way to treat people who put hundreds to thousands of dollars into a game they love, not a cheap money grab mobile game... It's a huge deterrent and I feel less inclined to buy any new packs or spend as much time in game. 
Message 90 of 582 (1,836 Views)

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