Re: Answers HQ Online Security Newsletter - May

by Its_Travis_199

Original Post

Re: Answers HQ Online Security Newsletter - May

Great Newsletter 🫡👍


Greets, Travis

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Message 31 of 47 (596 Views)

Re: Answers HQ Online Security Newsletter - May


OK, so I'm still working on this and getting nowhere fast, but I think that #3 is using a

Caesar cipher

Might help someone else crack it possibly. Assuming I'm not wrong of course...



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AHQ Guardian - Volunteer Moderator

Message 32 of 47 (519 Views)

Dot.: Answers HQ Online Security Newsletter - May

[ Edited ]
Community Manager

I realize this month's challenge turned out to be a bit more complex than anticipated. 😮


But don’t worry, I’m here to help you navigate through task 1 and 2 of the challenge! 


My reply will be breakdown of solving first two tasks, but it will be split into couple spoilers. My suggestion would be to open them one by one, and whenever you feel that you are on the right track to solve the task by yourself - go for it!


Cracking those two task should give you an idea on how to resolve the rest of the tasks, but I'll be here ready to help you out! 😊




Let's start with the bold words from the first clues:

• chess
• positions
• ciphers

Many of you correctly guessed that the last part of the quiz shows a chessboard. The positions of the pawns are arranged in a popular opening called the Queen's Gambit.
Let's remember this for solving the next task.



The third word in bold was ciphers. In previous newsletters, I used several ciphers to encode messages. These included:


  • Caesar cipher
  • Vigenère cipher
  • Bifid cipher

Now let's look at task 2 of our challenge:



And for the last hints:

"A keyword in task one, seek and find,
To task two, bring it, they intertwine.


Flip the script, reverse the tale,
Solve the riddle, you shall prevail.


To unveil the secret, you must strive,
Use a cipher, let the code come alive."



Looking at the first rhyme, it indicates finding the keyword in the first task. The keyword from the first task/ quiz is

Queen's Gambit
The second tip is to reverse the text. and the last is about the use of the cipher. The only ciphers that need the keyword are:



  • Vigenère cipher
  • Bifid cipher


Let's gather all this information, and use CyberChef to help us crack the cipher in task 2. 


I've prepared a link for you with all necessary information already typed in.





As you can see the answer looks quite familiar:



If you try to use this link it won't load any page, because the last part (


) is (again 😅) encoded. 

CyberChef will again help you out solving this part. 

Just like last time, I've prepared a little help for you.  



The output of the tool gives us:


Let's swap decoded part into our




above is the solution to task 2.


But what's next? 😉






Message 33 of 47 (481 Views)

Re: Answers HQ Online Security Newsletter - May

★ Novice
@EA_Kuba 非常有趣的时事通讯。竖起大拇指
Message 34 of 47 (447 Views)

Re: Answers HQ Online Security Newsletter - May

Hey @xLFing Just so you know, you need to use English on this particular forum I'm afraid.

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AHQ Guardian - Volunteer Moderator

Message 35 of 47 (438 Views)

Re: Answers HQ Online Security Newsletter - May

★★★★★ Expert

@xLFing wrote:

Thumbs up

Message 36 of 47 (393 Views)

Dot.: Answers HQ Online Security Newsletter - May

Community Manager

Hello everyone,😊

While you are working on solving the challenge tasks, I wanted to share with you some news that I recently encountered.

Many of you probably know that the health service in Great Britain was hit by a ransomware attack. It was recently revealed that this incident occurred after an employee downloaded a malware-infected file.


The incident highlights the critical importance of cybersecurity awareness and training to prevent phishing-related attacks.

You can learn more details about this from this article.

Message 37 of 47 (306 Views)

Dot.: Answers HQ Online Security Newsletter - May

@EA_Kuba Unfortunately it didn't just happen in England! In the hospital where I work, they managed in time and fortunately to contain the ransomware downloaded by a manager who was convinced he was opening an attached invoice; other institutions have not been so lucky or farsighted!


[Bafan The Wolfman]

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Message 38 of 47 (295 Views)

Dot.: Answers HQ Online Security Newsletter - May


@EA_Kuba wrote:

Hello everyone,😊

While you are working on solving the challenge tasks, I wanted to share with you some news that I recently encountered.

Many of you probably know that the health service in Great Britain was hit by a ransomware attack. It was recently revealed that this incident occurred after an employee downloaded a malware-infected file.


The incident highlights the critical importance of cybersecurity awareness and training to prevent phishing-related attacks.

You can learn more details about this from this article.

Unfortunately I don't think it's the first time someone has done that to the NHS. I think something similar happened to TalkTalk and Sony UK in the past too.

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AHQ Guardian - Volunteer Moderator

Message 39 of 47 (252 Views)

Dot.: Answers HQ Online Security Newsletter - May

[ Edited ]
Community Manager

Hey @Bafanc Thanks for sharing this story with us. I am glad that, thanks to the attentiveness of the staff, the disaster was averted. 😌


This story ended on a positive note, but as @ElliotLH  mentioned, a few  years ago there was a situation that turned out slightly differently. This reminded me an interesting episode of a podcast - Modem Mischief Podcast Episode 43 which covered this situation, have a listen! Also, let me know if you have any favourite podcasts set in the world of cybersecurity. 😊


*Challenge tip*
It's also time for another tip for this monthly challenge. I thought I would repeat the way I presented the tips last week. If at any time you feel that the tips are enough for you, continue on your own.


*Newsletter challenges surprise*
I'll tell you now that, in the next issue of the newsletter (in just over a week), we have a surprise prepared for you related to challenges in the newsletter! 😉


But let's get to the tips! 😁


In the previous part, we managed to decrypt a certain
Let's check it out. 
The thread appears to have been edited when the May issue of the newsletter was published: 

November - last edited 3 weeks ago.

So let's check what changes could have been made.

Has the text been changed? 

Have the links been changed? 

Has the photo been changed? 

You can compare this information with a parallel published thread that has not been edited - link.
Again, at first glance, there appears to be no change to the text. 
What else could have been changed that can't be seen? 
You may remember the "invisible ink" challenge from previous editions of the newsletter. 
Let's check the notebook method and copy all the text to Notepad. 
We found another coded message: 

--- .-.. -.. ..-. .- .. - .... ..-. ..- .-..

What now? 

Let's go back to the task list. Comparing tasks number two and three, they look somewhat similar to each other. 

So let's check if we can solve this puzzle using the previous scheme of action. 


Message 40 of 47 (194 Views)