Dot.: Answers HQ Online Security Newsletter - January

by Its_Travis_199

Original Post

Re: Answers HQ Online Security Newsletter - January


@EA_KubaThank you very much for all the newsletters and cybersecurity tips, as well as the questionnaires.


Message 11 of 14 (234 Views)

Re: Answers HQ Online Security Newsletter - January

★★★★★ Expert

Not got much on this one.  Only use PS5 which obviously highly restricts what you can and can’t download 

Message 12 of 14 (204 Views)

Dot.: Answers HQ Online Security Newsletter - January

Community Manager

Hey everyone,

Thanks for your replies Standard smile

We are close to the next newsletter which will be posted this Thursday, just a few touch-ups and it will be ready.

Hopefully, you'll enjoy it. I can give you a sneak peek that we've prepared some challenges for you.

@ScarDuck14 Yes, that's a good point on downloading. Consoles (PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo, etc.) use their own source of game downloads which is managed by the console manufacturer. This way, there is a very, very small chance to download anything malicious.

Message 13 of 14 (173 Views)

Dot.: Answers HQ Online Security Newsletter - January

@EA_Kuba Heart


Can never know enough about these topics.


Greets, Travis

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Message 14 of 14 (130 Views)