Dragon age inquisition wont recognise dlc

by ilsavar

Original Post

Dragon age inquisition wont recognise dlc

★★ Newbie


After buying Dragon Age Inquisition and playing on ea play, my games no longer recognise that I have the DLC. I've tried going through ea help, but it's been the worst experience in my life attempting banal troubleshooting helpdesk sheet walkthroughs when the known problem is, in fact, an error with how they store the profile option file info. The only method I have found to fix this is by using a mod on Nexus mods to replace this file.


does anyone know how to fix this without having to use the game in offline mode?

Message 1 of 3 (280 Views)

Re: Dragon age inquisition wont recognise dlc

Community Manager
Hi @ilsavar, to confirm can you not install any DLC or does the game file you have not recognize there installed?


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Message 2 of 3 (207 Views)

Re: Dragon age inquisition wont recognise dlc

★ Guide
@ilsavar Welcome to the pain we've all experienced trying to get EA to solve this problem. Only person I've seen fix this without using the ProfileOptions mod I uploaded had to buy the game through Steam.
Message 3 of 3 (143 Views)