Dragon age inquisition does not launch through epic games

by yugis123

Original Post

Re: Dragon age inquisition does not launch through epic games

★★★ Novice

We both got the game on Epic Games at the same time and for the first time. And his laptop is 11 years old too so i really thought my computer would have no issues with it.

Message 41 of 48 (677 Views)

Re: Dragon age inquisition does not launch through epic games

★★★ Newbie

Just tried installing it direct from Origin and it's still not doing anything. The fixes suggested by @holger1405 didn't help. Is there anything else I can do to try to get this running?

Message 42 of 48 (652 Views)

Re: Dragon age inquisition does not launch through epic games

★★★ Newbie

I received the game from EGS, played it for over 20 hours and at some point the game turned off. The computer did not restart, the next day I tried to start the game, but it did not start. I tried to reinstall EA and the game, deleted EA from the registry and installed it again, naturally, after all the reinstallations, I rebooted the computer, the latest drivers for my video card were installed from the official AMD website. I think EA just decided to block access to the game because I got it for free from EGS. I can't find any other explanation.

Message 43 of 48 (559 Views)

Re: Dragon age inquisition does not launch through epic games

★★★ Newbie

Hi, I am trying to play the game as well, but I can't seem to get the game to run; it only runs as a background process. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the game, EA, and Epic as well as restarting my PC and updating drivers, but nothing seems to work. I ran a dxdiag as per your previous suggestions and attached it below. I would appreciate any help.

Message 44 of 48 (508 Views)

Re: Dragon age inquisition does not launch through epic games

[ Edited ]
★★★ Newbie

have any of you tried to reinstall Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable package, if you run exe file error is  0xc00007b and it is problem with missing dll files, unfortunately, there is no any log in windows app log so I don't know how to recognize which version is missing. maybe some expert can do this.  

Message 45 of 48 (474 Views)

Re: Dragon age inquisition does not launch through epic games

[ Edited ]
★★★ Novice

hi as the original i got the game from epic too
and got same error
it was working fine earlier i got this problem like 2 days ago i know its not the games fault its the launcher stuff since i allready played the game for like 50+ hours
game just does not launch some times it gets stuck on preparing game some times its goe back to ea home page and nothing happens
i tried most of the steps available on net  been trying for non-stop
cleared cache / game cache  / pc cache  / updated drivers  watched all videos on youtube to fix and tried everything
tried reinstall ea / epic /  dragon age inq  after hard deleting everything
can you please help i request 

edit Frownfor the sake of it i installed other ea games and yeah problem with everyone of them its the launcher issue )


Message 46 of 48 (384 Views)

Re: Dragon age inquisition does not launch through epic games

★★★★★ Newbie

Hey, sorry to bother but I really want to try this game, can you please help me,


the game actually does launch but it keeps loading and never enters the main menu,


Message 47 of 48 (332 Views)

Re: Dragon age inquisition does not launch through epic games

★★★ Newbie

what should i do?

Message 48 of 48 (213 Views)