Re: Per Optics ADS Sensitivity Not Saving Properly

by Nothing1at1all

Original Post

Per Optics ADS Sensitivity Not Saving Properly

★★★ Newbie

Every time I log off the game my per optics ADS sensitivity gets messed up it also happens when you get disconnected due to inactivity. I don't know if the problem also affects per optics ADS sensitivity on controller, maybe any of you can test it out.


Giving an example: 1x Optic is set at 0.50, x2 is set at 0.65, x3 at 0.75, and x4,x6,x8,x10 are all set at 0.85 . When I log off the game and reenter, all sensitivity values with decimal numbers set at the hundredths will round to the nearest tenth. Meaning that the values will now be: 1x optic 0.5, x2 at 0.7, x3 at 0.8, and x4,x6,x8,x10 will all be at 0.9.

I should not have to change the settings every time I log in. Its just annoying.


Message 1 of 6 (444 Views)

Re: Per Optics ADS Sensitivity Not Saving Properly

Community Manager

Hey @Nothing1at1all,


Thanks for reporting this. 

Can you please try to go to: C:\Users\[Your user name]\Saved Games\Respawn and rename the Apex folder found there? 

Once you've done that, please try repairing the game. Now access the game change your settings to the desired settings and check if the issue will still happen. 


Message 2 of 6 (384 Views)

Re: Per Optics ADS Sensitivity Not Saving Properly

★★★ Newbie

Hello and thank you, went and did just that. It did reset my settings, but It now keeps them when I exit the game. I don't mind setting them up again as long as I only have to do it once and not continuously. 

Interestingly it did open the opening cutscene of the current season, made me think for a second that I would have to log in again. I think it recognized my steam ID.

Message 3 of 6 (353 Views)

Re: Per Optics ADS Sensitivity Not Saving Properly

Community Manager
@Nothing1at1all Thanks for letting me know! I'm glad that worked! Standard smile


Message 4 of 6 (290 Views)

Re: Per Optics ADS Sensitivity Not Saving Properly

★★★ Newbie

Sorry, I was too quick to celebrate. It only worked during that Thursday in reply #3. Friday comes and its happened again. I played normally, then I noticed the inconsistency in aim. I warmed up and played a few games, thinking that was it. Until I felt like checking those settings and there they were messed up again, with the same rounding decimal hundredth numbers rounding to tenths. I think this may be something I cannot fix on my own, instead something to be patched on the developers' side.

I had accepted your reply as a solution but now I cannot undo it. Is it something you/ any moderator can undo, or should I start a new thread? 

Message 5 of 6 (169 Views)

Re: Per Optics ADS Sensitivity Not Saving Properly

★★★ Newbie
@Nothing1at1all Found out how to undo it.
Message 6 of 6 (144 Views)