Missing Predator rewards

by lolataco

Original Post

Re: Missing Predator rewards

★ Apprentice
@Wasp_Almighty Wow so they still haven't fixed it when there has bin reports back in S10 !? I feel I have no hope now and ever receiving my first pred badge after playing since season 0 I can't believe they would do this to us all
Message 81 of 623 (3,160 Views)

Re: Did not receive Apex Predator Badge

★★★★★ Newbie
@EA_Mako pls reply to us i,we played 24/7 to get pred and not master
Message 82 of 623 (3,146 Views)

Re: Did not receive Apex Predator Badge

★★★★ Apprentice

I believe respawn/EA are aware of this issue as I can see it listed on their Trejo board




We just have to pray that they release the fix for this in the next patch and don’t ignore it for multiple seasons like they have before. I’m hopeful this time they will fix it as it looks like hundreds of people on Xbox who didn’t get the rewards!

Message 83 of 623 (3,121 Views)

Re: Did not receive Apex Predator Badge

★★★★ Apprentice

I take that back, I’m not massively hopeful as I have just seen that they started investigating this issue in February. Hopefully due to the volume of the bug this season they address it Standard smile

Message 84 of 623 (3,117 Views)

Re: Did not receive Apex Predator Badge

★★★★★ Newbie
@Dunnoh91 when is the patch comes?
Message 85 of 623 (3,108 Views)

Re: Season 12 Predator Rewards Bug

★ Apprentice

Gamertag:Evyes (Xbox)

Message 86 of 623 (3,097 Views)

Re: Did not receive Apex Predator Badge

★★★★ Apprentice

I don’t know. They haven’t said anything about it. Maybe one of the community managers here could tell us? Thanks 

Message 87 of 623 (3,033 Views)

Re: Wrong rank and no rewards after season 11 split

★★★ Newbie

Was wondering why I received a master badge when I finished pred second split 

Message 88 of 623 (3,025 Views)

Re: Missing Predator rewards

★★★ Newbie

Same issue for me

Message 89 of 623 (3,008 Views)

Re: Missing Predator rewards

★★★ Newbie

So I had hit arena pred the first split of season 12, and like plat the second split. For some reason, when season 13 came out I have an animated arena masters badge. I’m confused on how that’s even possible. My friend had hit arena pred too, lower RP and got the rewards no problem. I’ve also seen other content creators have this problem. EA please fix your game. Stop dropping updates when every single time, a game breaking glitch comes out. 13 seasons in and y’all are actually not delivering ranked rewards???  

Message 90 of 623 (2,964 Views)