Re: Missing Predator rewards

by Dunnoh91

Original Post

Re: Missing Predator rewards

★★★ Newbie
@Dunnoh91 I haven't waited as long as you but I've waited long as hell, and I know for a fact that this isn't a resolved issue, I've waited too damn long for something that I worked for, I give up on Apex in general, Titanfall was better ngl, at least we got our rewards when they were due
Message 621 of 623 (549 Views)

Re: Missing Predator rewards

★★★★ Apprentice

It’s never going to be fixed. 

Community managers have literally zero power to fix a problem or influence the developers.


This forum is simply optics to look like they engage their community. 

All the data is just sitting there but no luck. No response from EA support. Nothing. 

If you’re reading this, don’t bother posting. Just give up. 

Message 622 of 623 (363 Views)

Re: Missing Predator rewards

★ Apprentice

Has this been fixed for anyone? I had an issue with a missing pred badge over 2 years ago (early 2022) and I haven't played this game for a year. I was wondering if two and a half years has been enough time to find a solution?

Message 623 of 623 (73 Views)