Re: Custom sliders don’t save

by iMBPi

Original Post

Accepted Solution

Custom sliders don’t save

★ Guide

Product: NHL 24
Platform:PlayStation 5 Digital Edition
What is your gamertag/PSN ID? NicCrosby87
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Edit gameplay sliders, go in Play Now or any modes and even if you created a Preset it won’t save. For example, CPU teammate penalties turned down to 0, played a game, got a cpu penalty went to sliders and it was back to 40.
What happens when the bug occurs? Some of the sliders are back to default even though it’s a preset saved
What do you expect to see? This problem fixed and sliders saved for once.
Was the issue in online or offline mode? Offline
Insert Game Mode or Feature here Play Now
What time did you see the bug? (HH:MM AM/PM)
What is your time zone? EAT - GMT + 3:00
EASHL issues? Please insert your Club Region.
What is your game language? English

I saw this exact issue in a NHL22 thread.. hope it gets fixed soon.

Message 1 of 7 (1,056 Views)

Accepted Solution

Re: Custom sliders don’t save

★ Guide
@NicCrosby87 I’ve had this problem too. The way I’ve been able to fix it is before hitting play now I’ve gone into settings and gone to sliders JUST TO SEE it be the correct settings I have it on. Same thing with my line strategies, before I hit play. It’s annoying that you have to do it every game but that’s all I got. Hopefully this helps in the meantime while EA tries to find a fix

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Message 2 of 7 (995 Views)

All Replies

Re: Custom sliders don’t save

★ Guide
@NicCrosby87 I’ve had this problem too. The way I’ve been able to fix it is before hitting play now I’ve gone into settings and gone to sliders JUST TO SEE it be the correct settings I have it on. Same thing with my line strategies, before I hit play. It’s annoying that you have to do it every game but that’s all I got. Hopefully this helps in the meantime while EA tries to find a fix
Message 2 of 7 (996 Views)

Re: Custom sliders don’t save

★★★★★ Novice

Have the same issue in Franchise Mode.

Message 3 of 7 (949 Views)

Re: Custom sliders don’t save

★ Novice

Is anyone at EA going to fix this?  No reply from EA and this was posted 9 months ago!  What is going on at EA, do they not follow through on bug reports or what?

Message 4 of 7 (279 Views)

Re: Custom sliders don’t save

Community Manager



Would you be able to get me a video of this? Just put it up on a service like YouTube and post a link to it in a response. I'll send it over to the team.

Message 5 of 7 (273 Views)

Re: Custom sliders don’t save

★★★★ Novice

Are you serious? You really need a video for that? It seems very, very straight forward. Make a change to the gameplay sliders. R3 save. Go to play now. Check settings. Notice that the gameplay sliders have reverted. I suppose that there won't be an update now anyway. What with the new game coming in September or October. And this problem has existed since launch. And it is on PS4 & PS5 digital versions. Thanks anyway. Standard smile

Message 6 of 7 (229 Views)

Re: Custom sliders don’t save

★ Novice

This problem has existed since 2022 at least, maybe even earlier. IDK how they haven't addressed this issue still.

Message 7 of 7 (211 Views)


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