Rif.: ColorCorrection_LoadAsync: FS_OpenAsyncFile returned FS_ASYNC_FILE_INVALID

by EA_cuervo

Original Post

Rif.: ColorCorrection_LoadAsync: FS_OpenAsyncFile returned FS_ASYNC_FILE_INVALID

★★ Novice
@EA_cuervo After our conversation i tried to open the EA app and i needed to do 2 short updates for the game. After those updates I played for a long time without encountering that error, I will continue to test the game in the next days to make sure that the updates represent a resolution to the problem. Obviously I don't know what type of updates they were but they didn't occupy much space.
Message 11 of 12 (117 Views)

Rif.: ColorCorrection_LoadAsync: FS_OpenAsyncFile returned FS_ASYNC_FILE_INVALID

Community Manager
Thanks for the update @XXXICEMAN21XXX.

The issue should now be resolved, so it seems that it's ok for you.

If anyone else still experiencing the crashes, please try reinstalling the game.


Message 12 of 12 (76 Views)