[Bug] Mouse has speed limit? while using 8k polling rate.

by akkunbrown

Original Post

[Bug] Mouse has speed limit? while using 8k polling rate.

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Newbie

I'm using a mouse called Zaunkoenig M2K.
After the recent update, every 10 minutes or so, the sensitivity is greatly reduced (halfed~1/3 of usual)  for around 3 seconds.

When i set the polling rate to 4khz, the duration of the issue reduces to 1 second.


I wonder if  anyone else has this issue.

Message 1 of 3 (218 Views)

Re: [Bug] Mouse has speed limit? while using 8k polling rate.

★★★ Newbie

Same issue on my WLMouse Beast X FAB while on 8khz. Haven't noticed it on 4k. Maybe I haven't played enough.


Message 2 of 3 (155 Views)

Re: [Bug] Mouse has speed limit? while using 8k polling rate.

★★★ Newbie
@xXSh4dowStrikeXx I use WLmouse BEAST X mini
Problem occurs on 8k after season update.
I couldn't check the problem in 4k, so I'm using it as 4k.
Message 3 of 3 (83 Views)