Be a Pro Salary Perks

by Villito

Original Post

Be a Pro Salary Perks

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Apprentice

For this years edition, all the Temporary and Recurrent salary perks seem to be changed to essentially loan boosts.

Previously you could buy them multiple times after cool down and develop your player, and I'm quite sure that was how they were designed to work. To let the user guide more which type of player they want to build.

Please change it back to let the user have more control. The temporary and recurrent perks are pretty much useless now and there's much less control on developing your player. Hoping for a change back to where the actual boosts were permanent.


For example, I don't want my player to always end up with 99 speed, but it happens eventually. With the "Small motorcycle" perk you could basically keep the speed in tact with it being -1 speed +1 off.awareness. In case of sniper I want to develop my shot quickly, previously it was possible with "elegant party 1" and "party 2" that gave permanent boost to wrist and slap shot. Now they just loan boost and pretty much unnoticeable. 


Also especially in case of X-factor points the temporarity is an issue. The cheapest XF point is "super party mansion edition" but it's recurrent perk. Basically if you buy but can't accumulate enough xf points to unlock and equip the slot before the perk expires, you lose the xf point.


To add from by previous post, there should be more control on you player development and there should be salary perk for all attributes. Currently lacking anything for acceleration and body check for example.


TLDR:  The temporary and recurrent perks don't seem to work how they were originally designed to thus are now pretty much useless and need to be changed back to how they were in nhl 23 and 22.


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