Re: Core Feedback - Specialists - Next Steps

by zabre99

Original Post

Re: Core Feedback - Specialists - Next Steps

★★★ Apprentice

@Hunterkiller420 wrote:

I like these decisions, it will enforce battlefields traditional playstyles.

I dunno. Personally I think that many people will be turn off by classes, because they are very limiting, and simply stop playing. I want a loadout which suits my game style. With classes it was impossible. Why do I have to play with a certain specialist, if I want this gun, RPG or ammo box? With classes you need at least 3 friends in a squad. Friends who know what they are doing and can communicate. With random people it's simply impossible. You won't be getting ammo, healing, AT/AA support etc. You'll see.

Message 21 of 29 (2,290 Views)

Re: Core Feedback - Specialists - Next Steps

★★★ Novice

Suggested balance changes: 

  • Assault: Replace med pen with smoke launcher or remove armor plates as assault class may become to powerful with both med pen and armor plates
  • Support: Give med pen to support and defib as the perk with Falck reviving to full health, Irish reviving with throwable replenished, and Angel reviving with full ammo. 
  • Engineer: Give engineers repair tool and +1 extra throwable as repair tool is underutilized
  • Recon: Needs a close combat use like spotting deployable gadgets for teammates or squad mates. 

Guns should be limited to each class with a perk to improve balance and have a secondary class of guns with no perks and utility class available except for recon:

  • Assault: ARs w/ perk | DMRs | Util
  • Support: LMGs w/ perk | SMGs | Util
  • Engineer: SMGs w/ perk | Snipers | Util
  • Recon: Snipers w/ perk | DMRs | Ghostmaker Only/No Shotguns
Message 22 of 29 (2,257 Views)

Re: Core Feedback - Specialists - Next Steps

★ Apprentice

Please EA for the love of all things DO NOT restrict the Recoilless 5 use only to engineers. I quite frankly dont like the idea of bringing classes back, it is very counterintuitive to the way that BF2042 was meant to be, it really feels like we're forcing 2042 to be like the old games, and while thats good in some cases, in others its not and is better to have something new.

The Recoilless 5 is extremely versatile, and honestly most of us miss over 80% of our shots with it, its hard to use it and is not like BF4 Straw that had laser guidance and you could literally move the rocket, the Recoilless 5 isnt just good for vehicles, but it is amazing to take down snipers for those of us Assault people that we DONT want to be a Recon, we want the action not just standing in a spot sniping, it is also amazing to take down turrets, and rangers. I quite honestly feel like the Recoilless is exactly where it needs to be, it is weak and most shots are missed, but with the amount of people and a bit of luck sometimes youre able to take some vehicles down, but it is NOT often. There are way too many vehicles/robots/gadgets that having the Recoilless available for everyone makes it an absolutely amazing choice, I truly DONT want to have it locked to Engineer class because i DONT want to use an engineer operator. The C5 is a good gadget but it is EXTREMELY circumstancial, due to the amount of people in game and vehicles some of them with over 5 people in them, getting close to a vehicle to be able to place C5 on it is extremely rare and really difficult, it works well when it does, but again, it is very cicumstancial. I really want the Recoilless to stay available for everyone, it is a NECESSITY for the huge amount of vehicles and gadgets that are deployed in the game, restricting it to a class would be a TERRIBLE decision and personally would seriously hurt my enjoyment of playing this game, reading that change was quite devasting and gave me a very harsh feeling of hopelessness for the games future not being fun anymore. It would also create a big unbalance because since R5s are such a necessity we could have too many engineers on both teams and lose the other operators, as well as having an overwhelming amount of these engineer gadgets deployed, making them feel overpowered when in reality theres just too many of them, which will lead to them getting nerfed, essentially creating a new issue where was none before, besides. classyfing every operator would essentially take away the diversity that BF2042 was so build upon, with too many restrictions, because one of the best parts is having many operators and still having the choice to use them as you want amd every one having their own ability is wonderful!

So PLEASE, EA, this is just not the right way to go! 

Message 23 of 29 (2,181 Views)

Re: Core Feedback - Specialists - Next Steps

[ Edited ]
★ Apprentice

While I am liking what I see with the changes so far, I must add additional feedback for Rao while working on my, i think, 75th Red mastery with him as he is my main. 


1. He doesnt seem to get credit for Hack Assists but only spot assist when he hacks a target, this needs to be addressed to keep the flow as right 3now, if you hack any target, you, as Rao, are required to kill the target to benefit the Trojan spot not allowing allies to kill the target then having you receive credit. This should not be, rather instead, if you hack a target and target dies, ANY death and source of death should credit you a type of kill xp and or forced crash/bailout...for example: if I hack a vehicle/infantry, and an ally or even if the target dies from crashing, I should get kill assist XP and ir forced crash or bailout for it. There is too much actions involved to hack, switch to a weapon then kill the target. If I hack a target, it should ALSO prevent ANY directional indicators of incoming fire or lockons during that time, otherwise what is the point of the hack?!


2. Trojan is nice but needs more. I suggest adding a new hack to piggyback off of the current Trojan. Introducing the Worm virus. By definition a Worm is a self replicating virus...what I suggest adding is functionally an addition to Trojan and it goes like this: Hack a target, target is spotted in the UI with all the bells and whistles including credit XP when THAT target dies/crashes, upon death while under the effect, the Worm virus activates and spreads in a radius around it which applies the Trojan to all enemies effected by it, hacks, xp rewards and all. From there it can potentially chain react as each new "wormed" targets die. If all trojans or worms expire, you have to rehack them.


3. Each hack shouldnt require YOU to kill the target but rather SOMEONE or something to kill the hacked target to get the effects. 


4. There arent much interactables for Rao to hack like on the Korean map such as bridges, elevators in other maps. Add them to get more usage. I suggest finding cameras, more metal detectors, keypads and even computers in some lobbies ti take effect in some shape or form, but make them unique. Maybe cameras let you toggle in for surveilance and while in use have their signal light blink red and autospot enemies moving around within view or sprinkler systems/fire hazard controls to be hackable that can give you the advantage. Start thinking Watchdogs...


5. Hacking vehicles should completely invert controls during their effect including aiming direction in addition to the current effects. Not only this but countermeasures arent used yet, it should automatically force them on cooldown for their full duration, not just temporarily disable them. This would shut down stealth chopper and air support from the enemy team to make them double back making Rao very deadly. Hacking Drones like the Hound drones and Casper drones should also damage them, and force the dog drones to turn on enemies, not just spit in an area around it. Kill credit or kill assists should also trigger on this. Slap on hacking intel grenades(spots for YOU instead), class enemy gadgets like Boris's turrets to spit enemies around and in line of sight as well as attack its owners and Irish's APS to spot in a radius around it as well as deplete its charges, overheat Crawfords vulcan quicker,  disable c5 and convert enemy landmines into friendly ones.


6. His hack range is too short. This needs to be increased vs vehicles by 25% and for infantry 5%. Interactables like elevators and such by 25%.


Please, those of you that played Watch Dogs leave inspirational suggestions by quoting me in a reply.

Message 24 of 29 (2,160 Views)

Re: Core Feedback - Specialists - Next Steps

[ Edited ]
★★★ Apprentice

@Straatford87In Free-For-All mode, about halfway through the match upon dying and respawning you often run into an issue where it fails to respawn and you're stuck in the undeployed screen pressing respawn and then when you finally spawn its with like 10 bots and it turns into mass murder. I've experienced this in small versions of maps: Manifest, Norshal Canals, and a few others with 32 players max and pvp ai. Maybe make more spawn locations, or seperate AI spawns from human spawns. Unfortunately, this limits the amount of maps I can have in my server. I tried to submit this in both Portal and Bugs sections of the forum but it ironically wouldn't let me fit some reason.

Message 25 of 29 (2,091 Views)

Re: Core Feedback - Specialists - Next Steps

★★★★★ Newbie

You have two main game modes, Conquest and Breakthrough.  By removing attack air vehicles from Breakthrough, you have literally removed air attack vehicles from 50% of the game.  The ONLY reason I play battlefield and have since Bad Company 2, is the air attack vehicles.  The vehicles are what make this game different from every other generic boring shooter out there that only has infantry play.  Why would you take the key aspect of your game that makes you different and attracts all sorts of other "bored of infantry play" gamers and just completely remove it from half of the game?  This decision is absolutely ludicrous.  I pre-ordered this game in excitement.  I didn't give up on this game even with lackluster releases and continuous horrible reviews.  I have stuck by this game since it came out and defended it against slander.  This ill conceived notion to just completely eradicate vehicles from fifty percent of PVP play is most likely going to be the last straw for me and many other players.  I honestly don't even feel like loading Battlefield up anymore, for the first time since last year when it released.  To those who would say just play conquest: It is so very boring compared to breakthrough.  There is no sense of progression in conquest taking the same post over and over again.  I just can't believe the devs think this is a good idea.  I mean why not just take air attack vehicles out of the game completely?  Then you can be just like every other mediocre 1st person shooter competitor out there.

Message 26 of 29 (2,077 Views)

Re: Core Feedback - Specialists - Next Steps

★★★ Newbie

I have been a BF player since the inception, sadly to say 2042 is the worst game produced by far, the whole game feel cartoonish, the movement feels fake and non cohesive...The whole game structure needs to be taken down and re-examined....This game has a potential to be great but you ruined it

Message 27 of 29 (2,074 Views)

Re: Core Feedback - Specialists - Next Steps

★★ Expert
@Straatford87 I believe the class system will not bring players back, but instead will drive existing players away, unless you enforce squad and team play, by removing all auto heal, auto repair and ammo drops of enemies, and maybe introduce squad leader spawn only.
Or maybe reduce the auto repair/heal to 50% armor/50% health.

Message 28 of 29 (2,053 Views)

Re: Core Feedback - Specialists - Next Steps

★★★ Newbie

Go Back to BF4 and improve it with your new ideas and new technology, but sadly what you did is ruined a great concept... do us a favor and admit your mistakes and FIX them....BF franchise owns this niche of gaming why did you ruin it..... Either fix it or refund all of our money so we can move on... do the right thing EA

Message 29 of 29 (2,047 Views)


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