Battlefield Briefing: The Journey to Season One

by Straatford87

Original Post

Re: Battlefield Briefing: The Journey to Season One

★★★★★ Guide

One of the things i have mention before was the mess of BF4 at launch and how a community hub was created to be a liaison between the devs and the player base. Before the update were released they were tested on the community hub servers and a forum was added to give feedback on improvements to the game. Once the community decided it was good it was released to the community as a whole and this made the game better.


I think to get your player base back from the mess of this launch we need the have this community hub back and implement and players can join the hub with the decision to give feedback to the devs. Also signing an NDA so players can not openly talk about what is upcoming.


Just my thoughts on this.

Message 11 of 106 (3,276 Views)

Re: Battlefield Briefing: The Journey to Season One

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Expert

Since no one else mentioned it yet, I will: server browsers for the main game. If we are unable to play with more than 3 other people at a time, and the next match randomizes the players over and over, what purpose is VoIP? Why communicate for that one game, make a new connection, then wave bye bye at the end? Bad enough it was hinted there would be rentable servers again, allowing Clans to play together again, but with out a server browser and the ability to stay in a server, the game is pretty useless. I’m so glad I upgraded my PC for this, spending much more than the gold edition of the game. Where’s my skin for that?? That’s a joke, I don’t care about skins,  I care about playing with mates and having a good time. We can’t do that, we’ll never apparently be able to do that in BF again as your post makes Zero mention of browsers. I’m going to keep beating this drum. 100 friends allowed in Origin but we can only play with 3 at a time?? Give your heads a shake.

Message 12 of 106 (3,271 Views)

Re: Battlefield Briefing: The Journey to Season One

★★ Novice
@AEIDOLONE "At this point we cannot have both" - By the time you get both and at the rate they actually push out Updates, it will be fall and most people have moved on to actual AAA titles that work. I really wish it wasn't true but look at this mess of a game. The only way anyone is really going to play this game when the season is coming out is F2P. Nothing else will save the game at this point.
Message 13 of 106 (3,228 Views)

Re: Battlefield Briefing: The Journey to Season One

★★★★★ Apprentice
@Kaozz1979 If they go F2P for a season they charged people for they'll be hit with a gigantic class action lawsuit, so that's out.
Message 14 of 106 (3,219 Views)

Re: Battlefield Briefing: The Journey to Season One

★★ Novice
@ConanDLibrarian Not that big of a problem. Lots of games that are F2P have season and give Premium users more content if they paid for a Battlepass. Just look a the CoD.
Message 15 of 106 (3,212 Views)

Re: Battlefield Briefing: The Journey to Season One

★★★ Newbie

Hello there,


Who ever it is the management EA or Dice, we are really VERY UNHAPPY about the coming updates.

Things like scoreboard and voice communication are basic, even free to play is all there. Please cut the crab excuses for updates these are not update is a critical failure please fix it immediately, How can gamers communicate each other and you call it Team?

Is unplayable and the trailer shows and what we play is totally apart. You have down graded everything from BFV.

Please give option for customers who have paid full or gold edition and above a refund or option to choose another company games.

We are sick of waiting updates whether lies or not we have no interest please REFUND ASAP.




Message 16 of 106 (3,166 Views)

Re: Battlefield Briefing: The Journey to Season One

★★ Guide

Will you bother sometime to pay attention on players claim about teamplay?
Your squad system is garbage forcing us to play with campers. No teamwork.

Your super hero lone wolfs killed the teamwork.

Your 128 maps are unplayable because its lag.

Your super low FPS are a joke.


Where is the server list? We could be trown on same map again and again and again. Why we can't choose a server with map rotation without getting bored for play always the same one.


There is no challenge at all with your very bad weekly assignments and rewards... A charm?? Really???


You EA/DICE never listen to no one. You just are doing whatever you need to do to get new players because the very old and loyal ones are going away from this bad imitation of the real Battlefield.


It's true that other versions had problems at launch but this BF2042 is not even close to them and it does not fit our expectation at all. I feel very very dissapointed.

Thank you guy for killing my 15 years of playing a great game.

Message 17 of 106 (3,158 Views)

Re: Battlefield Briefing: The Journey to Season One

★★★ Newbie

I bought the ultimate edition November 19 2021 and i didn't get the steadfast bundle.

Is this another bug anyone has been dealing with?

Message 18 of 106 (3,146 Views)

Re: Battlefield Briefing: The Journey to Season One

★★★ Apprentice

I'm more happy to wait for the season one content if we know the game will be in better shape by the Summer 😏

Message 19 of 106 (3,136 Views)

Re: Battlefield Briefing: The Journey to Season One

★★★★ Novice
@TheDortyBoi Read their announcement.
Message 20 of 106 (3,126 Views)


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