Battlefield Briefing: The Journey to Season One

by Straatford87

Original Post

Re: Battlefield Briefing: The Journey to Season One

★★ Expert
@Straatford87 I would support this product but when they said during the interview specialist were still a thing this game is now in the dumpster.
Message 101 of 106 (2,725 Views)

Re: Battlefield Briefing: The Journey to Season One

★★ Expert

@Straatford87 wrote:

For team play, you can expect us to incorporate a clearer, tighter squad loop, a refined ping system, and an improved reward loop for when you and your squad play the objective. Gunplay will continue to receive feedback-based improvements too.


Out of curiosity...did anything ever happen with these things yet, or did DICE forget?


Clearer, tighter squad loop? I don't remember anything about this in the updates this year, nor any communication on what this even means, exactly.


Refined ping system? I...don't think it's changed since launch, really? Did I miss this too?


Improved reward loop? Is that just the slightly altered XP values that boosted XP for some activities like healing? Because that doesn't really feel like an "improved reward loop" so much as bringing the old, busted reward loop to something remotely acceptable vs. meaningful improvements (where's rewards for suppressing fire? vehicle kill assists? etc.)


It's harder and harder to believe y'all as a studio, DICE, when you keep talking a great game but only ever manage to underwhelm and disappoint.

Message 102 of 106 (2,637 Views)

Re: Battlefield Briefing: The Journey to Season One

[ Edited ]
★ Apprentice

Why would you remove Sunderance's EMP smart grenade??? You've just nerf'd a character who could reliably stun an incoming vehicle on short noticed without sacrificing a grenade slot or expose themselves to tunnel vision during a hack as Rao.


Damn dudes, just eliminated a reliable offensive/support character's primary benefit, since cluster grenade and anti armor are practically useless, the EMP was the only reliable grenade.

It had a long duration, could disorient camping soldiers (countered by Irish, which is a good thing) and provided a reliable distract, deter, or stun against land vehicles.


Hell should have just given Sunderance limited grenades instead, with a recharge on a resupply of any kind instead of outright killing off the only character who could combat land vehicles well; Rao is meant for Air vehicles since he's the only one who can stun them and give a small opportunity for people to get a shot off, so long as they're within ~350m, and even he is barely getting by with that support role.

Message 103 of 106 (2,593 Views)

Re: Battlefield Briefing: The Journey to Season One

★★ Expert

Welp, the journey seems to be over with the reveal of S1 and I can pretty confidently say...


Personally, it wasn't worth the last 7-8 months of waiting while the game has remained in a poor state. This has been a disappointing conclusion to a really unfun and underwhelming journey. I hope ya'll do better next time for the sake of any fans left who are still excited for more BF titles and trust DICE as a studio.

Message 104 of 106 (2,558 Views)

Re: Battlefield Briefing: The Journey to Season One

★★★★ Apprentice

Sadly I agree. I'm mainly sticking around now to watch the train wreck and hold on to the fact that maybe continuing to voice the opinions of the vast majority of the BF fan base will result in a good game next time (not a "better" game, a GOOD game)

Message 105 of 106 (2,552 Views)

Re: Battlefield Briefing: The Journey to Season One

★★★ Guide
@SH3RWOODK1NG The only people listening are those who have to put up with us moaning on the forum (bless 'em), the real decision makers are so far away from the fans as to not even know this forum exists.
Message 106 of 106 (2,508 Views)


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