Re: Battlefield Briefing: Get Ready for Launch

by SeaGerbil

Original Post

Re: Battlefield Briefing: Get Ready for Launch

[ Edited ]
★ Apprentice

@Straatford87When will we be able to progress past 360 kills in Portal and coop for masteries. This is not uniform across all game modes as advertised and very upsetting to say the least.

Message 31 of 35 (4,948 Views)

Re: Battlefield Briefing: Get Ready for Launch

★★★★ Apprentice



No one on console wants to play against M&KB PC players, NO ONE. It absolutely sucks and is unfun. Change it, there is no excuse to pull this sort of BS on console players. What a joke DICE has become.

Message 32 of 35 (4,944 Views)

Re: Battlefield Briefing: Get Ready for Launch

★★★★ Novice

the launch was a complete failure, theres no dolby atmos, theres some useless sound settings Ive never heard of, this had such GREAT potential...just completely blown..:P

whomever was in charge of this project, really got it WRONG. 

ps, and if you are going to release 2 major patches out of the gate, just push the release date back..instead of trying to top cyberpunk, as you have, with this 'game'. 

Message 33 of 35 (4,937 Views)

Re: Battlefield Briefing: Get Ready for Launch

[ Edited ]
★★★ Novice

@Straatford87My brother and I live in Russia and don't see any servers in Russia or Eastern Europe after BF4. We still could play on servers with ping 60 by using Server browser, but there's no such feature in BF2042, only in Portal. We often feel like auto matchmaking sends us to servers with ping 100+. I still can play it, but my bro with different provider (and better PC) has unplayable delay.

Please fix it somehow, I bought many BFs since 2142 and they never were unplayable before.

P.S. Also there's no smaller maps without vehicles like Metro or Locker, no maps with water, no diving, no levolution or titans, not many weapons to unlock, no mines, no score table, no voice chat etc. I hope to see at least some of these features, no need to make the game simplier.

P.P.S. Maybe you could add Titan mode from BF2142 in Portal?

Message 34 of 35 (4,919 Views)

Re: Battlefield Briefing: Get Ready for Launch

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Novice


Personally I feel the scoring system requires an overhaul. A few examples;


- squad ribbon often shows at the bottom of the screen for 500XP. What are the requirements for this and why is there no graphic for it? This doesn’t show with the other ribbons end of round. Give clear squad play rewards & scoring to encourage squads to stick together and PTFO.


- Same again with the support ribbon. What is this? There’s no visual indication.


- There doesn’t seem to be any scoring incentive promoting squad play. No bonuses for squad revives, squad heals, orders followed etc. 


- No bonuses for head shot kills, multi kills etc.


- Ribbons in general already feel worn out as there’s so few of them. What about ribbons with say smaller rewards for flag captures, vehicle kills etc. 2042 is missing the scoring and score reward variety of previous battlefield titles.


- No medals and no way to show off more specific elements of your play style such as flag captures or vehicle kills


- No assists for vehicle kills.


- 10XP flat does not encourage vehicle hunting. I also have  clue how much damage I’m doing to a vehicle. Reward players who contributed to bringing down a vehicle.


- Finally a bit unrelated to scoring - we need more than one launcher and they need restricting to some kind of class system using specialists in certain groupings. Any player being able to use any weapon I feel is fine. But gadgets need restricting somehow. A full server of players mostly  using launchers isn’t fun at all. Find a common ground between the specialist system and the old class system. It is possible to please both groups here. At the moment conquest and breakthrough are just a free for all with zero coordination, flow, or balance.


I understand that battle passes will provide a cosmetic grind however theres not much to do long term for hunting more niche accolades. The scoring system is the hook to keep going and working towards something.

Message 35 of 35 (4,896 Views)


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