Re: RMB does nothing in Commander Mode

by TarasHrukevich

Original Post

RMB does nothing in Commander Mode

★★★ Newbie

When I join as Commander my RMB doesn't work so I cant issue orders or deploy anything. Squad selection works, but that's it. Tried to use gamepad but its the same picture. Am I doing something wrong? AFAIK you should press/hold RMB so context menu pops out?

Message 1 of 5 (470 Views)

Re: RMB does nothing in Commander Mode

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Guide

Hello @TarasHrukevich,


Some server have plugins that restrict commander abilities. Have you tried playing on other servers?


Best regards,


Message 2 of 5 (437 Views)

Re: RMB does nothing in Commander Mode

★★★ Newbie
@danisoff Yes, this happens on every server. And also there's enemy commander who can do everything, right at the moment when I cant.
Message 3 of 5 (430 Views)

Re: RMB does nothing in Commander Mode

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Guide

Well that is interesting @TarasHrukevich. You should try repairing the game inside of the EA client, maybe check your key bindings just in case. I have never seen a similar issue on the forums, so that is all I can really tell you.


Best regards,


Message 4 of 5 (400 Views)

Re: RMB does nothing in Commander Mode

★★★ Newbie

Yeah, I even tried reinstalling, doesn't help. The thing is - the only key bindings for commander in options are related to selecting squads and they work.

Message 5 of 5 (337 Views)