PC Game Pass install Not Working

by SillyGoose4901

Original Post

PC Game Pass install Not Working

★★★ Newbie

Download is fine, but when it is finalizing, it hits 80% and gives me the error "Error: The VC++ runtime redistributable package was not installed successfully. Setup cannot continue. (-2147023293)" I then click OK. This opens the MS Visual C++ 2012 (x86) installer for 11.0.60610 install. I agree to license terms and conditions and click install. Runs a bit, then says "A later version of Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 x86 Minimum Runtime - 11.0.60610 is already installed." I click OK. I get a Setup Failed message from VC installer that says "0x80070643 - Fatal error during installation." I click Close. It gives no further information and I'm back to stage one of downloading from EA installer again.


Extra info: I have looked through the older threads and tried installing both (x86) and (x64) versions from within the directory under _Install > Redist or whatever the actual address is. Both give me the same Setup Failed message as previously stated. I have deleted all the files and started fresh install of the game, it did the same as the first time.


Here is my log, if that helps.

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