ангар 21 тайная комната/secret elevator to hangar 21

by V_Niko_Rude_V

Original Post

Re: Need People for the Phantom Room? Post Here!

★★ Novice

Need 3 people to help with elevator on Xbox

I've got hammerhead dogtag

Discord is BoomBewm#0421

Message 191 of 209 (698 Views)

Re: Need People for the Phantom Room? Post Here!

[ Edited ]
★★ Apprentice

@JAYPAUL77, I'm happy to help once you find enough people. I have all of the dog tags, and have been down the elevator several times, so I can fill any spot you need. Message me on xbox, my gamertag is Omeganight7773


Same to anyone else needing help on Xbox One.

Message 192 of 209 (678 Views)

Re: Need People for the Phantom Room? Post Here!

★★★ Newbie

Need 3 people to help with elevator.

I have these dogtags
+Hangar 21
+Op. Whiteout

Play on PC

Steam : https://steamcommunity.com/id/baradrim/
Battlelog : https://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/en/soldier/Baradrim/stats/1004848027195/pc/
Discord : https://discord.com/users/767363919529771069

Message 193 of 209 (604 Views)

Re: Need People for the Phantom Room? Post Here!

★★ Novice

i can help, 


i have the +Op. whiteout dogtag


Play on PC


Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Onhix/

Battlelog: https://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/es/soldier/Kzetro/stats/327136527/pc/


Message 194 of 209 (559 Views)

Hangar 21room

★★★ Newbie

Im on Pc, I have all four dog tags. and Ive completed the first 3 challenges of the phantom program. i just need to get into the room.

Message 195 of 209 (436 Views)

ангар 21 тайная комната/secret elevator to hangar 21

★★★ Novice

help needed 3 people needed to open the secret elevator to hangar 21

нужна помощь, нужно 3 человека, чтобы открыть секретный лифт в ангар 21

my dicord nikorude#2385

Message 196 of 209 (367 Views)

Re: Need People for the Phantom Room? Post Here!


@V_Niko_Rude_V I've merged your thread with this one, you might find some people here from the more recent posts.


You could also give Discord and Reddit a go.

CCP Hero Banner - Red.png

AHQ Guardian - Volunteer Moderator

Message 197 of 209 (330 Views)

Re: ангар 21 тайная комната/secret elevator to hangar 21

★★★ Newbie

Go to youtube and search for Unlock Phantom Bow in 30 seconds

Message 198 of 209 (241 Views)

Re: Need People for the Phantom Room? Post Here!

★★★★★ Newbie

I have completed the Phantom program and can help you get into the room.

Message 199 of 209 (212 Views)

Re: Need People for the Phantom Room? Post Here!

★★ Apprentice
@L030724 What platform are you on? Also, which dog tags do you have? I don't know which post you're replying to, but that info helps everyone here a lot.
Message 200 of 209 (198 Views)