Re: Need People for the Phantom Room? Post Here!

by CyberDyme

Original Post

Re: Need People for the Phantom Room? Post Here!

★★★★★ Expert

@fbsketcher wrote:

Well i have the tag from Hammer head so my head wont blow .   But I'd like to see it.   Did you see the anouncement for the live feed of Battlefield 6 for tomorrow?  


   Perhaps we can get in that elevator this Sat or Sunday morning?

Yes @fbsketcher ,

You will actually be exterminated in the elevator if not having enough with full equipment joining you.  And in total minimum 4 Phantom Operative tags.  So you will not make it down alive alone, despite getting the elevator to move first.


Next Saturday or Sunday morning sound great !

Please send PM with more specific time, so we can make it happen.

Message 51 of 209 (3,259 Views)

Re: Need People for the Phantom Room? Post Here!

★★★ Novice
@CyberDyme yeah I need to finish this
Message 52 of 209 (3,249 Views)

Re: Need People for the Phantom Room? Post Here!

★ Guide

how's 9 am east coast  New York  time should be 2 pm?  your time.   Either Sat or Sunday.

Message 53 of 209 (3,239 Views)

Re: Need People for the Phantom Room? Post Here!

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Expert

@fbsketcher wrote:

how's 9 am east coast  New York  time should be 2 pm?  your time.   Either Sat or Sunday.

Both works for me @fbsketcher !


Maybe @django1364 wants to join us, if he is also on PS4/PS5?

Please note that I am full Phantom Operative already, so we can do it just us 3 players in total if you want.


Message 54 of 209 (3,228 Views)

Re: Need People for the Phantom Room? Post Here!

★ Guide

I just want to get it done!    so I dont have to bother you anymore and we can just go back to playing the game and getting ready for the new Battlfield 2042.

    I hope they keep humans to human powers .  I hated the COD when they gave players the ability to jump around like super heros n junk. 

And that they dont force players to have to keep buying more stuff as we go along.  Remember back on the PS3 when the multiplayer was Free .


   Since I liked playing as recon my long wish was that with a high enough achievement or met requirement that the player could earn the removal of the scope "flashlight"  glare.  So that snipers could truly be the hidden soldiers they are in real life.   


Now with the Phantom.  Does everyone get the bow when entering the room?  and after achieving this can we go into the elevator anytime by our selves ? 



Message 55 of 209 (3,216 Views)

Re: Need People for the Phantom Room? Post Here!

★ Guide

hey django  ,

    How about meeting up with your phantom camo and a final stand tag other than Hammerhead either this Sat or Sunday 8:30 - 10:30 am   New york city eastern time

Message 56 of 209 (3,212 Views)

Re: Need People for the Phantom Room? Post Here!

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Expert

@fbsketcher wrote:


Now with the Phantom.  Does everyone get the bow when entering the room?  and after achieving this can we go into the elevator anytime by our selves ? 


Everybody who survives the elevator ride down, gets the chance to take their own bow in the bow room.

In the center of the bow room, there is a bow hoovering in the air.  You go up to it, and you will be assigned a bow into your own soldier hands as primary weapon. 

BF4 Bow Room.JPG


After you then have completed the last Phantom Operative assignment (headshots and kills using the bow), there you then get your last Phantom Operative dog tag.  With this equipped, you can now any time go into the Hangar21 bow room elevator.  But you always need to have minimum 3 players in total and combined, you need minimum to possess 4 Phantom dogtags.  And combined you need to cover all the 4 different dogtags, in case 2 or 3 of your joining soldiers are not yet themselves fully fledged Phantom Operatives.


Hope that makes sense.  ;o)

Message 57 of 209 (3,200 Views)

Re: Need People for the Phantom Room? Post Here!

★ Guide

Head shots and kills ?   after obtain the bow from the bow room.   How many?  

Message 58 of 209 (3,193 Views)

Re: Need People for the Phantom Room? Post Here!

★★★★★ Expert

200 kills and 50 headshots with it.  👍

Message 59 of 209 (3,180 Views)

Re: Need People for the Phantom Room? Post Here!

★★★★★ Expert

@django1364 wrote:
@CyberDymeyeah I need to finish this

Hi @django1364 ,

Please send me a private message if you do not want to share your PSN name here in public.

We can then connect direct while in the game together.  👍 

Message 60 of 209 (3,175 Views)