Re: Match summary skips on its own

by Czinczou737

Original Post

Accepted Solution

Match summary skips on its own

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Newbie

Hello there

I have an issue with match results after the round ends. Problem is that it lasts only for a few seconds and it's acting like I press the skip button. And then a next map is loading.

Can it be the server settings? I don't think so. I am currently repairing BF4 and I plan to reinstall the web plugin. If that matters I am using Opera GX.

Anything else is working just fine and I can play the game of course but I really like to see what I am progressing.

Message 1 of 4 (243 Views)

Accepted Solution

Re: Match summary skips on its own

★★★★★ Guide

Hello @Czinczou737,


This is done by a server side plugin. Nothing is wrong with your game, it's the server.


Best regards,


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Message 2 of 4 (226 Views)

All Replies

Re: Match summary skips on its own

★★★★★ Guide

Hello @Czinczou737,


This is done by a server side plugin. Nothing is wrong with your game, it's the server.


Best regards,


Message 2 of 4 (227 Views)

Re: Match summary skips on its own

★★★★★ Newbie
@danisoff Thank you for the quick reply man!
Message 3 of 4 (197 Views)

Re: Match summary skips on its own

★★★★★ Guide

No problem @Czinczou737, glad I could help.


Best regards,


Message 4 of 4 (181 Views)