Re: OX7E Error

by OldManKillingU

Original Post

OX7E Error

★★★ Newbie

Hi there. I have redownloaded Battlefield 4 onto a new ssd card. When I go to launch the game I get the Error message 0X7E. I have tried the C++ x86 and x64 fix but that hasn`t worked. Repairing the game doesn`t work either. Any help on this matter would be much appreciated



Message 11 of 15 (501 Views)

Re: OX7E Error

[ Edited ]
★★ Apprentice

@RD-Swan197As I said to the previous poster @OldManKillingU it's always worth checking if the new EA app is looking in the correct place for your game. There appear to be occasions when migration issues occur during the (cough) "upgrade" from the venerable Origin.

If you're not sure where to look just ask here and I'll type some instructions again. It worked for me when I got similar issues. Just make sure to do a "Restart" from the Windows start menu after you change anything, just to clear any caches etc,. which aren't cleared by the Windows "Shutdown" command, oddly.

Origin used to have an option, as I recall which found your games - but no such luck in the new app.

Hope that works RD-Swan - is that Renegade Ducks Swan btw?


Zac. :D

Message 12 of 15 (464 Views)

Re: OX7E Error

★★★ Novice

Thanks for all the advice btw.


How do you tell the App where to look? I am running three drives, with App on C and games on another drive. All other BF EA games load fine like 2042 etc. Any advice to tell the app where to look is well worth it

Message 13 of 15 (448 Views)

Re: OX7E Error

★★★ Novice

The App appears to be looking in the right place


Screenshot 2023-02-16 190444.png

Message 14 of 15 (445 Views)

Re: OX7E Error

[ Edited ]
★★ Apprentice

@OldManKillingUDifficult to say from that screenshot - what you need to do (provided you allowed the game to make desktop shortcut icons) is right-click the icon you can use to launch the game from the desktop and look where the game files are actually living - if they match the location in the screenshot then the EA app is looking in the correct place. However, there is a caveat here - IF you installed the game in the default directory then it certainly isn't looking in the correct place and you may need to edit that line in the configs. Otherwise, it will simply hang (in my experience).


If it's the correct folder/directory and you're scratching your head about what to do next, you can always (after making sure the install directory matches) try a repair from the EA app that may sort out the issue. 


EA really need to sort out all these issues with the new app - I can't understand why they haven't - maybe it's the same old story of rushing to market before making sure these issues are addressed and relying too heavily on patches!  As gamers we should really just be able to install what we need/want and get on with gaming not solving  issues that shouldn't be there in the 1st place;


Zac. Large smile

Message 15 of 15 (353 Views)