Re: Invalid Licence: Reason code = Missing DLL: [MSVCP110.dll]  Error 0x7E

by OldManKillingU

Original Post

Invalid Licence: Reason code = Missing DLL: [MSVCP110.dll]  Error 0x7E

★★★ Novice

Since EA forced the new EA app on me I cant launch BF4 - same problem I had in the past when they had the Beta version, but I got round it logging on via Battleog on browser and playing


Message is: Invalid Licence: Reason code = Missing DLL: [MSVCP110.dll]  Error 0x7E


I know its not an issue my end updating DLL MSVCP etc and game has been reinstalled etc, etc.


Any ideas from anyone - if I could get back to Origin I would but that does not seem an option


any help warmly recieved

Message 1 of 15 (764 Views)

Re: Invalid Licence: Reason code = Missing DLL: [MSVCP110.dll]  Error 0x7E

Community Manager
Message 2 of 15 (756 Views)

Re: Invalid Licence: Reason code = Missing DLL: [MSVCP110.dll]  Error 0x7E

[ Edited ]
★★★ Novice

Hello, go to

Choose your language and install both versions, x86 and x64. BF4 comes bundled with vc redist 2013 update 4.
The latest version of vc redist 2013 is update 5. Check the link at the top.

You must also download and install DirectX 9.0c redist:

And vc redist 2012:

Message 3 of 15 (728 Views)

Re: Invalid Licence: Reason code = Missing DLL: [MSVCP110.dll]  Error 0x7E

★★★ Novice



Did all that when I had this problem before when I sued the beta of the EA App. Done it all again now Ap forced onto me. It ran fine out of battlelog, but the new EA App has killed that option for me. 

Message 4 of 15 (703 Views)

Re: Invalid Licence: Reason code = Missing DLL: [MSVCP110.dll]  Error 0x7E

★★★ Novice

Hi, have tried all of this. Am running Win 11 with Edge so last tow ideas dont work. Use to play fine off Battlelog but EA app has killed it

Message 5 of 15 (702 Views)

Re: Invalid Licence: Reason code = Missing DLL: [MSVCP110.dll]  Error 0x7E

[ Edited ]
★★ Apprentice

Hey OldManKillingU,


Nice tags btw Large smile


Just one more suggestion I have - have you tried a repair of the game?


Go to the "My Collection" tab in the EA app - then look for the game - look for the 3 dots that signify the menu on the tile of the game - click on that and then click "Repair".  Let the app do its magic and just to be on the safe side - restart (be careful I said "Restart" because that forces Windows to make an actual clean reboot not just a soft shutdown which is the default setting). .


Incidentally did you do a "clean" restart after installing the previous suggestions, if not there could be some outdated files still left on your PC Wink


Try again to run the game and let us know if it's fixed. Standard smile




Zac. Standard smile

Message 6 of 15 (688 Views)

Re: Invalid Licence: Reason code = Missing DLL: [MSVCP110.dll]  Error 0x7E

★★★ Novice
@ZacSm1 Thanks for the advice - I have tried that too, and it didn't work.
Message 7 of 15 (677 Views)

Re: Invalid Licence: Reason code = Missing DLL: [MSVCP110.dll]  Error 0x7E

★★ Apprentice

Oh Frown


Thanks for coming back to tell us though - really appreciate the feedback.


When I got a similar message I went to this link MS VC Runtime files latest download   After installing the  latest version for my pc which I'm guessing will be the same for you.  There's a perma-link on that page that always downloads the latest version.  It worked fine.


Just make sure you don't download the 32bit version Wink


I'm out of suggestions them I'm afraid - although there is sometimes a migration issue and the app doesn't look in the correct folder / directory for your games so open "Settings" and look for "Download" tab and make sure it's looking where the game is ACTUALLY installed - for example mine isn't on my C:\ drive - so if it's looking in the wrong place - correct it - restart and try again Standard smile




Zac. Standard smile

Message 8 of 15 (670 Views)

Re: Invalid Licence: Reason code = Missing DLL: [MSVCP110.dll]  Error 0x7E

★★★ Novice
@ZacSm1 It used to work fine when I could launch through battlelog but EA App stops this. I even tried installing origin from a another resource, but as soon as it started it wanted to install EA App immediately
Message 9 of 15 (668 Views)

Re: Invalid Licence: Reason code = Missing DLL: [MSVCP110.dll]  Error 0x7E

[ Edited ]
★★ Apprentice

@OldManKillingUI understand - it's frustrating that we're being forced to install software which we don't really want or need. But it is worth checking the install directory thing. My EA app was looking in totally the wrong place which caused issues.  I'm not sure (and I don't want to know) where the licence key is stored but it seems logical that if the game isn't where the EA app is expecting to find it, that will throw up errors.  But I await your reply Standard smile


I have one more suggestion - however, it's several convoluted steps so I won't post that until I know one way or the other Wink


Update - the Visual C version you need to get that particular 110.dll file is Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Install that if you haven't already and remember always do a "restart" it takes a little longer to get back to Windows but it kills resident programs and clears the cache so you get a clean pristine Windows desktop. Standard smile

Z Standard smile

Message 10 of 15 (666 Views)