I have returned to play battlefield 4 after 2 years and I cant play the game.

by Bharath1432

Original Post

I have returned to play battlefield 4 after 2 years and I cant play the game.

★★★ Newbie

I have returned to play battlefield 4 after 2 years and I cant play the game. I can launch the game and as soon as I launch the game it speeds up the process and as soon as i enter lobby it automatically selects different options without my input and it will quit my game on its own after selecting every option. Has anyone faced this issue before or is it me.
 Even though i use keyboard and mice to play but it selects the options using Xbox controller as seen in the video like A to select and Q to quit. 
It feels glitchy it runs all the options within 4 to 5 seconds and quits me out.  
Can anyone help me with 

Message 1 of 2 (438 Views)

Re: I have returned to play battlefield 4 after 2 years and I cant play the game

Community Manager

Hey @Bharath1432,


Do you have any controllers or other USB devices apart from your Keyboard/Mouse/Headset connected? 


I'd suggest trying to disconnect any additional devices and check how that goes. It seems that something might be conflicting with the game controls. 


Message 2 of 2 (270 Views)