Re: Consistent 360 degree distance aim

by OttoVP

Original Post

Consistent 360 degree distance aim

★★★ Novice

Does anyone know if it's possible to get consistent 360 degree distance aiming between ADS and hipfire without adjusting every setting until it's exact?

Message 1 of 4 (7,673 Views)

Re: Consistent 360 degree distance aim

★★★ Guide


actually i was unaware of UsA and its importance so i googled that:


thanks to:  DarkEtheereal


hope this solves your issue:


If you've looked in your input settings post patch, you'll see a lot of new sensitivity options, either right there on the main control options, or hidden in the advanced menu.
DON'T TOUCH EM YET! You need to LEARN about them first!

I was very much involved with coming up with the concept behind the option known as "Uniform Soldier Aiming" (Which I abbreviate to UsA). I'm basically the expert on this. The only person who knows it better is probably Jjju, the dev who coded it.

It's vital you read this guide before you go screwing around playing with sensitivity sliders, because you can end up ruining your muscle memory if you don't do things properly.

Please share this and comment if you find it useful, otherwise nobody will know of the glory of Uniform Soldier Aiming.

Dealing with FOV

If post patch, your turn rate felt funny and running felt slower, it's probably because the FOV system changed to become clearer. Basically before the FOV ran on the Hor+ fov system which many games use. The problem is that this hides the actual FOV number. BF4 actually runs on vertical FOV, which is the number on the left of the new FOV slider.

So if you ever want to geek out and do calculations involving FOV, the slider now tells you your actual screen independent FOV.

However if you want to set your FOV back to what it was pre-patch, you need to match the number on the right in brackets to your old FOV number. Once you do that, things should feel normal again.

Uniform Soldier Aiming

If you look at the options, especially the advanced options, you may see lots of separate aiming sliders and want to go "Oooh! look! I can set all these sliders how I want to have the sensitivities I want!".

The problem is if you go setting all your options manually, you'll play around till it feels "good enough", and you probably wont set them at the proper levels.
We've come up with a proper way to set your sensitivities with each sight to the correct level without any effort, and because it follows a clever mathematical formula, it should be easier to learn, reducing any negative effect on your accuracy when you switch scopes.

This system is called Uniform Soldier Aiming.

What does Uniform Soldier Aiming do? (Simple version).

Uniform Soldier Aiming is meant to make your sensitivity feel the same when you switch between infantry ADS sights.

When UsA is OFF, if you switch from a close range sight like an RDS to an optical zoom sight like a X4 sight, you'll probably notice a jump in sensitivity. Typically the close range sights feel less sensitive, and the long range sights feel more sensitive, which isn't very helpful.

This is because the old system of compensating for the magnification of sights by reducing the turn rate was based on poorly tuned tables of sensitivity settings for each sight which didn't adapt to your base FOV.

If you turn UsA on (with stock settings), you should feel like the difference between sensitivity is no longer present. If you switch from 8x scope to canted iron sights, it should feel natural. If you use the flip up magnifier, it should feel natural. No matter what sight you use, your sensitivity should feel sensible.

This theoretically allows you to build up superior muscle memory.

How to configure Uniform Soldier Aiming for dummies.

This is the method that I recommend everyone uses. If you don't want to read below and know what Uniform Soldier Aiming is actually doing, that's fine, just follow these instructions and you'll get all the benefit of Uniform soldier aiming.
If you're a CS:GO player you definitely shouldn't differ from this because according to the theory, this should get the sensitivity system working basically same way CS:GO does on it's telescopic rifles.

WARNING: Uniform Soldier Aiming changes sensitivities on your sights to try to make them better. Don't be surprised if it feels funny at first. Sensitivity changes always do.

Step 1: Make sure all your "sight" sensitivity options are at 100%
Sight specific sensitivity sliders are in the advanced part of the control menu. They need to be at their default 100% because they also alter sight sensitivities so they will interfere with the work of Uniform soldier aiming and you won't get a proper feel for the unadulterated effect of UsA.

Step 2: Make sure your soldier zoom sensitivity is at 100%
You should start off with no change to soldier zoom sensitivity to get a feel for the unadulterated effect of UsA. You might find that you don't need to change the soldier zoom sensitivity from 100% when UsA is enabled.
If you don't like it later, this can be changed.

Step 3: Make the Uniform Soldier Aiming Coefficient is at it's default.
The UsA Coefficient is hidden in the advanced menu again. It should be 1.33
You can learn what it does later, but I wouldn't recommend touching this until you know what it does.

Step 5: Turn on Uniform Soldier Aiming
It's in the control options.

Step 6: Consider Changing the option "Field of View Scaling in ADS"
Uniform Soldier Aiming makes your turn rate dependant on your ADS FOV. FOV Scaling heavily changes your ADS FOV on close range sights.
You might find that using UsA allows you to use ADS FOV Scaling on if you couldn't before, because it removes the perceived sensitivity reduction caused by the wide FOV with no change to sensitivty.
I like to call playing with UsA and FOV Scaling on "Oh man! This is just like counter-strike!" mode. []

I'm not saying you should or shouldn't change it. I'm just saying if you turned FOV scaling off before because it gave you nasty sensitivity, think it over again because now it doesn't effect perceived sensitivity.
Now you just have to choose whether you want high RDS fov or low RDS fov. It's purely up to you.

Step 7: TEST!
Play with Uniform Soldier Aiming on for a bit and see if you like it, then switch it off and see if you prefer that.
The best way to test is to try using loadouts that involve switching between close range and long range sights a lot. Canted irons show off the difference especially.
Be prepared to play worse for a bit because you always have to get used to changes in sensitivities.

Optional Step: Tweak zoom sensitivity (only if you must).
If you really need lower sensitivity when you go ADS, you can use the main zoom sensitivity slider to do that.
Only do it if you feel the need though.

All that's left to do is decide whether you like it or whether you don't. I recommend you stick with it for at least a day before you write it off.

What does Uniform Soldier Aiming do? (Advanced mode).

WARNING: Everything beyond this point may either make no sense or cook your brain.

Uniform sensitivity defines a "control distance" on your screen, a fixed distance from crosshair, and says "anything at that distance should take the same distance of mouse movement to aim at, at every scope FOV", then it uses clever maths to calculate how the mouse distance should translate to angular displacement changes to make that happen.

Or, if you use a console, it defines a distance on your screen from your crosshair, and says "anything at that distance should take the same amount of time to move to your crosshair if you move your joystick in it's direction at maximum displacement, no matter what the scope FOV".

Now if you are wondering what that control distance is, it's defined by the coefficient.
The distance from the cross hairs at which things are 100% uniform between different scope FOVs is equal to the distance from your crosshair, to the top of your screen, times the UsA coefficient.

So you must be wondering why the default coefficient is 1.33
First, because 1.33 seemed to work best, second, because that's what CS:GO used and compatability is awesome, and third, because when you times your vertical screen height by 1.33, you would get your horizontal screen width if you were using a 4:3 screen, which is the smallest aspect ration screen people use for games.

By setting a distance from your crosshair where it always takes the same distance/time to move an object to the centre of your screen, we provide a framework for our brain to work with as you build up muscle memory.

So should you change the coefficient?

You may have thought "Hmm, if a coefficient of 1.33 corresponds to the width of a 4:3 screen, shouldn't I change it to match my widescreen's aspect ratio?"
The answer is no. It will probably feel funny.

Maybe you have thought "Hmm, a coefficient of 1.33 means the circle of uniformity is wider than the screen! Shouldn't I set the coefficient to 1 or less?".
The answer is maybe?

It might be appropriate to play around with the coefficient depending on what you want out of the system, but you need to be careful.

The system as it stands was based around this idea of having it so at a certain distance, you always have to do the exact same thing to get it to the center of your crosshairs, no matter what scope you use. This was with the goal of improving muscle memory and making percieved sensitivity uniform.

The issue is we didn't know what coefficient made perceived sensitivity uniform.

When the setting is far bellow 1, the perceived sensitivity of scopes goes down as their FOV goes down..
When the setting is far above 1, maybe around 2 or 3, sensitivity of scopes goes up as their FOV goes down. That's not good.

The originally planned coefficient was 1, but we found that this too didn't feel quite uniform. Sensitivity still seemed to go down at higher FOV scopes.
At 1.33, the effect doesn't seem to be noticeable. And since we knew CS games already use it, we decided to go with it. It's not necessarily "perfect" but it does the job well.

However, let's say you are a sniper. All you do is snipe all day.
If you are a sniper, first, the sniper scopes limit your screen space so that you can't see anything in the "circle of uniformity" at a coefficient of 1.33. If you want to do drag shooting, you can only see the things in that circle, and maybe you want your sensitivity to be lower on higher zoom scopes for more precision.

In that case, you may want to play with lower coefficients, so that the zone where your muscle memory is most accurate is brought into the circle of your scope.

If you really really really want to have lower sensitivity on higher scopes, you can set the coefficient to 0.

What happens when the coefficient is 0?

According to what I said, the coefficient is used to define a distance by multiplying it with your monitor height.
However if the coefficient is 0, something multiplied by 0 is 0.

So how does that make sense? If the control distance is 0, then that means it takes the same mouse movement to move something no distance to the center of your crosshairs? What?

It turns out when the coefficient is 0, the clever math we use breaks down, because you end up dividing by zero, which isn't fun.
So when the coefficient is 0, a slight change is made to the formula. It doesn't change what happens much. When the coefficient is 0, it acts a lot like when the coefficient is 0.001

Basically when the coefficient is zero, instead of thinking in terms of what happens at a point at a certain distance away from your crosshair, we are thinking about what happens under your crosshair.

Imagine that what's shown on your screen isn't a 3D world, imagine it's an image of a world printed onto a sheet of rubber. When you turn, the sheet of rubber moves, but it also contracts and expands in certain places, so the velocity of the sheet of rubber isn't constant through the entire sheet.
When the coefficient is zero, it's like making sure that the bit of the sheet directly under the crosshairs always has the same velocity when your mouse has the a constant velocity, no matter what sight FOV you are at.

If you don't understand, that's fine. You don't need to. That's the best analogy I could come up with.

Basically when you turn, the projected image on your screen shifts at different rates at different areas because of the deformation of projection. When the coeffficient is zero, the velocity of the point directly under your crosshairs is matched to your mouse velocity in a proportional relationship.

The problem is this isn't helpful really, since your brain still sees the image as 3D, not 2D, so perspective comes in and it ends up not looking uniform.

Should I ever play with the individual sight sensitivity sliders?

In my oppinion you should never touch those things.

They're the quickest way to ruin your muscle memory.
UsA allows you to do most of the stuff you would want to do with them anyway.

If you do choose to change them because you've got some special need to do so, bear in mind that all the settings are multiplicative.

If you apply UsA at the same time as any of the other ADS sensitivity sliders, the sliders will multiply with the UsA to determine your new sensitivity.

Message 2 of 4 (7,652 Views)

Re: Consistent 360 degree distance aim

★★★ Novice

I know I'm 4 years late, but USA is very different to what I was talking about. I was referring to zooming without slowing down depending on the level of zoom. I ended up doing exactly what I said in my post: adjusting everything to match my hipfire sensitivity.

Message 3 of 4 (1,378 Views)

Re: Consistent 360 degree distance aim

Community Manager

Hey @fconyt going to go ahead and lock this thread as it is quite old.

If you have an issue please create a new thread with as much info as possible.



Message 4 of 4 (1,334 Views)