Battlefield 4 preorder

by speedierracerx

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Battlefield 4 preorder

★★★ Newbie
Do we get the full edition of premium (all map packs, tags, and special events) with preorder or is it just one map pack? The preorder page says premium map pack. It's confusing.
Message 2 of 3 (510 Views)

Accepted Solution

Re: Battlefield 4 preorder

Community Manager (retired)

The premium map pack is one premium expansion. The exact Details around Battlefield 4 Premium will be announced at a later date. Any information about Battlefield 4 Premium will be announced over at when it becomes available.

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Message 3 of 3 (520 Views)

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Pre Order

★ Novice

Is Premium included in the pre order? The website isn't too clear about it.

Message 1 of 3 (512 Views)

Re: Battlefield 4 preorder

Community Manager (retired)

The premium map pack is one premium expansion. The exact Details around Battlefield 4 Premium will be announced at a later date. Any information about Battlefield 4 Premium will be announced over at when it becomes available.

Message 3 of 3 (521 Views)