Battlefield 4 Screen Issue

by Molotov22719

Original Post

Battlefield 4 Screen Issue

★★ Novice

Hello! Hope you're having a good day!


I bought BF4 yesterday and just finished installing it. When I join a game, the screen is flickery with colors everywhere :/ I have two screenshots below taken about 5 seconds between eachother. I play on fullscreen and vsync is off, it seems to be an issue with some people... I've tried googling this but haven't found anything, yes my specs support BF4. I've updated my drivers and DirectX and Visual C++ etc. No luck.


The screen was also yellow, this was on the test range map flying a plane (Not sure which) I was on Siege and it was flickering much more, there were textures flying everywhere and colors were all over the place. I noticed my AK-12 red for a second... I'd like some help with this Confusedmileyhappy:

Here's another 2 screenshots, this time as infatnry. Taken about 3 seconds between eachother, also walking around may make the screen empty like the first screen above...

Would appreciate any help, thanks! :D

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