Re: Battlefield 4 'Kill of the Game' segment

by eternalsamuri

Original Post

Accepted Solution

Battlefield 4 'Kill of the Game' segment

★ Newbie

Any time you get a kill, you get (just for an example) say 50 points.  If it were a double kill, then it would be 100.   Or if you were to do something cool like blowing up a building with the whole enemy team inside, (once again, just making up numbers) you would earn 1,000 points.  


My idea is that which ever kill feed earns the most points will be featured as the 'Kill of the Game' and will be shown to everyone at the end of the game.  In my examples in the first paragraph, the person who blew up the building would have the 'Kill of the Game' because he earned 1,000 points (compared to the 50 & 100 point feeds).

Message 1 of 2 (923 Views)

Accepted Solution

Re: Battlefield 4 'Kill of the Game' segment

★★★ Newbie

That sounds really cool, good idea!

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Message 2 of 2 (958 Views)

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Re: Battlefield 4 'Kill of the Game' segment

★★★ Newbie

That sounds really cool, good idea!

Message 2 of 2 (959 Views)