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Related to CONGO: Congo River
CONGOCouncil of Non-Governmental Organizations
CONGOConference of Non-Governmental Organizations in Consultative Status with the United Nations (semi-official body within the United Nations)
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They would seize him, and if they didn't kill him they would take him down the Congo to a point where a properly ordered military tribunal would do so just as effectively, though in a more regular manner.
For years the military forces of Belgian Congo had waged a fruitless war upon this man and his followers--a war in which quarter had never been asked nor expected by either side.
'Every available resource must be utilized for medical tests and treatment of suspected patients of Congo virus,' said the CM.
The recent case took the number of reported Congo cases in the megacity to 31; however, 16 people have already died of the Congo fever this year so far in Karachi.
'Every available resource must be utilized for the medical tests and treatment of affected of Congo virus.
On July 25, a Congo virus alert had been issued for the metropolis, stipulating precautionary instructions for all those people who are visiting cattle farms.
Tandis que la decouverte d'Oyo au Congo etait toutefois le resultat des efforts deployes par des societes congolaises, ce qui est une victoire pour le Congo et pour l'Afrique.
The Nationals couldn't sustain their strong start as Congo got its act together in the fourth quarter where it blew the game wide open.
She informed that total nine Congo infected patients had been reported in hospital this year out of which five were cured and discharged, three died and one leave against medical advice (LAMA).
Karachi Metropolitan Corporation (KMC) has issued a Congo virus alert to hospitals in Karachi, directing the management to adopt special precautions for a Congo affected patient, a private news channel reported.
According to a handout issued here,he directed officials to carry out spraying of animals besides taking steps for treatment of animals suffering from any sort of disease in order to prevent the spread of Congo virus among the people.
Dr Hazrat Hadi said the Congo fever, Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever, was a deadly cattle disease caused by tick-borne virus.