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ZARMZentrum für Angewandte Raumfahrttechnologie und Mikrogravitation (German: Center of Applied Space Technology and Microgravity)
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The ZARM product will help give farmers peace of mind.
The ZARM product is available to corn and soybean producers in six states-Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska and Ohio.
ZARM is designed to help farmers post strong revenue results, guarantee collateral for agricultural lenders, and maintain the independence of farm managers.
German Press and Journalists Federation (DPV) President Christian Zarm, who was heading the delegation, mentioned establishing a media institution in Islamabad for professional training of journalists and technical staff.
President of German Press and Journalists Federation, Dr Christian Zarm eulogizing the efforts of Pakistani government being made to uproot terrorism said that there existed many misperceptions about Pakistan in Europe that needed to be cleared.
SHOULDER ZARMS Rebel TRUCK STOP J Victory in Tripoli
J Rebel in the cockpit TAKING CONTROL J Relaxing in the lounge SITTING COMFORTABLY TIME TO REFLECT ZArmed rebel puts his feet up on Gaddafi's bed with large mirror behind
TENSION ZArmed cop at hotel last night DRAMA ZSmoke billows from roof yesterday