TASISThe American School in Switzerland
TASISTechnical and Scientific Investigative Services (Sherburne, NY)
TASISTactical and Strategic Intervention Services
TASISTake a Stand in Society (political group)
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References in periodicals archive ?
Haleem Adil said on April 28, the youm e tasis (founding day) of the PTI would be celebrated in Karachi.
Translated by Rafael Tasis. Barcelona: Joaquim Horta Editor.
and TASIS have conducted workshops in the past and have now decided to launch a full online certification.
(16.) Bustamante AJ, Garcia San Jose I, Quinzanos ER, Tasis A.
Till date the Muslim community has largely kept from capital markets as most of them do not fulfil the criteria set by Shari'ah," explained Ayub Khan, a product development executive for Taqwaa Advisory and Shari'ah Investments Solution (TASIS).
Two owners of a fraudulent Detroit-area medical clinic, Martin and Joaquin Tasis, and a man who helped them launder the proceeds of the fraud, Leoncio Alayon, were convicted on Friday by a federal jury in Detroit for their roles in a $9.1 million Medicare fraud scheme, the Departments of Justice and Health and Human Services (HHS) said.
This certificate was recently granted by TASIS (Taqwaa Advisory and Shariah Investment Solutions (P) Ltd), the premier Shariah Advisory Institution in the field of finance in India.
The Bombay Stock Exchange, Asia's oldest stock market, has launched the TASIS Sharia 50 in an attempt to open stock-trading to more of the country's vast Muslim population.