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References in periodicals archive ?
The input capacitance [] of the flip-flop is expressed in terms of normalized width w1 as follows:
It is made of a high internal impedance sinusoidal current source with a parallel coil to resonate the equivalent input capacitance of the active device.
Acoustic emission is recorded by an ENDEVCO 2219E piezoelectric accelerometer whose specifications are: resonance frequency--20 kHz, linear processing characteristic limited to a frequency of 6 kHz, charge sensitivity--96 pC/g, capacitance--159 pF, processing coefficient with cable capacitance (94 pF) and charge amplifier input capacitance taken into account--0.36 V/g, charge amplifier gain--2.8 V/V and system's total processing coefficient--1 V/g.
The temperature of the MOSFETs increased as the input capacitance was reduced and the ripple voltage increased.
The CM1209, with only 6 pF of channel input capacitance, integrates up to 8 channels of ESD protection into a single device.
For power modeling of CMOS devices, three parasitic capacitances are considered: the input capacitance of a pin []; the power dissipation capacity [C.sub.pd]; the parasitic capacity of the connecting wires [C.sub.load].
They provide an extremely low input capacitance because they use a 50-0 coaxial cable terminated by the scope's 50-0 input.
Industrial datasheets typically specify the input capacitance [C.sub.iss] and the output capacitance [C.sub.oss] with gate shorted to source [5], [6].