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EAExpert Advisor
EAElectronic Arts
EAEnterprise Architecture
EAEnvironmental Assessment
EAEnvironment Agency (UK; formerly National Rivers Authority)
EAEnrolled Agent (IRS)
EAEast Africa
EAActivation Energy (in Electron Volts)
EAElectronic Attack (previously ECM)
EAEarly Access (software)
EAEnterprise Agreement
EAExecutive Assistant
EAEconomic Analysis
EAElastane (fiber)
EAEmergency Assistance
EAEl Alacran
EAError Analysis (mathematics)
EAElectron Affinity (chemistry)
EAEducational Administration
EAEuro Area (various organizations)
EAEarly Action
EAEcosystem Approach
EAEuropean Co-operation for Accreditation (European community bodies)
EAEmployment Agreement
EAEqual Access
EAEvolutionary Algorithm
EAEngineers Australia
EAExternal Affairs
EAElevation Angle
EAEastern Airlines
EAExecutive Agent
EAEngineering Analysis
EAEpileptiform Activity (neurology)
EAExtramarital Affair
EAEarly Adopter
EAEpiscopal Academy (Pennsylvania)
EAEffective Altruism (movement)
EAEffective Address (Von Neumann cycle step)
EAElective Abortion (also seen as EAb)
EAEconomic Affairs
EAEthan Allen
EAEarth Action
EAEnvironmental Action
EAEnemy Aircraft
EAEntered Apprentice (masonry)
EAEarth Alliance (anime; gaming)
EAElectricity Association (UK)
EAEnvironment Australia
EAEvangelical Alliance
EAEndless Ages (MMORPG)
EAEstimated Average (projection)
EAExecutive Agency
EAEnumeration Area (Canada census boundary)
EAElectro-Absorption (modulator)
EAEmergency Action(s)
EAEngineering Automation
EAEducate America
EAEnergy Absorption
EAExecutive Aircraft
EAEducation Austin
EAEarly Availability
EAEdgewood Area (of Aberdeen Proving Ground)
EAEnsiapu (Finnish: First Aid)
EAExternal Access (assembly language directive)
EAExecuting Agency
EAEnemy Action
EAEn Anderen (Dutch: and others)
EAEscrow Account
EAEnergy Assurance (US FEMA)
EAExtended Attribute
EAElectronics Assembly
EAExpenditure Authorization
EAEnvironmental Auditing
EAEntreprise Adaptée (French: Adapted Enterprise)
EAEquitable Adjustment (contract)
EAEntrepreneur Association
EAEncyclopedia Americana
EAEnrolled Actuary
EAExposure Analysis
EAEngineering Aide (US Navy rating)
EAElectric Actuator
EAEpisodic Ataxia
EAEndometriosis Association
EAExtended Address
EAEmotional Affair
EAEjército del Aire (Spanish Air Force)
EAEvolutionary Acquisition
EAEmployee Agent (insurance)
EAExchange Access (Bellcore)
EAEngineering Assistant
EAElectromagnetic Anomaly
EAEmployment Access (National Disability Conference)
EAExternal Alarm
EAEngineer Rear Admiral (military rank)
EAEver Active
EAExperimental Activities
EAEnvironmental Assurance
EAExclusion Area
EAExploration Asset
EAEmergency Activities (attendance code)
EAEnforceable Agreement
EAEstate Analysis
EAEmerging Adulthood (behavioral science)
EAEmergency Authority
EAEditorial Alteration
EAEternal Arcadia (Japanese videogame)
EAEjército Argentino (Argentinian Army)
EAExpenditure Authority
EAEcole de l'Air (French)
EAExperimental Agent
EAEngagement Area
EAEnlisted Accession (US Air Force)
EAElectronic Analysis
EAEqual Angle
EAEndangerment Assessment
EAEnlazando Alternativas (Spanish: Linking Alternatives)
EAEngineering Ambassadors
EAEnforcement Agreement
EAEnergy Alpha (Wilhelm Reich)
EAExecutable Architecture
EAEmployment Allowance (student financial aid)
EAEquipment Alignment
EAEmergency Announcement
EAEngineering Assignment
EAEvaluation Authority
EAÉpreuves d'Artiste (French: artist's proof)
EAEngineering Authorization
EAEveryplace Access (IBM)
EAEscrowed Authenticator (cryptography)
EAExtended Arrangement (IMF)
EAEducator Ambassador
EAEuclidian Algorithm
EAJeff Ellis & Associates (lifeguard certification company)
EAExpedited Data Acknowledgment (ANSI, ITU-T)
EAEnlisted Aviator
EAEnsemble Architecture (Vocaltel)
EAExtended Address Field Bit (ISDN, ITU-T)
EAExternal Associate
EAExamining for Aphasia
EAEmergency/Enforcement Action
EAEigenmächtig Abwesend (German)
EAEquilibrated Aggregate (interplanetary dust particle)
EAEnginering Analysis
EAEngineering Aide/Assistance
EAEpileptic Arousal Reaction (neurology)
EAEskilstuna, City, Sweden
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References in periodicals archive ?
In order to fully realise our capacity and potential as human beings and Pakistanis, the need of the hour is that every person must have equal access to all the opportunities.
Validity Finance, a litigation funding company, has announced the launch of a new Equal Access Fellowship, providing a paid summer fellowship to first-year law students of diverse backgrounds, the company said.
In a message on international day of the Persons with Disabilities, he said they were committed for promoting empowerment, provision of inclusive opportunities and equal access to them
In a press release by UN women they wrote that The one-year program aims to enhance women's economic empowerment in Palestine through promoting women's equal access to decent work opportunities.
Luke's Foundation's vision is to have equal access to quality healthcare, greater opportunities for medical education, and sustained support for medical research and training to benefit the underprivileged Filipinos.
Other panelists, such as Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, expressed doubt that the centers' case against the state has merit, namely that Idaho is violating Medicaid's equal access provision.
Under the equal access provision, states that accept federal Medicaid funding are required to set reimbursement rates at levels sufficient to retain enough providers and make sure patients have proper access to care.
General Assembly on Monday adopted a resolution urging Myanmar to grant citizenship to its Rohingya Muslim minority and grant them equal access to services.
THE call for equal access to cancer drugs for people here will be heard today.
Her topics include the right to health and the right to healthcare in human rights law, state obligations resulting from the right to health care, the justiciability of the right to healthcare, the justiciability of the right to equal access to healthcare at the European Committee of Social Rights, and the justiciability of the right to equal access to healthcare at the Human Rights Committee.