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CAMComputer-Aided Manufacturing
CAMCamcorder (video source)
CAMComplementary and Alternative Medicine
CAMCamden (Amtrak station code; Camden, SC)
CAMCommunity Association Manager (Community Associations Institute )
CAMCenter for Applied Mathematics (Cornell)
CAMCarrie-Anne Moss (actress)
CAMChloramphenicol (antibiotic)
CAMCaminho (Portuguese: Way; postal usage)
CAMConditional Access Module (digital TV)
CAMCommon Area Maintenance
CAMCartoon Art Museum (San Francisco, CA)
CAMCampeche (postcode, Mexico)
CAMCertified Apartment Manager
CAMCell Adhesion Molecule
CAMCommunity Atmosphere Model (University Corporation for Atmospheric Research)
CAMCincinnati Art Museum (Cincinnati, OH)
CAMCapital Asset Management (various locations)
CAMCommon Area Maintenance (real estate)
CAMCenter for American Music (various locations)
CAMCMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integration) Assessment Method
CAMContent Addressable Memory
CAMCrocker Art Museum (Sacramento, CA)
CAMCaja de Ahorros del Mediterráneo (Spanish Savings Bank)
CAMComputer-Aided Machining
CAMCivil Aviation Medical (Canada)
CAMContact Angle Measurement
CAMCompanion Animal Medicine
CAMCrassulacean Acid Metabolism (botany)
CAMChorioallantoic Membrane
CAMCentro de Artes Musicales (Spanish: Musical Arts Center)
CAMCommunications, Advertising, Marketing
CAMCentre of Aviation Medicine (armed forces; UK)
CAMCardiac Arrest Management
CAMComunidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spanish)
CAMClean Access Manager
CAMCamera Format
CAMComputer Aided Manufacturing
CAMComputer Aided Machinery
CAMCommon Array Manager
CAMCarrier Access Module
CAMCpu Adjustable Multiplier
CAMConditional Access Modules
CAMCompliance Assurance Monitoring (EPA)
CAMCommunity Academic Microsoft
CAMCourt-Annexed Mediation (various locations)
CAMCentre for Advanced Microscopy (various locations)
CAMClear As Mud
CAMCalifornia Association of Museums (Santa Cruz, CA)
CAMComputer Assisted Manufacturing
CAMChemical Agent Monitor
CAMComputational and Applied Mathematics
CAMCitigroup Asset Management (Legg Mason, Inc.)
CAMCapacity Allocation Mechanism (natural gas regulation)
CAMClient Account Manager
CAMCommon Access Method
CAMCustomer Account Manager
CAMCommon Array Manager (EMC Corp.)
CAMControlled Ankle Movement (boots)
CAMCertificate of Advanced Mastery
CAMComputerized AIDS Ministries
CAMCorporate Account Manager
CAMContent Aggregation Model
CAMCenter for Advanced Media
CAMClube Atletico Mineiro (Brazilian soccer team.)
CAMCost Account Manager
CAMCystic Adenomatoid Malformation (lung malformation)
CAMConning Asset Management (Conning and Company)
CAMControl Account Manager
CAMContract Audit Manual (DCAA)
CAMCockpit Area Microphone
CAMContinuous Air Monitor(s)
CAMComplex Assisted Metathesis
CAMCellular Automata Machine
CAMConventional Allopathic Medicine
CAMChinese Association of Museums (Taiwan)
CAMCorrections Administration and Management (Bellevue University; Nebraska)
CAMComputer-Aided Methods
CAMComputer-Aided Mapping
CAMCommunity Action Marin (San Rafael, CA)
CAMComposite Application Management (computing)
CAMColumbia Aircraft Manufacturing (now Cessna)
CAMConseil des Arts de Montréal (French: Arts Council of Montreal; Montreal, Quebec, Canada)
CAMCentrifuge Accommodation Module
CAMComité d'Aide Medicale
CAMCollege Age Ministry (various locations)
CAMCradle of Aviation Museum (Long Island, New York)
CAMCentre Attacking Midfield (soccer)
CAMConvoy Asset Management Limited (Hong Kong)
CAMConstant Amortization Mortgage
CAMCommunauté d'Agglomération du Muretain (French: Agglomeration Community of Muret; Muret, France)
CAMConstantly Awake Mode (wireless networking)
CAMCoördinatiepunt Assessment en Monitoring
CAMCentrifugal Advance Mechanism
CAMConstruction Administration Manager (various organizations)
CAMCausa Mortis (Latin: Cause of Death; Codices and Manuscripts)
CAMCrisis Action Module (US DoD)
CAMCollege of Arts and Media
CAMCampylobacter Vaccine
CAMCanadian Association of Movers
CAMChannel Access Method
CAMCollision Avoidance Maneuver
CAMCameroon Anglophone Movement
CAMCommon Account Maintenance (student loans)
CAMCompagnie des Autobus de Monaco (French: Monaco Bus Company; Monaco)
CAMCommunication Access Method
CAMConsolidated Aircraft Maintenance
CAMCentralized Asset Management
CAMChartered Asset Manager
CAMChemical Abstract Machine
CAMCard Authentication Method (payment card verification)
CAMCoopérative des Agriculteurs de la Mayenne (French: Farmers Cooperative of Mayenne; Mayenne, France)
CAMCenter for Applied Microtechnology
CAMCore Automated Maintenance
CAMComprehensive Assessment Model
CAMCombat Air Museum (Topeka, Kansas)
CAMCreative Association Management
CAMComputer-Assisted Mapping
CAMChiffre d'Affaire Mensuel (French: Monthly Turnover)
CAMCarrierless Amplitude Modulation
CAMCustom Aeronautical Miniatures
CAMCivil Aeronautics Manual
CAMControlled Ankle Motion
CAMComprehensive Air Quality Model
CAMCatapult Armed Merchantman (WWII Naval vessel)
CAMCisco Access Manager
CAMCasio digital camera file (file extension)
CAMCentre d'Aviation Météorologique
CAMCartographic Automatic Mapping
CAMCalifornia Assessment Manual
CAMConstant Air Monitor
CAMCentral Address Memory
CAMCommercial Air Movement
CAMChannel Assignment Message
CAMCercle Athlétique de Montrouge (French: Montrouge Athletic Circle; Montrouge, France)
CAMClub Automobile Martin (French automobile club)
CAMComputer As Medium
CAMCall Accepted Message (ITU-T)
CAMContractor Acquired Material
CAMCentralized Ammunition Management (US Army)
CAMCarrier Aircraft Modification (NASA)
CAMComputer Address Matrix
CAMCentre d'Affaires Médical (French: Medical Affairs Center)
CAMComputer-Aided Makeup
CAMCivil Affairs Model
CAMCybernetic Anthropomorphic Machine
CAMComputer Annunciation Matrix (NASA)
CAMCost Allocation Matrix
CAMChristian Air Ministry
CAMCavernous Angiomatous Malformations
CAMCoupled Angular Mode
CAMCheckout and Automatic Monitoring
CAMCommodity Area Manager
CAMContract Area Manager
CAMCustomer Account Monitor
CAMCommercial Air Movement Number
CAMComputer Assessment of Media
CAMCommon Aviation Maintenance
CAMCustomer Acquisition and Management
CAMCoronographic Apodizer Mechanism
CAMCentral Access Memory
CAMCommunications Asset Monitoring (satellite communications)
CAMCercle des Agriculteurs Malgaches
CAMCoalition for the Apostolic Ministry
CAMCompliance Allocation Matrix
CAMCabin Attendant Manual (airlines)
CAMCommunication Advertising & Marketing Society
CAMCohesion Among Methods of Class
CAMCentro Aiuti Mondiali
CAMCaptured Available Market
CAMCall Access Manager (Evercom Systems Inc.)
CAMCentral Alarm Monitor
CAMCustomer Acceptance Manual
CAMCentro Apostólico Misionero (Spanish)
CAMConsolidated Avionics Maintenance
CAMContract Advisory Memorandum
CAMCredit Appraisal Memorandum
CAMConsolidated Assessment Model
CAMChicago Area Mennonites
Copyright 1988-2018, All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Density and contact angle measurements, FT-IR (Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy), XRD (X-ray Diffraction), XRF (X-ray Fluorescence), SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) and N2 adsorption/desorption devices were used in the current work.
After the silica coated and patterned surfaces were obtained, surface characterization by means of surface roughness and contact angle measurement to analyze surface hydrophobicity was performed.
Correlation coefficients were also calculated between all the contact angle measurements and the subsequently calculated surface energy values to determine if a correlation coefficient is a suitable calculation to determine mathematical relationships between stain repellency and contact angle.
Contact angle measurements were used to evaluate wetting properties of noncoated, PEG-coated, and PDMS-coated substrates.
Table 1 shows the findings of water contact angle measurements of eletrospun matrices of PCL and the treated PCL.
Contact angle measurement was performed at room temperature using a contact angle meter model Cam-Plus Miccro equipped with an optical microscope from Tantec.
To prove the surface morphology of the irradiated polymer films is dependent on the [bar.DP] as well as concentration of Chimassorb81, which has been revealed by contact angle measurement, SEM analysis was carried out.