CLTRChina Liver Transplant Registry
CLTRConsistent Long-Term Retrieval (memory)
CLTRCentre for Learning and Teaching Research (Edge Hill University; Lancashire, England, UK)
CLTRCPPU (Constant Pressure Power Uprate) Licensing Topical Report (nuclear)
CLTRConsistent Long-Term Recall (neuropsychology)
Copyright 1988-2018, All rights reserved.
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CLTR was founded in 1987 to provide legal, tax and risk management resources and training for clergy and religious organizations.
CLTR adds new twists to many traditional problems in information retrieval (IR) and computational linguistics.
In 47 site-years of testing in the URN trials conducted from 2001 to 2003, Steele-ND yielded 3682 kg ha-T compared to 3507, 3562, and 2647 kg [ha.sup.-1 for 'Keene' (PI 598224), 'Verde' (PI 592561), and 'Chris' (Cltr 13751), respectively (LSD 0.05, 163 kg [ha.sup.-1).
Wheat line IN71761A4-31-5-48 was developed by Purdue University and has the pedigree 'Benhur' (CItr 14054)*2/3/'Arthur' (CItr 14425)/ 'Knox' (CItr12798) type line/4/'Beau' (Cltr 17420)*2/3/Arthur*2// 'Riley' (CItr13702)/'Bulgaria 88' (PI 94407).
On the basis on 16 locations of URN in 2002, mean grain yield and volume weight of ND 744 were 2983 kg [ha.sup.-1] and 770 kg [m.sup.-3], respectively, compared to Verde (2701 kg [ha.sup.-1] and 749 kg [m.sup.-3]), Chris (2063 kg [ha.sup.-1] and 721 kg [m.sup.-3]), and 'Marquis' (Cltr 3641) (861 kg [ha.sup.-1] and 723 kg [m.sup.-3]).
Hollis is a [F.sub.4:5] head row selection derived from the cross 'Butte 86'/'Copper' (PI 502644)/4/'Sawtell' (Cltr 17424)/'Tabasi'//'Makay'/3/ 'Minnpro' (PI 532149), which was made in 1989.