
The Association of Creative Communications Agencies (A2C) is the unifying voice of more than 108 agencies in Quebec of different sizes, specialties and configurations but all with one thing in common: a commitment to creative communications. Its members generate over 85% of the industry’s revenues in Quebec, and contribute to the success of companies here and abroad.

A2C brings together communications agencies with a wide range of profiles and services (communications, marketing, advertising, digital advertising, media, design, events, etc.) from all over Quebec.


Consult our Agency Directory to discover our members and find the right agency to assist you in overcoming your business challenges.



A2C is dedicated to promoting excellence, raising awareness and defending the interests of its 108 member agencies. Its ambition is to make the strategic and creative communications industry a key player in the creation of economic, social and cultural value.

  • Highlight the value of the services provided by Quebec’s agencies dedicated to creative communications and the essential role they play in creating value for businesses.
  • Defend their interests, suggest a framework for their business relationships, and help them develop a mutually-beneficial client-agency relationship.
  • Guide today’s decision-makers and tomorrow’s leaders in concordance with industry trends and realities; be the unifying voice of an industry that is more relevant now than ever.


Visit the Services and Benefits section to find out more.




The Association of Quebec Advertising Agencies (AAPQ) was created in 1988, to give a voice to Quebec agencies on various issues affecting them. In November 2015, the AAPQ became the Association of Creative Communication Agencies (A2C), in order to be more representative of the transformations in the communications industry and to better reflect the the evolving role of its member agencies.