Patch v1.09 finalizes game content and optimizes AI

Patch v1.09 finalizes game content and optimizes AI

Generals, we need your attention! The game has just received a new update which makes it complete. The language translation of the newest custom battles text has been added and AI has received various improvements to become an even more challenging opponent, who will relentlessly attack your weak points and will create symmetrical and realistic fire lines around your flanks...

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Patch v1.06 adds four new custom battles plus Japanese & Korean Language support

Patch v1.06 adds four new custom battles plus Japanese & Korean Language support

We are happy that you enjoy the game and wish that our new update is going to increase your gameplay satisfaction. First of all, we have added four new custom battles based on the historical battles of Chickamauga, Spotsylvania Court House, Cold Harbor and Shiloh. Among several balances, fixes and improvements we have included language support for the Japanese and Korean players. Let's read what the new patch has to offer in more detail....

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Patch v1.04 introducing "Oblique" control

Patch v1.04 introducing "Oblique" control

Since the full release we have offered one content patch and two hotfixes. The support continues with a new update which introduces a new way to control your brigades. By using the right click button and rotating you execute the "Oblique" maneuver to keep the unit's facing towards the closest enemy. The new patch brings also two brand new custom battles and several improvements...

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