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.:[Guitar Hero Three Control Panel]:. V2.0.4 (10/4/2010)
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Joined: 07 Jul 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 9:41 am    Post subject: .:[Guitar Hero Three Control Panel]:. V2.0.4 (10/4/2010) Reply with quote

Here it is, finally, in all its glory.
Guitar Hero Three Control Panel: Beta Release
After weeks of testing and debugging the alpha with GZ, it's finally ready for beta testing.

ONLY POST BUG REPORTS ON THIS THREAD! If you don’t know how to do something post on a new thread.
Bug report format:
GHTCP Version in Italic : Feature Name in Bold
Bug report in detail including steps to reproduce it.

Unmodified GH3 PC updated to V1.3/1.31 OR GH:Aerosmith.
You need to have .NET installed.
Download the Mp3 conversion library when the program asks you too.

Audio files supported: mp3/ogg/flac/wav-PCM (tip: CBR mp3 is the GH3 native format)
Only original QB.PAK/PAB will load as backup. (no custom songlist made with tom’s editor)

I do not want to answer the same how-to questions a million times.

Download, Install, Read the Text Tutorial, and Run.
The Cheats in the cheat menu can be used like this (strum once): Green – unlock all normal cheats, Red – “Unlock All” cheat, Yellow – “Unlock Everything” cheat.

Current Version: 2.0.4
Expires: Never
Supports GH3 (Legends of Rock & Aerosmith) PC only.

--------------------Version 2.0.4 Log -------------------
Fixes the following bugs: various Preview playback crashes.
New GHTCP Features: Normalized preview volume, Find exe dialog on corrupt game registry entries.

The disclaimer timer has been changed to 3 seconds and counting is displayed on the button.

Since I have not seen any dormant issues presented these past few versions and because development has been slow on my end, I have decided to disable the date lock / time sync.
That would probably fix some of the problems people had with their firewalls.
On load, you still will be notified if a new version comes out so having the latest is not hard.

You will be asked to find the game executable if the registry entry is corrupt / does not point to the game folder.

Preview section will be normalized for multi track songs, so the volume will be consistant.

--------------------Version 2.0.3 Log -------------------
This is an attempt to fix the problems some seem to experience from the last release, although I never did. I compiled the application with a different application, so that is the only explanation I can come up with.

--------------------Version 2.0.2 Log -------------------
Fixes the following bugs: Events parsing in Chart files causing index out of bounds exception.
Feature Updates: Texture Explorer loading progress information and loading speed improved significantly.

Texture Explorer went from 30s to 7s loading time on my computer, thanks to skipping of unnecessary parsing for some files. If it is stuck on something, you will see the completed percentage and the current file name it is on in the title. The loading process is now also being properly terminated if you close the explorer before it is done.

--------------------Version 2.0 Log -------------------
Fixes the following bugs: Unedited new setlist or tier would fail game settings build, Deleting songs with tool bar button will throw an error, irregular game folder path in registry would fail game settings build, action execution would freeze forever due to some firewall blocking techniques.
Feature Updates: Game settings recovery will try to recover download and custom setlists.
New GHTCP Features: FX Speed Boost, Force Mp3 Conversion switch.

When trying to recover incompatible game settings, the files will be copied to the backup\lastedited folder. This means you can use Restore Last, if you couldn’t or forgot to execute actions after the recovery.

The Download setlist will not be replaced but merged, so the recovered tiers will just be added. Bonus and Career setlists will not be recovered, so make sure to stick to custom setlists.

FX Speed Boost will disable some gameplay animation including flames, lightning and stars.

The recovery process was refined to ask fewer questions and try and recover more. You should still backup your setlists, and always execute actions right away, after the recovery, to ensure that you will not end up losing your recovered content.

The Force Mp3 Conversion switch allows you to force the conversion of input mp3 files to the default mp3 format, instead of just passing it through. Your VBR and uncommon mp3 formats are supported by my audio library (or else the preview player and creation would fail), but the game may get unsynchronized because of the limited audio library they used, so this feature may help if you start get this kind of problem. This will affect the mass importer as well.

--------------------Version 1.94 Log -------------------
Fixes the following bug: Admin request elevation causing “A referral was returned from the server.” message.

--------------------Version 1.93 Log -------------------
Fixes the following bug: GHA compatibility (custom setlist, game start from tray), Minimize/Restore window, UAC prompt.
New GHTCP Features: Minimize To Tray toggle on tray right click (default is unchecked, but last state will be saved).

--------------------Version 1.92 Log -------------------
Fixes the following bug: Audio Data created was silenced in the game.

--------------------Version 1.91 Log -------------------
Fixes the following bugs: Second Try on Tutorial Fix, Fixed GHA English problems, Crash if no setlist loaded due to corrupt game settings.
Feature Updates: Improved GHA support.
New GHTCP Features: Recover Songlist from data.

Recover Songlist (under Add) allows you to recover songs that you have data files for in the data folder (from other game settings) and simply register them in the songlist. The properties are stored in the game settings, so default properties are created. This will not guaranty that the songs are playable (will not freeze) in game, since the data may be corrupt. Use as last resource!

--------------------Version 1.9 Log -------------------
Fixes the following bugs: Audio Track Creation may fail with long songs, x64 related problems should be fixed, tutorial mode not working, out of sync problems.
Feature Updates: Parse badly structured midi files.
New GHTCP Features: Guitar Hero Aerosmith support, Newer version available notification, Silence Guitar Track switch.

Happy New Year!

When starting the program, it will check if there is a newer version available and ask you if you want to download it. It will link you to the new version at that point.

Guitar Hero Aerosmith is now supported, so if you have it installed, the CP will load it automatically. If you have both installed, then you will be asked which one to load when starting the program. The Custom Menu is available, but unfortunately, more work needs to be done to restore the Downloads tab they decided to remove. Make sure you backup your save file and whatever data files you plan to edit, since this is still experimental.

The Silence Guitar Track switch allows you to set the guitar track to a silence instead of setting both the guitar and band to the single track. Remember that Audio Type must be Single Track for this to work. This will affect the mass importer as well, so I imagine it will save a lot of time for some people.

--------------------Version 1.83 Log -------------------
Fixes the following bugs: Setlist/Tier importing overwrites songs data even if the data is none existent in the files, Texture Explorer eats all the memory if empty pak files exist in the data folder.

--------------------Version 1.82 Log -------------------
Fixes the following bugs: Mass Importer failed.

--------------------Version 1.81 Log -------------------
Fixes the following bugs: Audio Data Creation of a single track failed, Export Setlist/Tier failed.

--------------------Version 1.8 Log -------------------
Fixes the following bugs: Missing fretbars on last note, Update Songlist Action failed (someone please confirm), Cannot shutdown while the CP is running.
Feature Updates: Song Editor Enhancements, Faster operating time.
New GHTCP Features: Badly created mid files with only one nameless track support, Preview selection audio player, Flac Support, Search box in Texture Editor, Multi-Select Songs.

Missing fretbars on last note: Some charts with sustained last notes and no end event did not have fretbars to account for the sustain.

Badly created mid files with only one nameless track support: Now you should be able to load any mid file created up to standards or not.

Cannot shutdown while the CP is running: This was caused because I canceled the closing operation and just made the window hide. Closing the window now works like pressing Exit, but you can still hide the window by pressing the minimize button.

Preview selection audio player: You can now play the audio when building, to decide where to start the preview track.

Song Editor Enhancements: Some UI updates along with a better way of handling audio files. Supported formats are decoded on the fly to reduce the memory footprint and loading speed (to instant).

Flac audio files are now supported.

Search box in Texture Editor: You can now search through the texture names.

Multi-Select Songs: You can now deal with multiple songs from the songlist and the tier songs.
Songlist: Shift+Delete (delete multiple songs), Double Right Click (delete specific song), Double Left Click (Edit Properties)
Tier Songs: Delete (delete multiple songs), Double Right Click (delete specific song)

--------------------Version 1.71 Log -------------------
Fixes the following bugs: Executing some actions crash the CP, Audio player misbehaving.

--------------------Version 1.7 Log -------------------
Fixes the following bugs: Random Game Settings corruption, Unable to load Korean Game Settings, Tier Cannot be exported, A score of 1 million in Career songs when unlocking.

Feature Updates: Any Mp3 Library Zip version can be loaded, Hide Used Filter updated when applying tier changes, Split Cheat Patterns, Speed Boost buttons removed.

New GHTCP Features: Force Game Settings recovery.

New Custom Menu Features: Unlock and Register a specific setlist in Setlist Switcher, Changes in the Custom Menu saved automatically (except Bot).

Random Game Settings corruption: An unpredictable compiler optimization created a bug in the Unicode reading algorithm the new qb library was using. This includes the Korean version not being able to load. This is exactly why I have an expiration date.

Now you can force a recovery if the Game Settings got corrupted but they still load fine in the CP. Recovery means the custom songs and their properties will be recovered.

The Cheats in the cheat menu can be used like this: Green – unlock all normal cheats, Red – “Unlock All” cheat, Yellow – “Unlock Everything” cheat.
The cheat effects were restored back to their original state, since now you can unlock and register songs in a specific setlist from the setlist switcher. This means that to see new songs in custom setlists, you must unlock them in the setlist switcher, which is way more convenient. The setlists are registered and unlocked for quickplay, so the careers will not get messed up as they did before (which was a Neversoft bug).

Changes in the custom menu will be saved, so there is no need for the Speed Boost, which just defaulted to Disable GFX. I find this feature very useful, since I like having the FPS on all the time and there is no need to switch back to the setlists you usually like to use every time you load the game.

--------------------Version 1.62 Log -------------------
Fixes the following bugs: Songlist update failed for no reason. Minor tweaks to file handling.

New GHTCP Features: Proper expiration date notification. GH3 Folder link under Help.

I released this because the expiration date has arrived but the new version is not ready yet. No visible difference really, I have been working on my base libraries (especially audio). GZ and I lost interest in this engine since World Tour came out, but I feel like there is more I can do without breaking a sweat so I am getting back to developing... Once world tour comes out, I plan to just port and continue development of this CP with it. GZ and I concurred most of the formats already, but having a quick testing environment makes a big difference.

--------------------Version 1.61 Log -------------------
Fixes the following bugs: Beat Size set to zero would crash the program, Korean game settings crashed the program, Charts with substandard sections would not parse, Creating and deleting setlists in the same session corrupts the game settings, Mp3 library did not extract properly with zip selection method.

New GHTCP Features: Import "_song.pak.xen" chart files.

I decided it is time to allow importing of old pak charts. The reason I removed this feature initially was to ensure everyone recreates their charts instead of just using the charts created with tom’s editor, which uses incorrect conversion and thus results in incorrect charts. I still advise anyone new to this program to do so, since as far as I know, my algorithm is the only correct one out there.

--------------------Version 1.6 Log --------------------
Fixes the following bugs: Harmonix standard for mid file sustain cut, jumping stars animation, face off sections missing, Time Sync freezes the program, Deleting all tiers kills the setlist.

Feature Updates: Automatic Mp3 Library download and extraction, Time Sync executes with many servers around the world.

New GHTCP Features: Custom Setlist creation and management.

New Song Preview/Editor Features: Game Mode, View Switches, Audio play, Audio View, Chart Offset, and Difficulty Selection.

New Custom Menu Features: Limited Bot enabling, FPS display.

Harmonix sustain cut seems to be 8th note triplet (third of a beat) while Neversoft uses 8th note (forth of a beat). Charters that create mid files seem to stick to the Harmonix sustain, so I changed the cut (for mid files only).

RB starpower sections seem to create a jumping stars animation, which I traced down to when two starpower sections are one after the other. The chart to mid.qb conversion will make sure the starpower sections are at least one note part. I am not 100% sure if this will work all the time, but if you think you found a better reason why these annoying stars jump

You can create up to 32 new custom setlists, which you can select in the Setlist Switcher.

I added vertical view with fretboard angle control for the song preview (Game Mode). Audio file can be loaded (single file only for now) and can also be viewed (Scale by Time only) in both game and chart view. Combining that with offset control, you can figure out the exact offset value easily. This is the basis for my song editor, which I hope will be somewhat functional next version.

The Custom Menu allows activation of the bot for player 1 and/or 2. If you haven’t noticed, the bot was disabled in the previous version, but I felt like charters can find it useful for presenting their new custom charts. GZ and I thought of a way to limit the bot to only be used in as chart presentation, so now the bot will only work in quickplay modes and during gameplay the score will drop to zero every second. This has been approved both my standards and the SH mods for being cheat proof. Now no one can complain that they want to use the bot for good...

-------------------Version 1.52 Log --------------------
Fixes the following bugs: Mass Importer crashes the program if it fails instead of just reporting.

Time sync strategy revised.
Disclaimer delay reduced to 4 seconds.

-------------------Version 1.51 Log --------------------
Fixes the following bugs: Mass Importer fails, Rebuild Data crashes, left arrow did not work with force venue.

An Update Songlist action is added if songs have been recovered.

--------------------Version 1.5 Log --------------------
Fixes the following bugs: Korean Save File didn’t have its own folder, All bugs I know of.
New GHTCP Features: New Checking system based on the Game Settings files only, Custom Songs Recovery, Chart format based on Mid.QB, 99% possibility of x64 support.
New Custom Menu Features: Cutoff Viewer, Setlist Switcher, Gem Size Scaling, Unlock all actually unlocks all songs in any setlist, In-Game Credits.

If your game settings are not passing valid, the CP will try to recover custom songs (properties) from it. Make sure to execute some action before closing or else you just overwritten your files with original ones.

I made a new chart format that is based on Mid.QB (sole time based) with the extension ‘.qbc’ . The old format I made was based on the dB chart so I renamed it to ‘.dbc’.
Since this is now my main chart format, the level tracks are named a bit different. I updated my auto config feature to work right if your chart doesn’t have an expert track.
You can now set the boss battle sections with face off sections. I have not seen this used by ANY original song (not even the boss battles in the game) so I am not sure what this does exactly.

The CP should now run in x86 mode on any system so it should work the same on x64 systems.

The Custom Menu is much closer to what I want it to be. My partner in crime, GZ, is doing a very good job finding new things to add to it. You can now view the cutoff scores in game, just like viewing the top scores/rockers, this includes the SH exclusive cutoffs. The gem size scalier is like the big gems cheat on PS2, but with more control. Try a negative scale (very weird to play).
The main feature, which I plan to take full advantage of next version, is the setlist switcher. For now, you can switch any setlist with the normal and demo setlists, but next version you will make custom setlists.

After switching to a demo setlist, or when you add new songs to any setlist, make sure to unlock all songs (with the normal cheat). GZ figured out a way to make it unlock all songs in all setlists.
Make sure to backup your save file, because there is a possibility that updating it with new setlists can mess it up. The game was not designed with these kinds of changes in mind so do not expect too much.

--------------------Version 1.4 Log --------------------
Fixes the following bugs: Don’t remember, but if it was reported properly I fixed it.
New Features: IN-GAME CUSTOM MENU, Proper Tier scrolling through for all setlists, Mass Importer Reads song.ini, Demo Mode Switcher, Texture Explorer will load ALL textures in the game files, Silent Save File Hack, Song Preview, Korean Game Setting is an option now.

The Custom Menu is another great collaboration between GameZelda and I.
You would see it in the main menu of GH3 and you can access it just like any other menu item.
This is just proof of concept for now, since we only had a breakthrough last week and GZ managed to whip up the menu in a day or two.

You can modify the Demo setlists in the CP, and switch between the normal career/quickplay setlists and the demo ones with the Custom Menu.
You should backup your save file at this point because this may corrupt it. After editing the setlist you should manually save in the game or if that doesn’t work you would have to play without a save for now. Next version will have a proper setlist switcher between custom setlists you create with the CP.

You’ll figure out the Graphics (GFX) options in the Custom Menu by yourself. I DON’T WANT TO SEE A STUPID QUESTION LIKE “WHAT DOES THIS DO?”! Try it and see for yourself.
You can switch venues/stages with left/right or enter/green.
The boost in the CP sets the default settings in the Graphics Options in the Custom Menu so they are either default or all optimized for speed.

You can now have tiers in bonus and download setlists since I fixed the scroll problem (more like it was disabled by NS) and you can see the title of the first tier so they are just like the quickplay setlist now.

Texture explorer will now show textures in the PAK.XEN container files.
Make sure to back up the file if you plan to edit anything. If you plan to edit big files (especially global.pak.xen which is 80MB) make sure you have enough RAM because the program loads the entire file into RAM when rebuilding before writing to HDD.
It will take about 15 seconds for the explorer to find all the texture files (and there are A LOT MORE) so take your time (I made sure it won’t look like It’s frozen).

Mass Importer will only look through the top most directories of the path you give it (instead of all possible sub directories). This is less risky for failures. It will load the title and artist if it finds song.ini in the folder.

There is no more hotkey/delay save file hack. As long as you either patch your old save file or create a new one after loading the game settings, you will not be bothered with any corruption messages.

Song Preview is still in early stages, I only spend a day or two on it last month and then went on to bigger things. You can view original charts as they would appear in the game with hopo and starpower. The 6th gray note you would see, if you load original charts, is the hopo switch.
The scrolling will probably feel weird to most since it depends on your horizontal mouse position and it’s not like the other chart viewers out there. I made it work like a GH game so it draws notes on the fly without going through the entire chart. This will eventually become my song editor. I am planning to make a GH like game for my PDA (more like TTR) so I had that in mind while making this, to ensure that I can use it as base.
Here is just an idea how the notes will be scrolled through

row 1: 1---2---3---4---5-
row 2: --6---7---8---9---
You can change the beat size with the text box on the bottom bar (other buttons don’t do anything). Double right/left click change the drawing of the beats (scale by time or by beat) and note position (between or on the lines).

You have 6 game settings now thanks to Aspyr for adding Korean to V1.3 (which I didn’t even know about since it’s not in their documentation).
--------------------Version 1.32 Log --------------------
Fixes the following bugs: Mass Importer corrupted game settings, Hotkey didn’t unregister.

New Features: Action Execution Window shows a progress bar and is responsive.

A major bug in the mass importer made me release a new version.

Action window will not look like it’s in a none responsive state anymore.

Edit 1:
I also forgot to mention that this version should/might work in x64 (not tested).

Edit 2:
Another improvement I forgot to mention is that the Save Hack now works 4 times faster; it only takes 1 second to perform now.

--------------------Version 1.3 Log --------------------
Fixes the following bugs: Game Settings Switch, Midi parsing failed, Year shows title, Save File Restore not working, Various other bugs.

New Features:
Texture Explorer – View/Export/Import textures
Double click the texture container in the treeview and select the texture. If you don’t rebuild the container, nothing will happen. Make sure to BACKUP the FILES you are editing if you don’t want to reinstall the game when something goes wrong.

Mass Importer – Import songs fast by using a folder/file name format.
This is basically FoF importer, but more advanced.

Select the folder containing the song folders. The CP will get all the folders (not just the top ones) and will start looking for mid/chart/cgh for game track and .dat/fsb or audio files for audio track. The internal song name will be the folder name to lower case and spaces removed. If the song name is longer than 30 characters, it will be trimmed, and if the song name exists, a number will be added to it starting from 2.
If there is more than one audio file, the CP will look for ‘coop’ (if there are more than 4 audio files) in each audio file name and then for ‘rhythm’ ‘bass’ ‘guitar’ or it will be used as the band track by default.

It’s a smart importer but it can’t read your mind so try to ensure the folder/file names follow the format. It still works through the action request system to ensure you don’t mess up and it will message you if a song failed to import (no detail but at least you can try to import them manually and see what went wrong).

If you want to save your songs/setlists/tiers from previous versions use the tier/setlist import/export feature.

GZ and I were working on Wii support, which will be the first game console the CP will support due to it’s lack of having a full tool (as pointed to me by GZ). It is more dependent on GZ now, since I personally don’t have a Wii and he’s been working hard on tools for it.

I need someone, who imported GH1/2/80s songs and setup the properties and setlist structure appropriately, to get me the data so I can finish my Legacy Importer. Simply select the setlist and hit Alt+Ctrl+Shift+H and it will create a file, in the CP directory, named ‘LegacyInfo’. Rename if you have more than one setlist (so it won’t overwrite), upload and post a link for me here.

--------------------Version 1.2 Log --------------------
Fixes the following bugs: Offset not insync, Right click program Lockup, Artist/Year show title, Audio distortion, Game Crash on character selection, Various other bugs.
New Features: GH1 Midi support, Save Hack Timer & Hotkey.
Each Beta release will force you to start from an original backup, so select your audio file from the GH3 Data\Music folder to save time on audio conversion.

This version is based on a completely different library so it has the potential of having bugs that didn’t exist in the previous version.

The program is much more compact thanks to some filtering I did on the resources.

The new Save Control Panel allows you to control the save hack by either setting a timer delay (in milliseconds) to start it after you started the game by double right clicking the system tray Icon, or binding a hotkey to start it instantly. Make sure the hack is executed AFTER the loading screen, DURING the videos, and BEFORE you pass the ‘hit a key to rock’ screen. You will hear 3 beeps mean that the hack was successful (you can continue right after the first beep).

--------------------Version 1.1 Log --------------------
Save File and Song Limit:
I've added 500 songs using a loop, and I managed to get it to load and save after changing some of the default save file settings.
I added the songs to the first tier in the Download setlist, and the game crashed when I selected the download setlist, so after a few tests I found that the game crashes (when trying to view the setlist) if you have more than 114 songs in the setlist. Having more than that is redundant, especially since you have my songlist switcher and setlist/tier switcher.
Video explains how to make your save file load.

Audio Conversion:
I’ve optimized audio conversion speed to its maximum. If you are importing mp3s then no conversion is going to take place to change the sample and bit rate, since the game can load any mp3 as long as you change the settings in the fsb header. Preview conversion is where I use to lose a lot of speed on, since I need to get the decoded bytes of the preview sections to mix and fade them into a single file. I use to decode the entire audio file, to get the section (which is a waste of time) but now I managed to figure out formulas and get more info about the encoded file to know which bytes to decode to get the specific section. I also coded channel splitting and combining methods and sample rate conversion code to keep the input files consistent, so the mixing algorithm wouldn’t mess up.

Things to do:
Legacy Importer:
I still have to create the songlist properties and setlist manually, so you don't have too (which I'm too lazy to do at the moment) not to mention parse progression info and create the gui for it so you can actually play career properly.

Image/Texture Preview/Export/Import :
I need to write the parsing structure for .tex and try and find a way to convert DDS to bitmap natively in C#, since currently I was working with .dll libraries that make me point to a file (I need a direct byte interface to save time on preview image).

Implement new QB parsing structure :
I finally made a new QB parsing structure that uses the full power of C# and allows me to easily create and manage the tree, which ultimately reduces the changes or bugs by a lot. Now I only started using it 2 days ago (since that is when I finished it) so I need to rewrite all the code that uses my old QB structure.

History: Progress Report

Last edited by MaXKilleR on Tue Oct 05, 2010 3:36 am; edited 46 times in total
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 9:45 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Finally! Good job!

I did test it, and it's pretty easy to use (a bit confusing the first time), in the latest beta that I did try I didn't found any problem with charts (old versions were buggy ), and it has a lot of options.

(And it doesn't make corrupt QBs like tom's editor!)
(Ok, I failed to do it in 24 hours... ).

GH:WT-PS2 Customization Progress
[100%] Make it work (w/songs loading) in a DVD5 (thanks psychospacefish!)
[100%] Modify audio (Finally done 25/11/2008)
[100%] Modify charts (Done 26/11/2008! Customs finally )
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 9:50 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wooooooooooooooooooow Finally nice work! Now i just wait for the download link to come up (again i think)
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 9:51 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


Can't wait to get this up and running.
Justin Hawkins signed my butt.
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 10:25 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I don't see it mentioned anywhere, but does this support the PS2 version as well or just the PC version? All it says is required is version 1.3, but I thought this was going to be for other versions as well?
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 10:31 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Tiddlywinks wrote:
I don't see it mentioned anywhere, but does this support the PS2 version as well or just the PC version? All it says is required is version 1.3, but I thought this was going to be for other versions as well?

First release is for PC only since it's easy for me to debug and test.
Read the History thread for more info.
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 10:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Great, I'm gonna try it this afternoon!
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 12:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

sweet , finally !
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 12:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

(though it doesn't support Korean Version) Great!!!!
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 12:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I really wish I backed up the qb files before I used Tom's tool...almost done reinstalling now.
Guitar Hero Christian Project
I was really close to FCing Cliffs of Dover on Expert once, but I got so excited I blew the tenth note.
My Customs
GHTCP (Guitar Hero Three Control Panel) - for all your GH3 PC needs*
*not quite all needs, but for custom songs, custom game images, black background speed boost, and more
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 2:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sweetness. I am trying it today. I have 250+ Songs to add, so I will definitely put it to the test. I understand the limitation on the songs, but no big deal.
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 2:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

AHHHHH! Of all the times for my PC to break....
Squirrel wrote:
OH MY GOD. YOU have won the internets. KEN FTMFW!
(- '.'- ) This is Bunny. Copy and paste into
(")_(") your signature to help him gain world domination

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 2:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I hear you. I wanna use this so bad, but my guitar hero won't uninstall for some rediculous reason. so I'm stuck.
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 2:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Beleive it or not I di not reinstall mine , how ever I never installed the 1.3 patch cause every time I do I get this long pause in game then it just speeds up real fast and passes like 20 notes. I wish I knew why it does that though. How ever after installing the patch and playing with this toy it works great but the lag pause is still there, if anyone knows why this happens could you please let me know.

Note to MAX
Plus after useing the tool it hangs and will not work from the windows bar on the lower right side. I have to enter the task maneger and stop the program.
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Joined: 21 Mar 2007
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Location: Canberra, Australia.

PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 3:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Just reinstalling my copy now, thanks for all your hard work. Looking forward to checking it out.
Latest Achievement: B.Y.O.B. (RB2) Xguitar FC! Vid here.
XBL: Potato Handle

In the Canberra area? PM me and we'll try and organise a get-together for a few games.

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PotatoHandle: Getting things done quickly, no matter how long it takes.
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