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  1. JupiterTheGod
    • member
    • 55 kudos
    Bug Reports
    Report bugs under the BUGS section.

    Please note: even if you can fast travel from anywhere it doesn't mean you should abuse it. You can break your game from fast traveling when the game forbids you to: Quests that can be broken

    For people getting script error at startup: Thread: How to solve script compilation issues when launching the game with mods

    Feel free to post feedback in the comment thread!
    Thanks to everybody who downloaded the mod!

    Compatible with Patch 1.31!
    1. Antaris
      • premium
      • 5 kudos
      Yay! No more AllowFT(1) :-)

      Thank you

      Will endorse as soon as I can
    2. DMS1960
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Endorsed. Only problem I had was using NMM. It installed the mode and show it active but it didn't work. Installed it manually and it works. Thanks

      Update: just discovered I un-equip my swords when fast traveling with this mod. Not a big deal now that I know it :-)
    3. JupiterTheGod
      • member
      • 55 kudos
      Thanks for taking time to endorse the mod, I will look into that NMM problem.
    4. library210
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      u're fucking genius dude :3. I love this mod and i love u as well :3
    5. PaulMcGann
      • member
      • 27 kudos
      Has someone really commented on "lore friendliness" in a /fast travel/ mod? I don't think Geralt has the ability to instantly teleport via magical signposts, so even vanilla fast travelling wouldn't be technically lore friendly.

      Keep up the good work, man! Anyone who complains about lore friendliness is obviouslly TROLLOLO!
    6. lahceneamine
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I don't know why but it still doesn"t work for me
      I've no error, it compils well, launch the game with mod activated on NMM, but I can't travel to any waypoint :/
      Can someone help me please ?

      EDIT :
      Did a clean install of the game, it worked well
    7. SandyEmerald
      • member
      • 5 kudos
      Hello i have strange bug with your mod. After using fast travel on the horse it appears above the ground. Is it known bug and is it possible to fix?
    8. JupiterTheGod
      • member
      • 55 kudos
      It's a bug with the game. The game always checks for Geralt's height, not Geralt's+Roach's height. Just jump or move the horse around a bit and it should stop clipping.

      UPDATE: The latest game update seems to have fixed this bug, it seems it also existed in vanilla.
    9. pendragen11
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      it's not teleport... he gets on his horse and rides there.. you just dont see it.. unless the fast travel doesnt add time.. but then thats just a glitch no lore breaking..
    10. Riotnoob
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      How do I clean install the mod? I can't seem to fast travel at all anymore.
    11. coolguyhero
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Hi Jupiter, great work....but most of the mods is not working for my GOG version 1.12. it throwing scripting error.when I delete the mods the games starts working properly.
    12. Gunwarp
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Unfortunately for me, it broke a quest. I can't get the diagrams for the enhanced feline trousers now.

      Is there a mod that can just complete the quest for me, or let me clip through the wall?
    13. mng8ng
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Doesn't seem to be compatible with patch 1.12.1
  2. JupiterTheGod
    • member
    • 55 kudos
    To make this mod compatible with other mods that edit mapMenu.ws:

    Use Script Merger.
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    잘사용하다가 갑자기 안된다. 몇개모드를받고 사용후 다음날아침에 게임을 실행하고 플레이를하니 모드가사용이안된다.
    ㅇ이전에 사용하던 모드들을 삭제하고 게임을 실행해도 모드사용이안됨
  4. ElementaryLewis
    • premium
    • 385 kudos
    I strongly don't recommend Fast Travel From Anywhere because it's a dangerous mod. You risk to soft lock your progression using it.
    I recommend DLC - Fast Travel Pack, it's safer and you can fast travel from closer signpost.
  5. kweechi
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
  6. hezronnjenga
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Whoever made this mod, Thanks a lot. Made playing fr much convenient and fun. It was tedious having to look for the nearest signpost.
  7. TommyRunnerCZ
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Thanks, works with latest version.
    1. ElementaryLewis
      • premium
      • 385 kudos
      Just because you got no errors doesn't mean it's fully Next Gen Compatible. It's a trap thinking.

      This mod affect "mapMenu.ws" script. Using this mod remove:

      • the new filtre map pins
      • the restored harbour description
      • fix the missing sound when remove pin

      And beside, we have Fast Travel From Anywhere for Next-Gen Update. So you wasted time testing and claiming back "it works" without proof.
      Also, it's a dangerous mod because there is a risk to soft lock the game where you can't finish any quests. We recommend DLC - Fast Travel Pack - Next-Gen as replacement.
  8. douglasinx
    • member
    • 0 kudos
  9. bdmeyers
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Well, I don't know what happened, but been playing the game for 24 hours with no problems, then today I fast traveled, using this mod as I have done many times before, but now after the fast travel I could not open the game menus and the sound messed or there would be no sound at all.

    I tried it several times and every time it messed up. I tried verifying the game files, cleared download cache (on steam). I couldn't find any real info online of people having the same issue. So I deleted the mod and now fast travel works fine, except I have to go to a sign post now. Anyone else experience anything like this?

    The only other mods I'm using are: 


    and these are the same mods I've been using since from the start (24 hours of gameplay)

    ***Update: NVM just found comments saying about how it will mess up if you fast travel and there's a cut scene you didn't know about. That's what happened to me, but how would you know there's some random cutscene coming up. I think I'm just gonna live with actually going to sign posts.. even though this mod spoiled me for many hours of gameplay. Damn. 
    1. ElementaryLewis
      • premium
      • 385 kudos
      I recommend using this mod: DLC - Fast Travel Pack Classic edition
      If you are on Next Gen, take DLC - Fast Travel Pack - Next-Gen
  10. haigravs
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This works next gen for anyone wondering! Just played yesterday with it, and my game has the most recent updates
    1. ElementaryLewis
      • premium
      • 385 kudos
      Just because you got no errors doesn't mean it's fully Next Gen Compatible. It's a trap thinking.

      This mod affect "mapMenu.ws" script. Using this mod remove:

      • the new filtre map pins
      • the restored harbour description
      • fix the missing sound when remove pin

      And beside, we have Fast Travel From Anywhere for Next-Gen Update. So you wasted time testing and claiming back "it works" without proof.
      Also, it's a dangerous mod because there is a risk to soft lock the game where you can't finish any quests. We recommend DLC - Fast Travel Pack - Next-Gen as replacement.
  11. ElementaryLewis
    • premium
    • 385 kudos
    Reminder to everyone here.


    Source: Next-Gen Patch Changelog 1.32 vs 4.04
    1. haigravs
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Uh no, it works just fine for me? My game is the current version.
    2. ElementaryLewis
      • premium
      • 385 kudos
      Just because you got no errors doesn't mean it's fully Next Gen Compatible. It's a trap thinking.

      This mod affect "mapMenu.ws" script. Using this mod remove:

      • the new filtre map pins
      • the restored harbour description
      • fix the missing sound when remove pin

      And beside, we have Fast Travel From Anywhere for Next-Gen Update. So you wasted time testing and claiming back "it works" without proof.
      Also, it's a dangerous mod because there is a risk to soft lock the game where you can't finish any quests. We recommend DLC - Fast Travel Pack - Next-Gen as replacement.
  12. incognitopigeon
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Works...but doesn't - stuck on the loading screen, never teleports ;c
    NVM, turns out I was at the very end of the quest with a cut scene
    It works just fine, thanks c: