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  1. Brehanin2
    • premium
    • 908 kudos
    Instead of a mod website, I put all the information in sections of the mod description.
    Please read all about Better Vampires in the mod description
    (including troubleshooting and FAQs).

    Have a problem? Then PLEASE post in this forum so others can see my answer if they have the same issue.
    I cannot respond to personal messages asking me how to fix your installation or explaining why something isn't working for you. Only message me if you are seeking permission for a translation, are making a video of my mod, etc.

    Fallrim Tools - Script Cleaner and more: A powerful savegame editor/cleaner for Skyrim LE and Skyrim SE.

    Relationship Dialogue Overhaul: All default voices now have follower dialogue. Essential for those you want to turn into Vampires or enthrall.

    Enhanced Invisibility: SKSE plugin that improves and fixes bugs with Invisibility effects

    Face Discoloration Fix: Eliminates the dreaded "dark face" issue that occurs when the game encounters FaceGen errors.

    Vampire Lines Expansion: This mod provides new spliced lines to (mostly) vampires, giving them more personality and making encounters unique.

  2. Brehanin2
    • premium
    • 908 kudos
    PLEASE read the instructions carefully if you are updating from an older version ...
    Every time I release a new version people post here that their game is broken or my mod doesn't work. It works just fine, you must follow the steps very carefully and don't skip anything.
    You should use the Remove Better Vampires.bat file BEFORE installing to make certain that you have no vampire-related loose files in your Skyrim\Data folder. If you do .... they will overwrite my BSA and my mod will not work ...

    If using a mod organizer/loader make certain no other mods are loading loose files that affect vampires - especially PlayerVampireQuestScript!  A loose file will overwrite my .bsa and it will break things!

    If using RS Children Overhaul don't install the RSC Vampire Script Patch in the FOMOD installer, it is incompatible to Better Vampires.

    If you are a custom race (they can cause many issues) and are using Race Compatibility.  You will have to talk to TMPhoenix.
    You have to follow his instructions perfectly or it breaks my mod. They are complex and if you made a mistake you will have to seek his help. His mod works fine, but custom races inherently add more problems. Many issues have resulted from his mod (and people not setting it up properly) and I tire of defending my mod when it works fine. If you have an issue, it is 95% mod conflict or user error.
  3. Brehanin
    • premium
    • 908 kudos
    Version 8.9 is released!
    and ...  Better Vampire Lords is updated too

    A new save is recommended, OR follow these steps to blank the mod and make a "clean save" and update.

    1) Rest/wait INSIDE for 24hr in the game - this will allow any NPCs you have fed upon, or used Seduction on, time to recuperate.
    2) Use my MCM - Troubleshooting and Cleanup page (or my customization power) and click on "BLANK Better Vampires Mod".
    3) If using my MCM, exit it to have the mod blanked.
    4) Wait until told the blanking is complete, then save your game (it must be a real save, not a quick save).
    5) Exit the game.
    6) Uninstall and delete the old version of my mod (completely DELETE it from the Skyrim\Data and Skyrim\Data\Scripts folders). I use MO to remove mods, but you can check the files section and use my "Remove Better Vampires" batch file - it will ENSURE everything is gone.
    7) Download and install my latest mod version using NMM, MO, or (for PC or XBox One).
    8) Start the game and load your saved game from step 4.
    9) Use my MCM - Troubleshooting and Cleanup page (or my customization power) and click on "Reset Sanguinare Vampiris".
    10) Customize my mod with the MCM, customization power, or console commands.
    11) You were infected in step 9, now you must wait 3 days for your disease to run its course and you will become a stage 1 Vampire (fully fed).
    * You must feed once on a living victim to have your proper rank set the first time.
    12) Make a new save after you turn into a vampire the first time (it must be a real save, not a quick save).
    13) Exit the game.
    14) Use the Script Cleaner (or Skyrim Tools for SE) on the save from step 12 (to ensure the cleanest slate possible).
    15) Start the game and load your cleaned saved game from step 14.

    - Fixed the Summon Gargoyle spell not working at higher levels.
    - Removed my shortened VL Skeleton from the mod so it won't conflict if anyone is using a custom skeleton or mesh.  I will have it available as a separate download if people still want it (it helps you fit through some doors - but you can always use bats if need be).
    - Re-adjusted and modified existing scripts/abilities to mesh with Better Vampire Lords 1.2
  4. Olista91
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Does anyone know a way / mod, or is there a chance for an update that will allow, certain individuals to recognise you as a vampire and 'hate' you sooner - guards, Members of the dawnguard and Vigilants, for example? I've just downloaded this mod but my biggest peeve is being able to walk up to the Vigilants of Stendarr with bright yellow eyes and have them go "hey, you're obviously an upstanding citizen, let me tell you why we kill vampires and daedra."

    Other than that, I'm loving the mod!
  5. MagickaEnjoyer
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Great concept and pretty fun, but after an hour or two I have to say this is by far THE buggiest mod I've ever used. It's usually been possible to work around it (sort of, two of my thralls wouldn't open dialogue so I had to just kill them), but now vampire's vision is permanently on and will not turn off. Pain
  6. TheBigIgnition
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    To the people that are having trouble with the game not recognizing you as a vampire. My problem was High Poly Heads Vampire fix.esp (this patch is from High Poly Heads) I put it as a late loader in Vortex, worked for me atleast
    1. Danteaman
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      or u can use console command
    2. TheBigIgnition
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      that didn't work for me personally, had to sort out load order  
  7. RSMox5
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Does anyone know where this description is originating from and how to correct it? I've looked through BV and BVL in xEdit and cannot where this is coming from. Best I've found is that BVL renames Vampire Claws to Vampire Abilities, but I can't find where this description is:

    Description Annoyance
  8. JaemonBlackfyre
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    HI there, Praestare Sanguinare isnt showing in my powers list, and i was wondering if there is a spell ID that I can use via console commands to add it?
  9. hampamatta
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    I dont know why or if this mod, but my eyes do not glow anymore, other vampires eyes does. i still have vampire eye textures, but they do not glow. 
  10. Karnalius
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    If you ever consider to update the mod, please add VL's "bats power" to master\nightlord vampire rank
  11. jaitsu
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    I've got a small problem with weapon speed that im not sure what's causing it. Instead of increasing my weapon speed by 2% (as a fledgling), it appears to be just doubling my weapon speed all together. I do not currently have any other weapon speed mods installed; I used to, and I was using the option in the MCM to disable Better Vampires weapon speed, but i found that doing this was causing crossbows to be unusably slow for some reason and so I decided to go with BVs weapon speed stuff instead. I suppose I could go in and edit this manually with the console to set my weapon speed to what it should be any time i upgrade in rank; but still a bit strange.

    I'm thinking something must've been baked into my save even though the one other speed mod i uninstalled claimed to be save to uninstall without any leftover issues. Luckily uninstalling it and still using the MCM option does seem to fix it even though no other speed mods are now installed; with the crossbow working now.

    Skyrim truly is a strange as hell game, lol!
  12. timy1997
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I thought there is an option to force player to transform back to human form if the player is in vampire lord form when daytime comes around or was this a sacrosanct feature?
  13. colemarx
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Is there any way to pickpocket when you have sneak feed on? Because every time I interact with anyone while sneaking, the only option is to feed.
    1. modgab55
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      The only way I could fix this was with: Better Vampires - Dynamic Acitivation Key Patch.
      You will need Dynamic Activation key by jayserpa,  and then you must shift click to feed/extract, and regular click for pickpocket.

      This fixes the issue so you can do both functions.