1. T3nd0
    • supporter
    • 1,178 kudos
    Hey people,
    for all intents and purposes, consider this mod, and all my other mods, "done".
    If you want a tiny bit more to read, take this: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/articles/51061/?.
    Goodbye and have fun
  2. T3nd0
    • supporter
    • 1,178 kudos
    Installation video. Watch if you got issues.

  3. raulfin
    • premium
    • 232 kudos
    In depth documentation can be found in the optional download section in the Files tab.

    Support/Info links:
    *Supported mods: List of mods covered by PerMa and PCaPP.
    *PerMa Translation table
    *XML tweaks video: Changing PaMa Language, Active Modules, Removing weapon type from weapon name.
    *Support Requests: Please put all requests to have a mod supported here, it can easily become lost in the main comments section.

    *PerMa Compatibility and PaMa Patches (PCaPP): Main place for patches and XML updates.
    *Attack Speed Mod: Helps control attack speed changes made by mods.
    *Nock to Tip patch
    *Unique Uniques patch
    *Undeath - PerMa Compatibility Patch

    Tweak/Extension mods:
    *Defluffing PerMa: Changes perk descriptions, adding detailed information.
    *PerMa Extended Perk Descriptions: Changes perk descriptions, adding detailed information while keeping the fluffy feel.
    *PerMa Weaponry Fillout: Adds several missing weapons for most materials.
    *Shouts Redragonized: Modifies existing shouts, making them more balanced for PerMa.
    *PerMa Headless(or Helmetless) Warrior: Makes perks that require full set to work without a helmet.
    *PerMa Perk Adjustments
    *PerMa SoT & SOT_USKP patches
    *Spells and Lockpicking Restrictions - PerMa
    *SkyRe Artifacts: Adjusts artifacts in the same way SkyRe did.
    *Perma Patches and Tweaks: Makes Gold and Lockpicks weightless.
    *Lethargy - Stamina Oriented Changes for PerMa
    *ASIS Improved inis If you use ASIS and PerMa you will need the inis from here.
    *SUM 1.3
    *PerMa slower skill leveling: Alternate uncapper ini.
    *Skyrim Coin Replacer Redux - Perma Patch
    *Scroll And Quill - Adds a few recipes and animations to scroll crafting.
    *Keyword Check - MCM-based mod to display weapon categorization in game.
    *PermArchery - expansion mod for PerMa's Ranged Weaponry tree.
    *Perkus Maximus Arrow Tweeks
    *Perkus Maximus - remove claws - Removes the claw weapons.

    *Perma Español
    *PerMa Russian

    Legacy patches/Tweaks:
    *Useful Spell Descriptions for PerMa: Adds scaling damage descriptions to all scaling spells. Merged into 1.1.
    *PerMa Weapon Models Fix: Fix for some weapon models showing wrong weapon. Merged into 1.1.
    *Audio Overhaul for Skyrim: Has an updated script to correct looping audio after a sneak attack with a destruction spell, works for all PerMa users, AOS not required for the fix. fixed in 1.2
    *xMAWARCombatLogic Quick fix: included in 1.2
    *PerMa 1.2 Dexterity Fix: Install after or in-place-of the Lockpicking fix. Merged into 1.3
    *Better Skeleton - Dwarven - and Mook Minions - Improves AI and increases variety among PerMa's custom minions. Merged into PerMa 1.4.1

    *Dual Sheath Redux for Perkus Maximus - DSR has a full PerMa pack.

    Patchus Maximus, Java and you

    Make sure Java is up to date.
    Patchus Maximus - Contains info on setting up, running and troubleshooting Patchus Maximus (PaMa).


    *Adding new mods that add Weapons and Armor which require new variants to be made can cause PaMa to push other items back in the patch order, which can change their FormID. This will remove the existing items from the save, if the item is equipped to you in the save it will cause the save to fail to load. To avoid this make sure to have unequipped items that were created by PaMa before re-patching.

    *We know about the BufferUnderflowException and are trying to figure out why it is showing up so often since the update. A BufferUnderflowException error occurs when the buffer limit is reached. 32bit systems and MO users have a much lower limit than 64bit non-MO users. There is no special fix for it.

    Non-English Users

    The following is by Estebanium.
    The post was to large for the sticky, moved to the PerMa wikia.
  4. T3nd0
    • supporter
    • 1,178 kudos
    I am a sticky post.

    Raulfin and Tascani handle compatibility patches and XML updates for PaMa. Link to their page

    Update your Java. This has a huge effect on patching time.

    - This mod is large. You need to read the description. No excuses.

    - Yes, the perk descriptions are fluffy. This mod adds in-game books with documentation. Go use it.

    - Full description (without fluff) available under "Optional Downloads"

    - Yes, a few textures are unfinished. My art guy is working on it, and they will be replaced in time. PerMa has been in development for so long that I didn't feel like delaying it any longer just for that.

    Yours truly
  5. SalvoFerr
    • member
    • 0 kudos
     Hi, I'd like to install perma SE version using vortex. Can anyone help me with a step-by-step guide, please? Also I'd like to use some modules from skyrim redone, do i need to keep the reproccer from that mod or not?
  6. SiniVII
    • member
    • 13 kudos
    Been trying to move on from this mod because of how much "Maintenance" is required to get it to run on a heavily modded setup, but I just can't do it. It strikes a good balance between balanced and challenging that is hard to find elsewhere and doesn't include a myriad of blatantly OP perks without interesting drawbacks (obvious outlier being the specializations).
    1. ProjectNarwhal
      • member
      • 10 kudos
      same honestly. Pain in the ass to get to work but the best perk and gameplay overhaul I've ever used. And the perks in general are just all super fun and interesting.
    2. zervald
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Ikr, every time i come back to Skyrim i'm tempted to make perma work. What he did with illusion spell was so great.
  7. Darklustre
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Has anyone figured out how to fix the nullpointexemption?? I would die to play with this!
  8. Thamorian
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    Hey, does anyone know if Perkus Maximus for LE causes character to run slower if you are low on stamina? I have a suspicion it does but cannot find it documented anywhere.

    I got a couple mods that are both controlling character run speed, but for different reasons/ways. I know what the first mod causing it is I am wanting the that mod to be the only one to have any control with character run speed and some mod is causing is extra slow speed to stack on top. That and I am not a fan at all of stamina percentage controlling run speed and am looknig for a way to disable it.
    1. deleted158156103
      • account closed
      • 0 kudos
      Please reply if you found any solution. I have the exact same problem but don't want to delete Perkus Maximus.
  9. paravia
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    <post deleted>
  10. ThatSillySod3
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi all, I just legendary my Destruction skill tree, however I still have the remaining Active Effect on my character called: "Master Destruction". I no longer have this perk, but the affect is still affecting my character and creating this ever so slightly blue hue. Anyone know how to remove this?
  11. SilicaWarlock
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    You should fix Perk tree Font size, i've tried from what i think was everything, i have 5:4 Screen, and it cuts off about 20% of the detailted text of the perks. Enough not to use it.
  12. Createaccount1212
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos

    • Modifiy weapon stats forever...
  13. Adlerwache87
    • supporter
    • 3 kudos
    I've been locked in with this mod since it was released and I like to spend hours in my life waiting for the patcher to finish, pls help.
  14. Primobile
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Heya, i've encountered problem with null enchantment name.

    More specifically it was armor piece named sth like : Iron helmet of null
    The enchantment worked, but the name was missing.
    Everything else is working, patching is working as intended, im using english version of Skyrim.
    I've been looking everywhere.

    Any ideas?

    EDIT: using help "item name of" i found out that every item was missing around 50% of modded enchantments, displayed as "of null", so not all of them are broken
    EDIT2: installed standalone Wintermyst 4.06, didnt use any compatibility patches except Patchus Maximus, console command found all enchantments named correctly, not sure if they'll be spawning correctly tho