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  1. kevkas
    • premium
    • 225 kudos

    Before posting a question, make sure it hasn't already been answered. Read the description completely, and do a search of the comments section before posting. Questions that have already been answered will be ignored.

    Due to the amount of mods that add new ammo to the game, I can't make patches to cover all of them. I made a couple in the past but it turned out to be a very time-consuming process, and I just don't have the time to do it. ABT already includes more than 230 different versions to cover all vanilla arrows and bolts (and a couple of extras) with and without DLCs, the rest is up to you.

    I've uploaded a Tutorial in the Files section which you can use to patch other mods or to tweak ABT further to suit your tastes, it's really easy and it will take you 5-10 minutes.

    Thanks for understanding.
  2. katheyb
    • premium
    • 33 kudos
    Using the AIO option, does that mean I can untick all other options and the game will still acknowledge those other options?  Thank you.
    1. kevkas
      • premium
      • 225 kudos
      If you use the All In One option, you just need that and nothing else.
  3. Evgeney
    • member
    • 9 kudos
    Hello. Please tell me if there is a mod that fixes such an unpleasant bug:
    when hit in the head, the NPC continues to run with the arrow in the head (sometimes the arrow sticks out of the eye, sometimes from the mouth). This is nonsense. The NPC, animal or monster must be dead if the arrow hits the head.
    1. kevkas
      • premium
      • 225 kudos
      As far as I am aware, that is how Bethesda coded the game. I remember seeing a few mods that addressed that, but that was years ago and I've never used them, so I don't remember their names. They should still be out there probably.
  4. Chupacabra31
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Hi again! I decided to revisit Skyrim after over a year long break and so i installed your mod again, but there is something i only started noticing now, which i didn't before is that arrow recovery part of your mod doesn't seem to be doing much (if anything at all!) for me! On the contrary actually it makes it seem even worse, since 50% bolts and arrows recovery .esp is supposed to make it so i would recover 50% of more arrows, that i shoot into target, but what is weird is that instead of that i now barely recover any arrows at all! (for example i can shoot like 5 or 6 enemies each with one arrow, but only very rarely one of those would have an arrow for me to recover!), without this mod installed my arrow recovery rate goes higher instead of getting lower! Weird...merchants seem to be selling more arrows indeed, so that one is working...didn't pay attention yet to looting arrows, but that one also seem quite broken to me as i barely find any arrows in containers...
    Oh and one more thing! Arrows themselves doesn't seem to hit the target at certain very long distances even if i put the "fVisibleNavmeshMoveDist=12288.0000" line into skyrim.ini! So i can spot targets at very long distances (and that is only when i zoom in, since my fade in and out settings are pretty average in order to preserve performance!), but my arrows wouldn't hit them, but when approach those arrows that didn't hit those targets they appear on the ground, but i can't pick them up, but then after traveling elsewhere from that location and then coming back they would appear sticked into the ground in vertical position and i thats when i can pick them up! (weird as hell! LOL) 
    1. kevkas
      • premium
      • 225 kudos
      Hi again! I decided to revisit Skyrim after over a year long break and so i installed your mod again, but there is something i only started noticing now, which i didn't before is that arrow recovery part of your mod doesn't seem to be doing much (if anything at all!) for me! On the contrary actually it makes it seem even worse, since 50% bolts and arrows recovery .esp is supposed to make it so i would recover 50% of more arrows, that i shoot into target, but what is weird is that instead of that i now barely recover any arrows at all! (for example i can shoot like 5 or 6 enemies each with one arrow, but only very rarely one of those would have an arrow for me to recover!), without this mod installed my arrow recovery rate goes higher instead of getting lower! Weird...merchants seem to be selling more arrows indeed, so that one is working...didn't pay attention yet to looting arrows, but that one also seem quite broken to me as i barely find any arrows in containers...

      Make sure you have installed the +50% recover arrows plugin instead of the -50% one.

      Oh and one more thing! Arrows themselves doesn't seem to hit the target at certain very long distances even if i put the "fVisibleNavmeshMoveDist=12288.0000" line into skyrim.ini! So i can spot targets at very long distances (and that is only when i zoom in, since my fade in and out settings are pretty average in order to preserve performance!), but my arrows wouldn't hit them, but when approach those arrows that didn't hit those targets they appear on the ground, but i can't pick them up, but then after traveling elsewhere from that location and then coming back they would appear sticked into the ground in vertical position and i thats when i can pick them up! (weird as hell! LOL) 

      That is weird indeed, and it's the first time in years someone has reported a problem like that, so I assume it must be caused by something else. The fVisibleNavmeshMoveDist value is a limit of the engine of how far it will check for arrow collisions, which might explain why you can't hit enemies beyond that (actually I think the max limit might be 14000.0000 instead of 12288.0000, but I can't remember at the moment). Point is, the engine won't track arrow collisions beyond that point. Why you are encountering that issues about not being to pick it up and then finding them in vertical position is beyond me, as I've not encountered that problem myself and I've never heard of it, so I don't know what might be causing it.
    2. Chupacabra31
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      No i'm using the right version, but nvm now... after i picked up Hunter's Discipline perk it's much better now anyway...though it is weird ah how without it i could shoot gazillions of hostiles for none of them to have an arrow on them to recover even once! Isn't the default chance supposed to be like 30+ something? And Hunter's Disciple is only supposed to boost it to over 60%?! sure didn't feel like it in my game at all as it felt more like 1 oe 2% instead of over 30% LOL But with hunter's discipline perk it's all fine and dandy all of a sudden! This doesn't seem like your mod's fault as the recovery rate seemed weird even without it anyway (i disabled your pluin play tested just to make sure and concluded it's the same way with vanilla experience!)...
      ...As for the engine limitation thing it's weird as hell how there is an option for everything to fade out at extreme distances, so everything visually pops out miles away, but you can't do anything to physically hit it! But alright it is what is i guess...i was hoping i could play as Bow Type sniper of sorts in this game as i usually preffer sneaky sniping character builds to anything else, but due to the engine limitation thing it seems like it just won't let me...
      ...As for the non-interactable arrows in the ground, which then stick vertically into the ground after traveling back to the location when they were left before - the problem doesn't seem to be persistent now, that i put some hours into the game already! For now it seemed like a singular case, we'll see if i ever run into this weird glitch again, but for now all is fine and it is not a biggie anyway, just thought it's funny and hilarious and more like wanted to share than anything LOL it's almost if arrows themselves were possessed by Dremora Lords LOL...
  5. Azad1221
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi! Great mod. But the speed tweak doesn't affect arrows added by mods and it kinda breaks my gameplay a bit. Is there a way to manually tweak the arrows' speed with this mod? thanks! :)
    1. Azad1221
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Nevermind.. I missed the third file! LMAO
  6. ChristyPhilip
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hey there. I wanted to ask if these settings affect NPCs? I use difficulty archery to reduce NPC accuracy. Does this mod also change the damage for NPCs? Less Accuracy but greater damage for NPCs. I don't use CCO/CCOR or BS. Thanks.
    1. kevkas
      • premium
      • 225 kudos
      The tweaks to damage apply to anyone using arrows, so yes, it will affect NPCs as well.
    2. ChristyPhilip
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      That was fast. Time for a realistic archery experience. Thank you
  7. midnightmidman
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    Is this safe to uninstall mid playthrough?
    1. kevkas
      • premium
      • 225 kudos
      Strictly speaking, any mod is unsafe to uninstall mid game, stated by Bethesda devs themselves back in the days if I remember corrrectly.

      Having said that, there shouldn't really be any issues uninstalling ABT, any changes to damage, speed, loot, etc will revert back to vanilla values (in the case of loot, it might take a few in-game days so that the loot tables are refreshed/rerolled), same with perks and stuff like that, it will just roll back to vanilla values so there shouldn't be any issues. Also remember to revert your ini changes if you decide to uninstall the mod. Cheers.
  8. Chupacabra31
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Great! Thats exactly what i was looking for! One question though! Since description as itself didin't make it that obvious i have to ask whether i need to have BOTH regular progressive damage .esp file and progressive damage increase 50/100/150% .esp turned on at the same time in my load order or i just need to have progressive damage increase 50/100/150 .esp installed if i want progressive damage feature with damage increase of my choice? Thanks in advance! Also very nice of you to have separate damage increase values for bolts included, so now i can make Crossbow as powerful as its supposed to be, while having all the regular Bows less powerful! (I really feel like Crossbows should be those high-end type of weapons, accessed even later into the game, than Dragonbone tier weapons!) I also wish there was a separate damage values for Riekling Spears as well, not attached to the Bows file so i could configure it separately...but oh well, you can't have it all as they say i guess? LOL Thankis million times!
    1. kevkas
      • premium
      • 225 kudos
      i have to ask whether i need to have BOTH regular progressive damage .esp file and progressive damage increase 50/100/150% .esp turned on at the same time in my load order

      You don't need both, just use one.

      or i just need to have progressive damage increase 50/100/150 .esp installed if i want progressive damage feature with damage increase of my choice?

      If you want 'progressive damage' + 'increased damage' you just need the 'progressive damage increase' .esp
  9. Ockane
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Hi i don't know why but my arrow go down very fast and they don't do a lot of damage
  10. moshimoshimfkers
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Can't believe I've been playing archers since 2011 without this mod, feels amazing to play with the aimbot turned off and a 50% speed boost. Extra great for someone like me who doesn't use mods that implement plentiful arrow crafting since this lets you introduce more lootable arrows as well. The .ini tweaks does exactly as advertised too, endorsed!
    1. kevkas
      • premium
      • 225 kudos
      Thanks for the nice message, I'm glad you find it useful, the mod has also been updated to Skyrim Special Edition so you can find it on the Skyrim SE nexus site as well.
  11. soheil777
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    hi brother

    sorry i have 1 little question. you write:
    IMPORTANT: If you use 'Better Sorting' or 'Complete Crafting Overhaul' mods by Headbomb, switch to Sharlikrans Compatibility Patches versions of them, they fix a few problems with those mods and diminish/eliminate CTDs.

    i use Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade

    what about this mod?
    1. kevkas
      • premium
      • 225 kudos
      I haven't tried the 'Remade' mod of CCO, you would have to check with Tes5Edit (or the current equivalent one). I assume it should work just fine, perhaps you may notice a difference on the names of the ammo if CCO Remade changes it but if that's the case you can easily rename them if it bothers you.