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  • Phasmophobia RUS localization by VAINIT v0.2.1

    Русификатор для последней на данный момент версии Phasmophobia. Создан на основе оригинальных реплик.


    Звуки диктора в лобби и грузовике
    Звуки призраков в радиоприёмнике

    Перейдите в корневую папку с игрой
    Зайдите в папку "Phasmophobia_Data"
    Закинте файлы из архива в папку "Phasmophobia_Data"
    Нажмите кнопку "Заменить"
    Мод установлен!

    В некоторых случаях требуется перезапустить игру!

  • Version 1.0.3

    The mod was updated to Phasmophobia v0.8.1.7.

    There aren't new tarot cards.

    Idea and modification: NoobTriesToWin
    Texture edit: ACasualOnion
    You can find both of us in the next Youtube channel:

  • Version 1.0.2

    The mod was updated to Phasmophobia v0.8.1.5.

    There aren't new tarot cards.

    Idea and modification: NoobTriesToWin
    Texture edit: ACasualOnion
    You can find both of us in the next Youtube channel:

  • Version 1.0.1

    There was a mistake during the textures edit and some cards where mirrored. Now it has been fixed.

    Idea and modification: NoobTriesToWin
    Texture edit: ACasualOnion
    You can find both of us in the next Youtube channel:

  • First Version

    So this is the first version of this mod.
    I thought that it would be funny to have the tarot cards from the anime JoJo's Bizarre Adventures in the game, so one day I suggested to do it with a friend, learned how to make it posible and edited the cards to make it like the anime version. I think the results where good so here it is.

    We'll keep updating it with the new cards as they come.

    Hope you like it.

    Idea and modification: NoobTriesToWin
    Texture edit: ACasualOnion
    You can find both of us in the next Youtube channel:





  • Noctchill Textures

    Only changed the textures, no audio changed.

    Spirit box, emf reader, salt tube, truck, tarot, ghost writing....

  • donation information

    within the last 2 months, i have opt-in to have this mod receive donation points. however, none of it goes to me.

    at first, it was set to go towards Child's Play. however, a whole other problem appeared, taking the form of a horrible excuse for a human being that is, unfortunately, Russian.

    on the 24th of February, Russia invaded Ukraine. since then, i have adjusted the way the donation points are distributed. i added Nexus's Ukraine donation drive to receive donation points. however, to avoid making one seem more important than the other, i made them 50/50. both drives are important to me and having to choose between both is something i can't do.

    also, please don't think i'm posting this for browny points. i'm doing it for transparency and archival purp...

  • Phasmophobia Deutsche Gruselige Geisterbox

    Du bist genervt von der englischen Geisterbox und würdest gerne eine vertraute Stimme im Nacken spüren?
    Dann hol dir die geänderten Audio-Assets für Phasmophobia und lass die Geister auf Deutsch antworten.

    Achtung: Dir könnte ein Schauer über den Rücken fahren!...

  • DOF isn't working due to depth buffer access being restricted on Multiplayer

    sadly, the depth buffer access has been restricted on multiplayer, which is needed for the DOF effect to work.

    there might be a work around in the form of Gshade, though. i will be testing it over time. if you want to go ahead and test this shit as well, the download site has been supplied <3...

  • Optional Update V2 has been released

    the new optional update includes everything i did with V1 while adding bokeh depth of field


  • Optional Update has been released

    well, the new update is out for Phasmophobia and i decided to return to my little mod to give it a small update!

    so, what did i do?

    i got a little tired of the fuzzy appearance the screen would have when in complete darkness, so... i fixed it! it might not be gone 100% but i feel like i have reached my goal. i seem to have fixed the white point clipping so the board should be easier to read and walls won't lose detail! :D


    Bloom values have been adjusted
    Eye Adaptation values have been adjusted
    LumaSharpen values have been adjusted (very slight difference)

    some changes may not be noticable right away but i feel the preset has improved in my opinion.

    of course, this is completely opti...

  • First public release

    this is the first, officially public version....

  • Phasmo Helper

    Zeigt welche beweise fehlen und welche Eigenschaften die Geister haben.
    Schnelleres Erkenne der Geister ist garantiert.


    Shows what evidence is missing and what properties the spirits have.
    Faster recognition of the ghosts is guaranteed.

  • Something to say...

    Hello everyone,

    I hope this little assistant does its job, assist you in the world of ghost finding.

    If you have found a bug, or would like new features to be added in the next version, please feel free
    to leave me a note, I'm open for any suggestions, good or bad.

    Bug report can be posted here on Nexus Mods, feature request is suggested to be made using,

    - Discord

    Your support is considered as my source of motivation, thank you. Happy hunting!...

  • Mod

    I made this as a joke, but it ended up pretty lit, so enjoy! ...