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  • Translation Ark Mod Russian version 0.92

    Перевод Ark Mod русская версия 0.92:...

  • Initial Release Raconteur

    It sure has been a crazy ride, huh, Commanders?

    I've been a fan of Mass Effect since around 2009, when I upgraded my phone and got a newfangled fancy XBOX360 along with it. One of the first games I got for it was Mass Effect. Popping that bad boy into the disc drive sort of broke my brain, really. Irreparably, in a way I'm sure many of you can understand.

    None really captured my attention quite like the character of Joker though. Not before, nor since.
    As a character, there was just something about him, the way he thumbed his nose at everyone and everything who told him he couldn't do what he dreamed to.  All his life he was overlooked, denied, and forced to work three times as hard just to be tolerated, let alone accepted. Man, I got that.

  • How to use the Femshep v Broshep Custom Clone Configurator (FSvBSC3) tool

    Follow these steps to apply a custom head morph to the Citadel clone:

    1. Download the tool from either the files section or the Github page.
    2. Extract it and launch the FSvBSC3.exe file. You'll get the following window:

    3. In the GAME TARGET section, select for which game you want to apply the morphs. You need to install either the normal or vanilla vs versions of the mod beforehand.

    If the tool cannot automatically find your game installation, it will prompt you to browse and select the MassEffect3.exe file.

    4. In the CLONE'S APPEARANCE section you can control the appearance of the male or female clones. Selecting Default will set the clone to use the iconic default Femshep/Broshep appearance. S...

  • A Guide To The New Mechanics

    This brief guide will explain how the new mechanics work, how the points are allocated, and what is necessary to get the best ending.

    I do  N O T  recommend first time players to read this guide, as it not only spoils the entire mod, but also ruins the experience of playing with the system for the first time, discovering what does and doesn't work, and reloading a save to fix your mistakes. In essence, it takes the fun away.

    You have been warned.

    If you're a first time player, and you read this guide before playing, please do not leave criticism on how the mod is too easy. It was designed for new players in mind, and as with most dialogue-based boss fights -- whether it's here, or in Deus Ex, or Detroit: Become Human -- once you know the correc...

  • PEOM II Translation Guide

    Do you speak one of Mass Effect 3’s supported languages, and wish to translate PEOM? Excellent! Now that the mod is complete, translations can be done without any fear of future changes or revisions.

    Mass Effect 3 uses a .tlk file to store all of its subtitles. Therefore, you’ll need to use the "TLK Editor" tool listed under Utilities in ME3Explorer, which is our modding toolset.

    Once you've opened it, you’ll see hundreds of strings -- each one representing one piece of text.

    Although PEOM has 313 strings, only 133 need to be translated. The rest of the strings are subtitles for various content that didn't make it into the final version of the mod. As such, those subtitles will never appear in-game, so there is no need to translate them.

  • The Orikon Collection II Compatibility List

    The Orikon Collection
    Compatibility List
    1. Take Earth Back (TEB) – TEB applies a different artistic vision and design plan compared to PEOM, and is
    inherently incompatible.
    2. Extended Final Anderson Conversation (EFAC) - PEOM re-created Anderson's Death Scene on its own by
    utilizing more advanced modding methods, resulting in a higher quality scene which also remains true to
    Bioware's original script. However, by selecting a compatibility patch for Ending Mods (e.g. MEHEM), EFAC
    can once again be installed and will apply to your game.

    Semi - Compatible:
    1. BackOff (BO) - BackOff and PEOM can coexist together and will not create bugs or crash your game. You
    will simply not experience BackOf...

  • The Orikon Collection II Compatibility List

    The Orikon Collection
    Compatibility List

    1. Take Earth Back (TEB) – TEB applies a different artistic vision and design plan compared to PEOM, and is
    inherently incompatible.
    2. Extended Final Anderson Conversation (EFAC) - PEOM re-created Anderson's Death Scene on its own by
    utilizing more advanced modding methods, resulting in a higher quality scene which also remains true to
    Bioware's original script. However, by selecting a compatibility patch for Ending Mods (e.g. MEHEM), EFAC
    can once again be installed and will apply to your game.

    Semi - Compatible:
    1. BackOff (BO) - BackOff and PEOM can coexist together and will not create bugs or crash your game. You
    will simply not experience...

  • Taeyeon Shepard headmorph only

    Taeyeon Shepard (Headmorph only!)

    This headmorph is inspired by the face of Kim Taeyeon of SNSD (Girls' Generation). It is not intended to be the exact same replica of her face.

    It is made by only modifying certain meshes, properties and parameters in Gibbed's Mass Effect 3 Save Editor. No 3D modelling is made, therefore it only uses some in-game character assets that the game can natively recognize. It is not perfect, as I am only newbie to modding, but it work.

    It is best to import this headmorph via Gibbed's Mass Effect 3 Save Editor.

    It also requires third-party hair mod and textures, to get the exact same appearance as shown by the pictures.

    Taeyeon's hair mod is Kerli by GirlPlaysGame. It can be found here:

  • Sana Shepard Headmorph only

    This is a headmorph for Sana Shepard. It is best to import this headmorph via Gibbed's Mass Effect 3 Save Editor.

    It also requires third-party hair mod and textures, to get the exact same appearance as shown by the pictures.

    Sana's hair mod is Special by GirlPlaysGame. It can be found here:

    For texture, I used Femshep High Quality Textures by Kani Hime. It can be downloaded here: (Optional, requires TexMod to use)

  • Custom Shepard hair fix - assigning correct textures to existing custom male Shepards

    Download and run the ME3 Gibbed Save Editor;

    Go to Open to browse for the save file of the character you want to fix;

    Go to the Raw tab, section 3. Squad. Expanded the Player section, and under it the Appearance and Head Morph sections;

    You will see a HAIR MESH field. You do not need to change it, but note which one your Shepard is using for the next steps. As an example, we’ll be using HMM_HIR_PROShort03_MDL;

    Open the Texture Parameters collection (by clicking the three dots on the right);

    ADD a new entry named HAIR_Diff. Assign a value to it according to your hair mesh:

    HMM_HIR_PROShort03_MDL - BIOG_HMM_HIR_PRO_R.Hair_Short03.HMM_HIR_PROShort03_Diff

  • Important changes to mod loading and importing in M3 6.1.5

    As I have been working with developers over the past year or so, I have noticed a few things come up that I am addressing in ME3Tweaks Mod Manager 6.1.5 that will have an impact on how mods are deployed for use by users as well as how the end user experience will be when using ME3Tweaks Mod Manager.

    For many years (dating back to about 2016), my Mod Manager (back then, ~ Mod Manager 4.0) has supported 'deploying' mods - taking your mod in the mod library and packaging it up for distribution. This process compresses your mod in a specific way that is not the same as you right clicking the mod folder and saying 'Add to archive'. I purposely store certain items uncompressed to ensure a more smooth end user experience - faster loading, less memory required to decompress, etc.

  • Information for Modders

    Mount Priority: 5020

    TLK ID: 14376667...

  • Project Variety and ALOT

    Mass Effect 3 is a 32 bit application. And as with any 32 bit program, it is limited in its memory. If memory usage ever reaches around 3.5 gbs it will crash the game. In an unmodded playthrough, this limit would never be reached. However, if you combine big content mods like PV with big textures mods like ALOT taht limit is easily reached.

    Can anything be done about this?

    The answer is no. The only thing that can be done is to cut off some memory intensive features in PV. That is what the PV ALOT patch is for. It disables loading multiple levels on the Citadel to prevent a memory overload. This patch must be used if you intend to use PV and ALOT together. The other thing that I reccomend is to set all lods 2048 rather than 4096 in GamerSettings.ini. I also reccomen...


    Reshade update to 4.7.0.
    Custom Shaders Fully updated and Re-tweaked.
    Update the preset settings to work with the last ReShade version and Custom Shaders.
    Add Nvidia Physx légacy to the required file.
    Update the description (tutorial).

    Cheers and Good Game ❤️ !...

  • News Article - 11-09-2020 Update - 20k User Teaser

    NEWS UPDATE - 11-09-2020

    As a thank you for reaching 20,000 unique users, I have decided to give a little teaser for future Spectre Expansion Mod content. I won't be providing details yet, but feel free to speculate on what it is :D


    NEWS UPDATE - 22-07-2020
    Hello all!

    I apologise for being quiet lately, I'll get around to answering the few remaining queries soon. As you all know full well, life has been strange over the past few months, with new stresses and concerns almost every day. Hopefully you're all staying safe and keeping healthy during this pandemic!

    I'm still working on Spectre Expansion Mod, but I just wanted to let you guys know that there might be a few small patches in the next month or two. None of...

  • EGM and ALOT Memory Usage Tests

    The ALOT (A lot of textures) mod is the best overhaul of graphics for the Mass Effect games. In recent years its overhaul has become so extensive that when ALOT is installed alongside EGM we are running up to the limitations of the game engine.

    ME3 is built on the 32-bit unreal 3 engine.  A major drawback is that the engine can only address 4 GB of memory (32 bit means that it literally runs out of memory address numbers at 4GB). Once you remove memory used by the engine itself it means you have about 3.35 GB of memory to load textures, models, animations.

    This means if memory utilisation reaches 3.35GB the game will crash.

    We have optimised EGM v1.50 to work with ALOT.  To optimise we tested (and retested multiple times) EGM with ALOT 11.3 Beta, we ...

  • N7 Day - Spectre's Mythic Patch Released

    Happy N7 Day everyone!

    I've been teasing this update for quite some time, so rather than write a long introduction that you don't want to read, let's just get to the good stuff

    *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

    Hades Nexus: Obelisk of Karza
    Another dream of mine has been to turn the fetch quests from ME3's vanilla release into mini-missions, and the Obelisk of Karza is the first of these I've chosen to tackle. Travel to the Hades Nexus cluster and explore an abandoned archaeological dig site in Spectre's new non-combat mission.

    New Enemy - Reaper Tyrant
    Enemy archetype modding is in its infancy, so any new enemy must be based on an existin...

  • EGM Squadmate Casuals

    EGM Squadmate Casuals

    Squadmate Casual outfits are worn on the Normandy, Citadel and other casual hubs. Each squadmate has a variety of outfits that can be changed as you want..

    Select the outfit you want via the EGM Settings tool.  The change will be implemented the next time you reload on the Normandy or in the Apartment (not between the Citadel DLC missions). Certain outfits require DLC, the EGM Squadmate Pack or the EGM Custom Extras Pack.


    Default - Gold Trim - Camouflage (From Ashes) - Terminus (APP) - Gold Trim Casual (EGM default) - C-SEC (ME1) - Formalwear
    (Also automatic = same as current mission armor)When on the Normandy and Citadel Presidium Garrus will wear his selected casual outfit.


  • Suggestions

    Other guides you may wanna see?...