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  • Combat Evade Maneuvers: Necessary SFXGame edits

    Some of the functions inside the SFXGame.pcc file need to be edited to ensure good interaction of the mod with the rest of the game. All of the edits described below are necessary and could not be applied from the level of a DLC mod. Without them, although the evade itself would still kind of work, its functionally and comfort would be severely impacted, far below the acceptable levels.

    All SFXGame edits are mentioned here, with the full path name of edited function, as well as export IDs - you can go to export IDs using the Goto # button in Package Editor's main bar in the Legendary Explorer.

    Please note that some basic knowledge of C-family programming languages is expected to apply the changes.
    Please also note that in Unreal Script, variable declarations a...

  • Combat Evade Maneuvers: Manual install

    This article highlights the steps necessary to install the mod manually. Please note that manual installation is intended only for people who cannot use M3 - it needs not to be used when M3 install is appropriate. You will still need to use Legendary Explorer to apply some of the necessary edits, which has pretty much the same hardware requirements as the Mod Manager. Therefore, Linux users will need to use a Win7 or later Virtual Machine / PC, and copy the edited file back into their game later.

    Unpack the 7zip from the Nexus download. Copy paste the DLC_MOD_AsariDash folder to Mass Effect 2\BioGame\DLC folder in case of OT, Mass Effect Legendary Edition\Game\ME2\BioGame\DLC in case of LE.
    In case you mod the OT, you also need to install the binkw...

  • Glitches and any questions

    Рассказывайте о найденых багах, которые были обнаружены вами и задавайте вопросы, если возникнут.

    Let me know about some glitches and will ask me if have any questions....

  • About the ship upgrades

    With this mod, only 2 out of the 3 major ship upgrades can be purchased. Certain people don't like the idea, when reading the mod's description. But many changed their mind after playing the mod, and getting a better understanding of why I did it this way. In this article, I try to give some answers and explanations to the reasons I've been told why people don't like this particular design choice (when they haven't played with the mod).

    But... it arbitrarily increases the risk during the approach?

    No, it absolutely doesn't. What the ship upgrades do, and how they are installed, are two aspects that are deeply interconnected, and thus modified in concert. With the current system, there is a 50% of failure when an upgrade is not installed, and 10% for the upgrades th...

  • Original list of changes

    Edited BioD_ProNor.pcc

    Changes VO lines to match original ME2 intro dialogue.
    Adjusted timings and keys to original....

  • Compatibility

    Not Compatible

    No Guns - A Challenge run mod.
    ME2 Randomizer (may depend on randomizing options selected).
    Custom Combat Drone Colors.
    No Sniper Slo-Mo.
    Anything that changes Shepard's base power loadout may cause issues (adding vanilla powers via console command should be fine, though).

    Redundant / Obsolete

    Remove Shared Cooldown mod (or the compatibility versions here or here). It's not really a problem if you have it installed, but Combolutions has options for shared or individual cooldowns, and will override any effect of this mod on Shepard and squadmates. So I would recommend not installing any version of the remove shared cooldown mod, as it will only end up affecting enemies (tho...

  • Detailed mechanics

    Biotic Combos: Primers

    Lifted targets

    Prime intensity = 100%
    This is the vanilla biotic prime, only applies to unprotected targets lifted by Singularity, Lift, Slam.
    Only while they are being lifted by the power.


    Prime intensity = 45-80%, depending on power rank.
    Prime duration = 8 seconds.


    Prime intensity = 45-80%, depending on power rank.
    Prime duration = 8 seconds.
    Only vs. protected targets (with Armor, Shield, or Barrier). Otherwise they get the Lifted effect.


    Prime intensity = 30-60%, depending on power rank.

    Prime duration = 8 seconds.


    Powers that can both Prime and Detonate (W...

  • How to fix the text limit in the Personalization Locker

    This section will explain how to fix the text limit in the description box of the personalization locker yourself. For making a private compatibility patch, refer to the other section below.

    The following describes how to modify the files of Mass Effect 2 using Mod Development Tools. I take no responsibility for any damages that may occur in the process.

    Please make a Backup of the files that are to be modified before doing so, either manually or through ME3Tweaks Mod Manager in its Backup & Restore Tab.


    Firstly, download ME3Tweaks ME3Explorer (Stable) from the Tools Tab in Mod Manager.

    Once ME3Explorer is open, go to Create Mods and open the Package Editor. <...

  • Changelog to the Shader

    Update 2.0 20/11/2020
    With ReShade 4.8.2 DX9 got a lot of work put into it which fixed a lot of the previous ghosting issues that came with 4.7.0 meaning we can just leave it on the Copy Depth Buffer before clear operations, instead of constantly having to flick over to a different depth buffer loading.

    Massively increased Ray Length and Occlusion intensity to make up for removal of MXAO, it gives a far more natural lighting as everything fades off far more gradually allowing light sources to blend....

  • Information for Modders

    Mount Priority: 530

    DLC TLK ID: 1500000...

  • Converting a Coalesced.ini mod to .me2mod

    1. Open Mod Manager
    2. Go to INI Editor Teb
    3. Click Load other ini
    4. navigate to the modded coaleced.ini
    5. Click Create Mod from current changes

  • Behind the scenes of A Lot Of Textures (ALOT)

    This article is intended as documentation for the making of ALOT and its evolution. It's there for those who want to know more about ALOT, textures and modding in general. It shows the work that went into making ALOT what it is today. I also talk about what ALOT means to me personally. There's a bit of everything. I hope it makes for an enjoyable read, there's pictures at least.

    A Lot Of Textures (ALOT) is a mod seeking to give a visual upgrade to the entire Mass Effect trilogy (ME1, ME2, ME3). The three ALOTs, one for each game, contain in total over 40 GB of unparalleled high resolution goodness, with around 20,000 textures. It is also the largest modding project of its kind for any game. The result is a trilogy that i...

  • History of the project

    Edit : Updated article here.

    It's been almost 2 years since the initial release of ALOT for ME3, almost 1 year for ALOT for ME2. A lot (pun not intended) has changed since these days, and I think this kind of article will be an interesting read for those who want to know more about the ALOT project.

    It also helps me put things into perspective. These years have been a hell of a ride !

    I. Beginnings

    In the beginning, there was me and my love for modding. When I got into playing the Mass Effect trilogy, I found that lots of texture mods had been made for the 3 games. The biggest problem was that they were scattered all over the Internet (Bioware Social Network, Nexus, ME3Explorer forums, mainly), which meant spending hours scouring foru...