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  • the early SEWERS MISSION

    ** early Sewers Mission **

    if you find the early sewers mission§, which is triggered from the first Mummies passageway on Dungeon 1, (secret button)
      here's the quick guide!!

    after battling the Zarchton Guards you come up TWO teleporters, one of them takes you to THE MINE*, not recommended!
    the other teleporter takes you to THE WOODS (Recommended but fairly hard) 
    if you take THE WOODS mission this not only gets you some prime kit e.g. Sickle Sword, Bear Helmet, good Herbs picking, 
     it also brings you back neatly to the NE SEWERS where there is a choice of 2 trapdoors
    TRAPDOOR 1, EASY pull lever and descend - EASY way out back to dungeon
    TRAPDOOR 2, HARD, place an item onto each alcove, descend to SECRET...

  • final Adv Tomb Teleporters

    Final Six Teleporters in Advanced Tomb

    Access the Upper 2 by inserting two Rapier Swords and ascending ladder walkway

    LEFT H teleporter : Advanced Wildnerness Mission (double the enemies! gain two jewel necklaces!) 
    RIGHT H teleptr : Advanced Barracks : stick to the NEW AREA of this mission, explore to the entire
                      perimeter of the new area, find the loot shelves, take the loot, exit via trapdoor

    Access the lower 4 by inserting individual red gems in the nearby wall

    EAST 1 : SE CASTLE, get past the Xylophones or kill them - but CAUTION 3 x Xylophones could be a task ask
              grab the loot and explore the last section of the Castle!
    EAST 2 : Wastelands mission, lure th...

  • advanced step by step

    Advanced Steps Guide to Secret Island

    S0  return to the Forest (take the Mine shortcut in Castle) and take Teleporter 3
    S1  this is a large battleground of horrendous enemies and secrets
    S2   the passage that you start in, walk straight ahead as far as you can go, straight through a fake wall (loot!)
    S3   this is not an easy mission - lots of fighting and dodging - so many times
    S4   in Sewers S you see two stones doors, eventually they open, REMEMBER this location! 
       TIP when you finish fighting the herders, and see crowerns, move W through a fake wall 
    S5   when you get to the Uguardians Lair, note there are defences in the centre of the passageway 
    S6   do not leave this level WITHOUT the 3rd Gold key, go back...


    Your KEYS on Secret Island
    TIP there are 3 Gold Keys and 3 Gold Locks across the whole game!  When you find the first gold key it could 
    well be that the first gold lock you find is not actually the best gold lock to unlock, think about it!
    TIP  the snail figure is actually used as a key twice through this game, both in the round lock. If you see
    a round lock, try fitting the snail figure into it, it might unlock it! 
    BRASS KEYS, what do they do?
    Use 1 Brass Key at NE ladder on Castle Level, it will light up the very first section of the magic bridge
    in addition - if you wish to - then move to NE Castle "Skull Lock" - inserting a skull key will reverse the gates status
    Use 2 brass keys at NE dungeon, quite close to the...


    Your dozen levels on Secret Island 
     1    Secret Cove, launch level and swept with knee high sea water
     2    Secret Castle, Puzzle laden areas, Gear Keys very handy here
     3    Secret Tomb, herbs and mummies aplenty in here
     4    Secret Base, super monsters on a central base can take you on
     5    Secret Sewers, early bonus level or much later advanced mission
     6    Secret Barracks, with 30' deep water you see the Barracks was flooded long ago
     7    Secret Dungeon, tons of fighting and puzzle areas
     8    Secret Swamp, 2 important teleporters and 1 vital tunnel back to Dungeon
     9    Secret Passages, need 3 gems in here, red, green and blue!
    10    Secret Wild...


    First few minutesA0    find Reeds Trail in CoveA1    see where the Trail of Reeds goesA2    stay close to the Northern PierA3   now move West along the Reed TrailA4   you fall down Cove Trapdoor 1 to DungeonA5    find the secret button in the West wall of the roomA6   fight 4 Mummies and take their TorchesA7    now using 1 torch, lay it through the East portcullis  A8    a secret door opens revealing a cache of bombsA9   now explore  North and lay a torch through,      the portcullis in the next room opening the gate Getting back to the CoveB0   Lure one of the Infantry back to the first room you sawB1   place 1 item into each alcove. opening the potcullisB2    find a floor pressure plateB3    lead any foe onto the plate releasing the next gatesB4    find a s...