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  1. amoveve
    • premium
    • 177 kudos
    Please all, use http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/11829/? instead of my mod.

    My mod is obsolete, not compatible with newer versions of the game and buggy as hell.
    1. mightguy15
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      well i am actually using it now and it is working completely fine!
      Also, at least your mod lets me talk to the companions i recruit, I have experienced far less glitches with your mod, dont count it short!
    2. Fliegenaffe
      • supporter
      • 3 kudos
      Works fine for me too. i haven't had any problems with it. I can recruit characters from the newer DLC (Eg Gage from Nuka World)
    3. ComZiz
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      The mod in that link doesn't work.
    4. maarten1980
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      This mod actually works fine for me, you can give the provided alias to any companion. I've made Preston into dogmeat... here boy!
      You can then make ada or whatever follow you just give it the alias of Preston for example.

      Just sometimes the trade option when speaking to companions misses and it will go straight to the dialog options, in case you can use "openactorcontainer 1" to trade using commands.

      Ive tried the suggested mod for replacing this 1 however where this mod actually works the other doesn't.
      My thanks for making this mod.
    5. rennistora
      • member
      • 17 kudos
      I'm not sure what trouble people are having with the Framework mod but it works fine for me.
    6. conquerer
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      UCF no longer works, this no longer works, are there any new alternatives?
    7. AtirusGaming
      • premium
      • 10 kudos
      UCF does not work. In fact, I wouldn't recommend using it at all.
    8. gentester
      • premium
      • 177 kudos
      UCF works absolutely fine for me, just be sure not to have any conflicting mod and to load it last and it will work fine. I have used it for 4 playthroughs right up to this evening on a fully updated game with all DLC's and all patches and had no problems.
    9. LordLokai
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      It works but is very buggy and unstable... like my companions will join me but refuse to actually walk around or follow unless i stop and hold for a couple of minutes...making any real application pretty pointless... is no alternative as of now, for multi-companions it seems we dont have options at all.
    10. ArctixSnowPup
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      It's nearly 2018, and this mod works better than any mod I have tried for companions. There are no conflicts that I know of, as I have over 150 mods already active and working flawlessly. I will upload some photos if I can. EXCELLENT MOD. 12/1/2017 (using f4se, UOF4P, All DLC, and more very popular mods)
    11. QuantumCurt
      • premium
      • 25 kudos
      UCF works flawlessly for me, so I don't know what the people here are talking about. I've been using it for a long time now, and had virtually no problems with it. I've only ever had one mod conflict with it, which was Personal Vertibird, and I just used Neutral Vertibirds instead, which is basically the same thing with a different implementation.
    12. Sakatraka
      • member
      • 10 kudos
      2019 works perfectly!
    13. alderwiki
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      2020 and working better then the rest of the world!
    14. Fgyjt
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      BULLSHIT! The UFF does not work.
  2. Lunchbox151
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Would be great to have this updated so dogmeat is an option. When you set others as the permanent follower and use the cheat terminal to allow infinite ammo for followers, they do get it. was wanting to use dogmeat since he doesnt use ammo, than i could recruit piper as the dismissable one and she'll get infinite ammo.
  3. Neehara
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    this mod saved me. for some reason a different mod broke followers for me. once dismissed, they still followed me but i couldn't talk to them or really recruit them back. thanks to your bat files preston now works normally again for me. thank you!
  4. TeriyakiFreak
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    I had to reinstall this due to a voice line bug that cause Piper to be unable to dismissed. However, the mod no longer works for me and I can have more than one follower any more. Any assistance please?
    1. MrVitaliyFox
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      dude, no idea. My dogmeat disappeared and if I dismiss Cait the same will happen with her. Have seen something like this before.
    2. WeFellOut
      • member
      • 5 kudos
      If you're wondering why this is happening, there is likely one of your companions that is bugging out. Maybe they refuse to go home, or are unrecruitable? Even worse is when they go missing, which may happen as well. The only downside to using this mod is that you have no way of knowing who is where (if they're missing).

      But once you do know where they are, you can fix this problem. You have to dismiss everybody in your party that you can, first. then open the console (~ key), click on the troublesome companion and:

      cf "actor.SetCompanion" True True
      cf "actor.SetCompanion" False False

      You *may* have to do this twice. Check first to see if you can now recruit them. Then use the same code again to finally bring up the dialogue to send them to a settlement (if it didn't do so the first time).
  5. DexterGamin
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    i want 13 assaultrons from automatron following me,  how do i do that?
    1. boomdaddymaxwell
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      I am also trying to figure this out but just typing in their ID doesn't work
  6. lance135
    • supporter
    • 3 kudos
    It still kind of works for me, though it is janky. I'm also running Better Companions, which really makes them into a formidable army :-)
  7. Ralwor
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Why is this mod on Oblivion Nexus?
    Get this file to Falout 4 Nexus now! Im trying to find Oblivion mods!
    1. Sankese
      • member
      • 100 kudos
      shut up idiot oblivion is garbage
    2. SHEIKAHpr
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      you really out here responding to two year old comments to hurt people. get a life.
  8. deleted44140507
    • account closed
    • 3 kudos
    Aww no dogmeat? Man that'sjust cruel...Pup is gonna have to sit in his dog house on the 80th floor for the rest of his abandoned existence.
  9. Solongchu
    • premium
    • 15 kudos
    Works great for me the only down side I think is that there is no command to have all your followers wait or a lets go command so you dont have to talk to each one separately which is a real pain if you have more than 5 following you.
  10. FantasticKru
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Can you please make a version for all the dlcs? this mod is the only mod that actually made that I can have more than one companion. all the other mods won't work for me.
  11. NemesisNidhoggr
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    this mod works, but it has one huge bug that made me uninstall it...
    When you get second companion with console command - they don't trigger the right hiring, making them following you and non-stop babbling their dialogues like if they in settlement near you. So annoying(
    and they don't involve conversations. only the first one does