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Name: Settler Renaming
Version: 2.2
Date: 2016-03-15
Author: drdanzel

This is a mod combined with a number of batch commands that lets you rename your followers.
It uses the console commands SetActorFullName together with separately made Message (MESG) strings (not default ones made by Bethesda).
I would turn this into a pure mod if I could, but until the Creation Kit/GECK is released, using the console menu or bat files is the easiest solution. At least together with this mod it's possible to use names that are not originally in the game.

Names are offered in seperate packs that you can choose when you do the NMM install, if you just feel like using a couple of the names and not fill your Data folder with batch files.
If you feel like a name is missing, leave a comment and I'll include it in the list.

1. Make sure the mod is installed and the esp is active.

2. Launch the game, open up the console and click on the settler you want to rename.
!!! Be careful when renaming named NPCs (whose name isn't settler), as it can be really hard to get the original name back. !!
See the Known Issues section for more information.

3. Write one of the bat commands (see section BAT COMMANDS near the bottom for codes) depending on which name you want.

If you chose to install the optional command help bats, typ bat srHelp in the console to get lists of available names and commands while in game.
The following names are available:

Armorer, Artilleryman, Bartender, Doctor, Farmer, Guard, Minuteman, Scavenger, Tailor, Trader, Weaponsmith, Worker

Boss, Captain of the Guard, Cheif of Security, Leader, Mayor

Assistant, Beggar, Builder, Businessman, Businesswoman, Butler, Child, Citizen, Cook, Deputy, Detective, Engineer, Farmhand, Freeloader, Gary, Gatekeeper, Greaser, Junkie, Lawyer, Mechanic, Mercenary, Merchant, Militia, Minuteman Comms Officer, Nurse, Priest, Prisoner, Researcher, Scientist, Seamstress, Secretary, Security, Sheriff, Synth, Wanderer, Wastelander

Criminal, Escort, Mobster, Pimp, Raider, Slave

Agent, Artillery, Bombardier, Commando, Grenadier, Gunner, Marksman, Medic, Quartermaster, Ranger, Recruit, Rifleman, Scout, Sniper, Specialist

Private, Private First Class, Corporal, Sergeant, Staff Sergeant, Master Sergeant, Sergeant Major, Officer, Second Lieutenant, First Lieutenant, Lieutenant, Commander, Captain, Major, Colonel

BoS Initiate, BoS Scribe, BoS Knight, BoS Paladin, BoS Lancer

Tourist, Railroad Agent, Railroad Heavy

NORTHLANDDIGGERS PACK (for the mod NorthlandDiggers Crafting - Resources - Jobs):
Botanist, Butcher, Forester, Leatherworker, Postman, Tax Collector, Undertaker

COMPANIONS PACK (for resetting original names):
Contains all companion names.

Settler 1, Settler 2, Settler 3... etc. (up to Settler 25)

4. Close the console and look at the settler, its name should now be changed.

First of all, make sure you have made all the necessary configurations to enable mods in Fallout 4.
If you haven't, check out this guide to learn how: FALLOUT 4 - Enabling Modding for PC by Gopher (

I seriously recommend installing through the Nexus Mod Manager. The installation wizard guides you through the steps, and it minimizes the potential for future errors. Other mod managers, such as the Fallout 4 Mod Manager, are not recommended and will probably give you a "wrong structure"-error.

With Nexus Mod Manager (NMM):
1. Download the mod by clicking "Download with manager".
2. Activate the mod in Nexus Mod Manager and follow the installation guide.

Manual installation:
1. Manually download the .zip file containing the mod.
2. Open the .zip using a file archiver.
3. Choose ONE, and only one, of the two .esp files in the 0 - MAIN folder.
SettlerRenaming.esp is the default one, while SettlerRenaming-Indicators.esp adds indicators (*)
4. Choose the batch files (text files) you want.
These are separated by their categories in the folders 1 - Name Batch Files and 2 - Help Batch Files.
5. Extract your chosen files into the Data folder (not in any subfolder) of your Fallout 4 installation.
6. Open plugins.txt (located in C:\Users\-username-\AppData\Fallout4) and add the name of the .esp you chose to the list.

With Nexus Mod Manager (NMM):
1. Deactivate the mod by double-clicking it.
2. Mark the deactived mod and uninstall or delete it.

Manual uninstallation:
1. Remove all files associated with the mod from your Data folder.
2. Remove the name of the .esp from plugins.txt.

Q: Can I use this mod to change the names of NPCs to whatever I want?
A: Not by just using the base mod, but you can edit it on your own if you have the time! I've written a guide that you can find in the articles section here.

Q: Why isn't -insert name here- available as a name?
A: I don't know, but leave a comment and I'll make sure to add it!

Q: Will the names reset after I have reloaded the game?
A: From what I can tell, no. It works just like the SetActorFullName command has worked in previous Bethesda games.

Q: I can't use the tcl command in the console after using your mod!
A: For the tcl command to work you can't have anything targeted, like what you do when you select a settler. Try double clicking on something or clicking at an empty area, so that the console doesn't display any name or ID on the top. It should work without issues then.

Q: I accidentally renamed a named NPC! What should I do?
A: You have two options: either load an earlier save or add the named NPCs name to the game by yourself. This can be done by creating a MESG record with the NPCs original name and then use SetActorFullName with the FormID for that MESG. I've written a guide on how to do this in the articles section, link here.

Q: I accidentally renamed MYSELF! What should I do?
A: There is a way to solve it. Write down your SPECIAL stats and then write "showspecialmenu" in the console. This will open the menu where you select your stats in the beginning of the game as well as letting you rename yourself. What that's done, restore your old stats with the setav-command.

* Mods that edit Console.swf won't not work with the console menu.

* There may be problems naming some NPCs, like provisioners or Dogmeat. It seems like the name "Provisioner" that's applied to a settler on a supply line overrides the NPCs name value.
The new name does however remain when you assign the provisioner to another role.

* Be careful when changing the names of named NPCs (not NPCs that you've named yourself, but those that have a name to begin with), since it can be next to impossible to reapply the original name.
Some NPCs names are already available as messages in the base game, but most are not.

2.2, 2016-03-15
* Included a working version of neanka's console menu (DEF_CM) for Settler Renaming.
* Added Gary, Merchant, Priest, Prisoner to the Misc Roleplay pack.
* Added Leatherworker to the NorthlandDiggers jobs pack.

2.1, 2016-03-13
* Added the NorthlandDiggers jobs pack, which includes titles for the mods included in the NorthlandDiggers Crafting - Resources - Jobs ( mod.
* Added Botanist, Undertaker, Butcher, Tax Collector, Forester and Postman to the NorthlandDiggers jobs pack.

2.0, 2016-01-07
* Added Assistant, Child, Farmhand, Nurse, Researcher and Seamstress to the Misc Roleplaying pack as available names.
* Added Artillery and Bombardier to the Military Roles pack as available names.
* Added BoS Lancer to the Brotherhood of Steel Ranks pack.
* Fixed the command srCommander. It now shows the name Commander instead of Scout.

1.9, 2015-12-02
* Added 20 new names!
* Added Gatekeeper, Builder, Secretary, Butler, Lawyer, Detective and Wanderer to Misc Roleplaying.
* Added Commando, Agent and Specialist to Military Roles.
* Added Private First Class, Staff Sergeant, Master Sergeant, Sergeant Major, Second Lieutenant, First Lieutenant and Commander to Military Ranks.
* Added a new pack called Railroad Ranks, containing Tourist, Railroad Agent and Railroad Heavy.

1.8, 2015-11-28
* Added Freeloader, Businessman, Businesswoman, Synth and Deputy to Misc Roleplaying.
* Added Recruit, Scout and Ranger to Military Roles.
* Added Captain of the Guard to Titles.

1.7.2, 2015-11-28:
* Fixed bug where the Military Roles, Military Ranks, BOS Ranks and numbered packs didn't install correctly during the NMM installation.

1.7.1, 2015-11-27
* Fixed bug where srSettler.txt and srProvisioner.txt didn't install during the NMM installation.

1.7, 2015-11-26:
* Added optional ESP that adds an indicator (*) to the names of NPCs that have had their names changed.
* Added Cook and Minuteman Comms Officer to the Misc Roleplay pack as available names.
* Fixed typo in NMM installation.

1.6, 2015-11-25
* Added help batch files to view IDs from inside the console.
* Added the Military Roles pack, containing Grenadier, Gunner, Marksman, Medic, Quartermaster and Rifleman as available names.
* Added Sheriff to the Misc Roleplay pack as an available name.

1.5, 2015-11-24
* Added Provisioner, Greaser, Sniper and all companion names to available names.
* Added companion names category to NMM installation.

1.4.1, 2015-11-23
* Fixed one last non-unique FormID that had been missed in last patch.

1.4, 2015-11-23
* Added Worker, Boss, Chief of Security, Mechanic, Mercenary, Militia, Criminal, Mobster, Raider, Slave, Pimp, Escort, Private, Corporal, Sergeant, Lieutenant, Captain, Major, Colonel, BoS Initiate, BoS Scribe, BoS Knight and BoS Paladin to available names.
* Split up names in smaller, optional packs. Pick only what you want when installing with NMM!
* Remade all MESG FormIDs since a lot of them weren't unique (couldn't check with TESVEdit/FO4Edit before).

1.3, 2015-11-22
* Added full Nexus Mod Manager support.

1.2, 2015-11-22
* Added Citizen, Resident, Beggar, Junkie, Scientist, Engineer, Security and Wastelander to available names.
* Fixed bug where the Mayor-string couldn't be used.
* Fixed Settler 15 (used to be two Settler 16) for the numbered settlers.

1.1, 2015-11-22
* Added Weaponsmith, Armorer, Tailor, Artilleryman, Mayor & Leader to available names.
* Added optional files to give settlers number from 1-25.

1.0, 2015-11-22
* Initial release.


Crafting Workbenches - Items crafted where they should:
Vats Over There? - Increased V.A.T.S Distance:
Where Are You Now - Companion Tracking:

The bat commands are in parantheses after the name. Don't include the parantheses.

Settler (bat srSettler)

Armorer (bat srArmorer)
Artilleryman (bat srArtilleryman)
Bartender (bat srBartender)
Doctor (bat srDoctor)
Farmer (bat srFarmer)
Guard (bat srGuard)
Minuteman (bat srMinuteman)
Scavenger (bat srScavenger)
Tailor (bat srTailor)
Trader (bat srTrader)
Weaponsmith (bat srWeaponsmith)
Worker (bat srWorker)

Boss (bat srBoss)
Captain of the Guard (bat srCaptainOfTheGuard)
Chief of Security (bat srChiefOfSecurity)
Leader (bat srLeader)
Mayor (bat srMayor)

Assistant (bat srAssistant)
Beggar (bat srBeggar)
Builder (bat srBuilder)
Businessman (bat srBusinessman)
Businesswoman (bat srBusinesswoman)
Butler (bat srButler)
Child (bat srChild)
Citizen (bat srCitizen)
Cook (bat srCook)
Deputy (bat srDeputy)
Detective (bat srDetective)
Engineer (bat srEngineer)
Farmhand (bat srFarmhand)
Freeloader (bat srFreeloader)
Gary (bat srGary)
Gatekeeper (bat srGatekeeper)
Greaser (bat srGreaser)
Junkie (bat srJunkie)
Lawyer (bat srLawyer)
Mechanic (bat srMechanic)
Mercenary (bat srMercenary)
Merchant (bat srMerchant)
Militia (bat srMilitia)
Minuteman Comms Officer (bat MinutemanCommsOfficer)
Nurse (bat srNurse)
Priest (bat srPriest)
Prisoner (bat srPrisoner)
Researcher (bat srResearcher)
Resident (bat srResident)
Scientist (bat srScientist)
Seamstress (bat srSeamstress)
Secretary (bat srSecretary)
Security (bat srSecurity)
Sheriff (bat Sheriff)
Synth (bat srSynth)
Wanderer (bat srWanderer)
Wastelander (bat srWastelander)

Criminal (bat srCriminal)
Escort (bat srEscort)
Mobster (bat srMobster)
Pimp (bat srPimp)
Raider (bat srRaider)
Slave (bat srSlave)

Agent (bat srAgent)
Artillery (bat srArtillery)
Bombardier (bat srBombardier)
Commando (bat srCommando)
Grenadier (bat srGrenadier)
Gunner (bat srGunner)
Marksman (bat srMarksman)
Medic (bat srMedic)
Quartermaster (bat srQuartermaster)
Ranger (bat srRanger)
Recruit (bat srRecruit)
Rifleman (bat srRifleman)
Scout (bat srScout)
Sniper (bat srSniper)
Specialist (bat srSpecialist)

Private (bat srPrivate)
Private First Class (bat srPrivateFirstClass)
Corporal (bat srCorporal)
Sergeant (bat srSergeant)
Staff Sergeant (bat srStaffSergeant)
Master Sergeant (bat srMasterSergeant)
Sergeant Major (bat srSergeantMajor)
Officer (bat srOfficer)
Second Lieutenant (bat srSecondLieutenant)
First Lieutenant (bat srFirstLieutenant)
Lieutenant (bat srLieutenant)
Commander (bat srCommander)
Captain (bat srCaptain)
Major (bat srMajor)
Colonel (bat srColonel)

BoS Initiate (bat srBOSInitiate)
BoS Scribe (bat srBOSScribe)
BoS Knight (bat srBOSKnight)
BoS Paladin (bat srBOSPaladin)
BoS Lancer (bat srBOSLancer)

Tourist (bat srTourist)
Railroad Agent (bat srRailroadAgent)
Railroad Heavy (bat srRailroadHeavy)

NORTHLANDDIGGERS PACK (for the mod NorthlandDiggers Crafting - Resources - Jobs):
Botanist (bat srBotanist)
Butcher (bat srButcher)
Forester (bat srForester)
Leatherworker (bat srLeatherworker)
Postman (bat srPostman)
Tax Collector (bat srTaxCollector)
Undertaker (bat srUndertaker)

COMPANIONS PACK (for resetting original names):
Cait (bat srCait)
Codsworth (bat srCodsworth)
Curie (bat srCurie)
Paladin Danse (bat srPaladinDanse)
Deacon (bat srDeacon)
Dogmeat (bat srDogmeat)
John Hancock (bat srJohnHancock)
Robert MacCready (bat srRobertMacCready)
Nick Valentine (bat srNickValentine)
Piper (bat srPiper)
Preston Garvey (bat srPrestonGarvey)
Strong (bat srStrong)
X6-88 (bat srX688)

Settler 1 (bat sr1)
Settler 2 (bat sr2)
Settler 3 (bat sr3)
Settler 25 (bat sr25)

All the numbered names follow the same pattern, so any number between 1 and 25 works.