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  • Plentiful Paints and Paint Remover

    Plentiful Paints and Paint Remover

    Last Update: 22 Jul 2024
    Author: Gravenwitch
    Uploader: Gravenwitch

    Gives paint, paint remover, and paint sets a rarity of 1, making them much more common. Includes an alternate mod that additionally setspaint prices to 10% of vanilla.

    • 48KB
    • 0
    • --

    Plentiful Paints and Paint Remover

    Last Update: 22 Jul 2024
    Author: Gravenwitch

    Gives paint, paint remover, and paint sets a rarity of 1, making them much more common. Includes an alternate mod that additionally setspaint prices to 10% of vanilla.

  • Brother Storage

    Brother Storage

    Last Update: 18 Jul 2024
    Author: NgGH707
    Uploader: NgGH707

    A simple mod gives you access to a 45-slot storage where you can store or retrieve any brother as you wish. Please take note this mod wasn't made with the intend to offer balanced features.

    • 18KB
    • 1
    • --

    Brother Storage

    Last Update: 18 Jul 2024
    Author: NgGH707

    A simple mod gives you access to a 45-slot storage where you can store or retrieve any brother as you wish. Please take note this mod wasn't made with the intend to offer balanced features.

News & Updates

  • How to obtain companions

    This guide explains the chances of finding companions in battles. You won't find them in shops or kennels. Some companions are also available through events.


    Normal Gameplay Loot Chance:

    Barbarian Beastmaster: 50%

    Direwolf: 25%

    Ghoul: 25%

    Goblin Wolfrider: 25%

    Hexe: 25%

    Hyena: 25%

    Kraken: 10%

    Kraken Tentacle: 10%

    Lindwurm: 20%

    Necromancer: 30%

    Sand Golem: 20%

    Schrat: 20%

    Spider: 30%

  • Shs_Heraldic_Armor


    Many friends like to wear the same clothes, which makes your team look tidy and unified. This mod enables you to get a battle robe that matches your war flag. Totally 34 pieces, hope you like them!...

  • For Educational Purposes Only

    I created a Battle Brothers Switch (BBNX) modding Discord forum. You can place feedback about this mod there and see versions created for the Switch. You can ask questions here on Nexus. It's not mandatory, but I prefer the questions are directed over to the Discord.

    Discord Server:

    Battle Brothers Switch (NX) Modding


  • Getting Started (Lairs and Edicts)

    Getting Started/Overview (Lairs/Edicts)

    This article is written with the intent of providing a shorter, more succinct, and up-to-date guide for making use of Raids' functionality, specifically for lairs. While I've taken pains to make sure that the mod page itself is a comprehensive resource, I recognize the need for something easier to reference for interested players.

    As of v3.0.0 v4.0.0, I'm also aware that some of the information on the mod page is outdated, which is something I'm working on when I'm able.

    This article presumes a starting degree of familiarity with Raids' core features.

    A few key points:

    In v3.0.0, the only item you require for Edict creation is the Official Document itself. They are guaranteed drops ...

  • Last version download link before remake (3.2 version)

    This version is the last before a major remake. This version is old and may cause problems when used.
    (Vanilla English)
    (Vanilla Korean)
    (Legend English)...

  • Known Issues and Incompatible Mods and FAQ

    A description of unresolved issues and incompatible modes as of the latest version.

    1. MSU
    There are reports that the AI ​​of monsters added in fantasy mode does not work properly when used with MSU. Try changing the mode arrangement order or removing the MSU.

    2.Battle speed increase mods
    It seems that some speed mode may cause issues with AI stopping when the battle speed increases too much. If you experience freezes during AI turns, try adjusting the battle speed or disabling speed mode.

    3.How to learn multiple skills on one bro?
    Open zip file and edit xxzzskillbook_event.nut (Found it at scripts/events/events)
    Open xxzzskillbook_event.nut file with Notepad then search and remove chk.removeByID(skname);.
    If you...

  • Skill Book's Skill List (currently being written)

    1. Accidental Attack
    Attack the target with melee weapon. Hit chance is reversed so the attack must miss to deal damage.

    2. Acid Grenade
    Throws an acid grenade at the target area, corroding armor and helmet.

    3. Backstab
    Move behind the target and attack head and helmet.
    Requires: Dagger.

    4. Bear Trap
    Place a bear trap on an empty tile.

    5. Berserker Charge
    Charges to the target tile, attacking enemies around the landing tile.

    6. Black Magic Grenade
    Throws a magic grenade that has a random negative effect on the target area.

    7. Blessing
    Gives various beneficial effects to the target.

    8. Bloodletting Therapy
    Heal yourself or an ally with bloodletting Therap...

  • Spoiler - Fantasy mod event list

    - The bottom contains spoilers -

    1. Fantasy event activation
    * High probability of occurrence after 5 days
    * Choose whether to activate various fantasy events
    * Occurs only once per game and selection is irreversible

    2. Fantasy monster encounter
    * Occurs when there is no village nearby after 50 days
    * Battle with 5 to 8 low-level fantasy monsters
    * Earn 500~1000 crowns when you win a battle
    * Occurs only once per game

    3. Four-way match
    * Occurs when there is no village nearby after 120 days
    * 3 hostile factions and 1 friendly faction fight together. Hostile factions are not allies <...

  • Edicts documentation

    Edict Types
    Updated for v4.0.0.

    Edict of Abundance: Temporary, scales with Agitation. Adds trade goods to the loot pools of nearby lairs. Each additional Agitation level means one additional trade good, up to a maximum of three.

    Edict of Agitation: Temporary, does not scale. Agitates all nearby lairs.
    Edict of Diminution: Temporary, scales with Agitation. Removes, at random, a select number of troops from a given lair. This value scales sharply with Agitation, but has limited effect on lairs with low troop counts.

    Edict of Legibility: Permanent, does not scale. Allows nearby lairs with ordinarily non-viable faction types to become eligible to take on additional Edicts. Using an Edict of Nullificati...

  • XXL Supply Capacity

    10 times the capacity of supplies...

  • Event per 15s

    Just make event occur at high frequency, roughly every 15s, but didn't modify the cooldown of any single events....

  • Easter eggs referencias y cosas curiosas

    Suban aquí todos los easter eggs (huevos de pascua), referencias, etc. Hay unas cuantas así que, ¡diviértanse buscándolas durante su aventura...

  • z

    Change 2 skills of untamed vanilla, studiante improves more skills of vanilla and other mods, will always be active indomitable until the battle lasts, and student rises to 80% instead of 20% sorry for the english do not try it with legens so I do not know if it works but in vanilla if compatible with saved games...

  • ZskillsVanilla

    Change 2 skills of untamed vanilla, studiante improves more skills of vanilla and other mods, will always be active indomitable until the battle lasts, and student rises to 80% instead of 20% sorry for the english do not try it with legens so I do not know if it works but in vanilla if compatible with saved games...

  • 2.32 Bug fix Update

    I'm sorry for frequent update.

    2.3 version has modified auto-resolve battle between AI parties to mitigate advantage of the larger party.

    2.32 version fixed the bug in auto-resolve battle to make it work properly....

  • 2.2 Update and Safemode

    !!! Check the Safemode

    As of the 2.2 Update, you may need to clean your save file to update the mod.

    If you can't load save file from previous version, please follow the instruction.

    1. Replace the 'Brigand Mercenary' mod to 'Brigand Mercenary Safemode'

    2. You can now load the save file

    3. Save the campaign

    4. Replace 'Brigand Mercenary Safemode' to 'Brigand Mercenary'

    5. Done! You can play the mod

    You can also use this method to remove the mod from your save file.

    2.2 Update

    1. Hire neutral mercenary party

     - You can press the Tab key to hire a neutral mercenary party when you're close to them.

     - You can pay ...

  • Heavy tank origin

    第一次上传mod 应该 可能 不会 有太大的问题吧:)...

  • Guide book

    For players who are playing this mod for the first time, it is highly recommended to begin with expert combat difficulty and the highest initial fund of normal origins (origins that are available in the vanilla version) or Noble/Sellswords origin.
    The reason is simple, this mod is very tough and hardcore, while many overpowered origins/mods do not give you any experience another time without them.
    This mod has been tested by a considerable number of skilled players and has gone through very many updates and patches, and as mentioned at the beginning, has been worked around for almost a year. A part of the most great players can even use the original beggar oringin to participa...