RSS Reviews  (160 - 180 of 175,196)

Half-Life 2 : MMod

Mod review by Bob9911samd Agree Disagree

I love this mod it's very very good and makes my favourite game look even better


Timeline Series

Mod review by YassirTheModder23 Agree Disagree

The mod is pretty unique, but imo it would be much better if it didnt have anything to do with half life.
I didnt really enjoy it



Early access mod review by Fast_Train Agree Disagree

There are better ways to pirate HL2 games.


Project Reality: Battlefield 2

Mod review by YassirTheModder23 Agree Disagree

******* 10. This mod should be a game on steam.


AtmosFear for Call of Pripyat

Mod review by golemkid Agree Disagree

a classic


Crusade Against Jihad

Mod review by TheBigCrow Agree Disagree

Not bad


Age of Sword & Sorcery

Early access mod review by TheBigCrow Agree Disagree



Prophesy of Pendor

Mod review may contain spoilers by TheBigCrow Agree Disagree

Yeah I touched grass after that


Rise of Islam 634 A.D.

Mod review by TheBigCrow Agree Disagree

Together Strong Forever


Between Empires

Mod review by TheBigCrow Agree Disagree

In The End War Never Ends


Sands of Faith

Mod review by TheBigCrow Agree Disagree

To the holy land


Kill Salieri Family Mod

Mod review by Shenlor Agree Disagree

A script written by a 12 year old boy, or "kids making modifications"



Game review by MKrone Agree Disagree



The Lost Mission

Mod review by bohorat Agree Disagree

Nice port


TWHL Tower: Source

Mod review by JohnFreemanRUS Agree Disagree

Great job!


Pirates Über Alles

Mod review by Drax70 Agree Disagree

A 7 because this mod is stable and has an, UNNECESSARY, vast ahistorical units with ZERO Battle and Campaign AI.
The Diplomacy is also "retarded" to the point that it is passive, unrealistic and obsessive, most of the times...


Prophesy of Pendor

Mod review by TamerOfHorses Agree Disagree

I am giving this a 1 not so much because it deserves it, but because someone has to balance the absolute d*c k sucking ongoing in some of the other reviews. Overall, Prophesy of Pendor can't be called a good mod, as it fails to deliver on several basic aspects that any good total conversion module should deliver, but on top of that it also fails to do well the few things it has marketed itself on.
Prophesy of Pendor, unlike what some other reviews calling it a "deeply imaginitive" setting and so on would have you believe, is extremely bereft of any fantastical additions to the Native Warband formula. Whatever meagre fantasy the mod affords is delivered through a few magical items (basically "get-around-the-levelling-system-quick" cards), particularly Qualis Gems, that are extremely hard to attain most of the time, and a few reskinned humanoid warriors in the form of the undead who occasionally pop up around the world map, but fail to impact this skeleton of a story (pun intended) which Pendor has. Overall, the fantasy elements are few and far between, and what you are left with is a basic reskin of the native armies, severely ramped up in difficulty owing to the poorly balanced item/stat distribution and AI brain-farts. In addition to all of this, you have the Noldor, LotR Elves lifted whole-cloth from Silmarillion and pasted into this poorly conceived fanfiction of some ego-deprived modder's childish conception of a world. The writing that follows ticks off all the capitulations of "fanfiction" down to the bottom of the list. You have a thin veneer of political raillery against feudalism and nobility throughout, sprinkled richly with gender equality of the egregious kind; the mod rushes the moment you click "start a new game", even before the character creation screen, to inform you that Pendor is a place where gender equality is firmly upheld. And If I have to explain to you why this is a bad omen for the mod's writing quality, you may indeed just be the type of person with the sufficient numnber of mental and moral impairments who could enjoy this mod, and so you should probably ignore my review anyway.
But even worse than that, the mod's primary shtick, the "prophesy" mentioned in the title, is delivered to you via a barely audible voice-over as you are picking your banner IN THE CHARACTER CREATION SCREEN. Without any other explanation as to how our character is privy to the said prophesy, or its significance, you are thrown in the world without so much as a story intro. Great writing and immresion, guys!
And this reckless attitude regarding the story is carried throughout the mod. Sure, there is *supposed* to be a story that furbishes the victory conditions for the campaign with something resembling a foundation, but the delivery of that is constrained to a few sleights of storytelling in the form of *drum roll*... CAMPAIGN NOTES! Even when it comes to at least providing a background as to *why* you're doing what you are doing, Pendor is lazy and defers the issue rather to a few badly spelled and badly composed exposition texts in the "notes" undertab, which you are not ever prompted by the campaign to read. In fact, you could spend a significant amount of time not even knowing they are there.
But all the sins listed above, though they weigh the more heavily as the mod is still marketed as an immersive fantasy total conversion with "well thought out" cultures etc., could have still been overlooked if not for the equally lackluster quality of the gameplay. You see, Warband has never been a game -at least, in its native version- about story or writing, but about sandbox and build-your-empire type of conquests. Yet Pendor, after the first miserable failure to shoot home in the initial run with the story and the setting, fails even harder perhaps in the gameplay department.
Sure, there are a few interesting items here and there, but overall, Pendor's gameplay is just a harder version of the Native. There are extremely OP bandit-esque minor factions running amock and constantly attacking travellers in the campaign map. These make extremely good loot and wealth build-up opportunities for the early game, but because of the artificial difficulty that the mod affords for absolutely no reason, you are instead motivated to save-scum, and spend most of the game grinding with the same repetitive tasks before attaining even a sliver of a chance in holding your own against larger enemies. The issue with this is that the batte difficulty, combined with the meagre bonuses you get to relations and renown after every battle, means you have to sink upwards to about 1000 in-game days before you can even field the numbers against most major factions. The way the mod's spawns mechanic works, however, will mean you will still lack the power to face off against a bunch of named NPCs whom you must defeat to get the victory conditions or the qualis gems that are vital for several features (such as the Knight Orders).


Shamblers Castle

Mod review by Makhalach Agree Disagree

It's inspiring. The idea of ​​crossing doom3 and quake is impressive and should be developed further.


Garry's Mod

Game review by FramptonPhenix Agree Disagree

Watching Bub Games has made me realize how much brainrot and degeneracy has come out of the Garry's Mod community. Sure, the game is fun, or it used to be. The game is well past its prime. Nowadays, it is simply a place where people go to gamble away their life savings and engage in illegal activities. It's heartbreaking to see this, as I grew up playing this game. Now all I can do is reflect on the good times I've had while playing this game.


Carnivores: Dinosaur Hunter Reborn

Game review by TyrantHunter14 Agree Disagree

This game... It's just bad.
Let me explain - The dinosaurs and weapons are extremely limited, after 25 years of carnivores, they got the same amount of dinosaurs and weapons... WHICH ARE BASED OFF THE SAME ORIGINAL WEAPONS! I Can just see this game was rushed and I can say, Carnivores 2 is way better than this. They also have the same maps except ONLY ONE... All they did was take carnivores 1, make the graphics better, do some stuff and then just rush it all. This is very bad, don't play it today, however back in 2010s, this was a good game.
To be honest, this game is probably what made the dinosaurs go extinct.